Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy

International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department

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Brookings Institution

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Scholarly Papers (21)

Sovereign Rating News and Financial Markets Spillovers: Evidence from the European Debt Crisis

IMF Working Paper No. 11/68
Number of pages: 28 Posted: 05 Apr 2011
Rabah Arezki, Bertrand Candelon and Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
World Bank - African Development Bank, University of Maastricht - Department of Economics and International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department
Downloads 4,445 (4,357)
Citation 2



Announcements, Bonds, Capital markets, Credit, Cross country analysis, Eastern Europe, Financial crisis, Public information notices, Sovereign debt, Spillovers

Sovereign Rating News and Financial Markets Spillovers: Evidence from the European Debt Crisis

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 3411
Number of pages: 29 Posted: 19 Apr 2011
Rabah Arezki, Bertrand Candelon and Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
World Bank - African Development Bank, University of Maastricht - Department of Economics and International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department
Downloads 175 (329,797)



credit ratings, news, spillovers, financial markets

The Systemic Regulation of Credit Rating Agencies and Rated Markets

IMF Working Paper No. 09/129
Number of pages: 37 Posted: 30 Jun 2009
Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department
Downloads 1,043 (41,726)



Bank supervision, Banking sector, Bonds, Capital markets, Credit, Credit risk, Financial crisis, Financial risk, Financial systems, Governance, Nonbank financial sector, Risk management, Securities markets, Securities regulations

The Systemic Regulation of Credit Rating Agencies and Rated Markets

IMF Working Paper 09/129
Number of pages: 37 Posted: 23 Jun 2009
Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department
Downloads 617 (84,212)
Citation 5



rating agencies, financial crises, structured credit products, macro-prudential, micro-prudential, regulation, systemic risk, procylicality


Islamic Bond Issuance - What Sovereign Debt Managers Need to Know

International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 330-344, 2008, Islamic Law and Law of the Muslim World Paper No. 09-63
Number of pages: 23 Posted: 12 Mar 2009 Last Revised: 07 Jul 2009
Andreas (Andy) Jobst, Peter Kunzel, Paul S. Mills and Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
Central Bank of the UAE, International Monetary Fund (IMF), affiliation not provided to SSRN and International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department
Downloads 942 (48,886)
Citation 4



debt management, securitization, structured finance, Islamic banking, Islamic finance, Islamic bond, shari'ah compliance, sukuk, mudharabah, ijara, murabaha, musharaka, riba

Managing the Interest Rate Risk of Indian Banks' Government Securities Holdings

IMF Working Paper No. 05/78
Number of pages: 18 Posted: 03 Mar 2006
Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department
Downloads 507 (107,806)



interest rate, risk management, government securities, duration, value-at-risk, Basel Core Principles

Managing the Interest Rate Risk of Indian Banks' Government Securities Holdings

IMF Working Paper No. WP/05/78
Number of pages: 18 Posted: 04 May 2005
Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department
Downloads 277 (212,589)



interest rate, risk management, government securities, duration, value-at-risk, Basel Core Principles


How Risky are Banks' Risk Weighted Assets? Evidence from the Financial Crisis

IMF Working Paper No. 12/36
Number of pages: 40 Posted: 02 Feb 2012
Sonali Das and Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department
Downloads 686 (74,668)



Banks, Capital, Liquidity, Asset management, Bank supervision, Credit risk, Global Financial Crisis 2008-2009, Stock prices, banking, return on assets, dummy variables, standard errors, independent variables, bank risk, standard deviation

Distance-to-Default in Banking: A Bridge Too Far?

IMF Working Paper No. 06/215
Number of pages: 19 Posted: 31 Oct 2006
Jorge A. Chan-Lau and Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research (AMRO) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department
Downloads 641 (80,241)



Banks, insolvency, closure, prompt corrective action, distance-to-default, distance-to-capital

Distance-to-Default in Banking: A Bridge Too Far?

Journal of Banking Regulation, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 14-24, November 2007
Posted: 06 Dec 2007
Jorge A. Chan-Lau and Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research (AMRO) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department



Banks, insolvency, closure, prompt corrective action, distance-to-default, distance-to-capital

Setting Up a Sovereign Wealth Fund: Some Policy and Operational Considerations

IMF Working Paper No. 09/179
Number of pages: 22 Posted: 17 Sep 2009
Udaibir Das, Yinqiu Lu, Christian Mulder and Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Monetary Fund, International Monetary Fund (IMF) - Policy Development and Review Department and International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department
Downloads 388 (147,888)
Citation 3



Financial assets, Fiscal management, Fiscal policy, Fiscal stability, Investment, Investment policy, Public investment, Public sector savings, Reserves, Reserves adequacy, Sovereign wealth funds, Stabilization funds

Setting Up a Sovereign Wealth Fund: Some Policy and Operational Considerations

IMF WP/09/179
Number of pages: 22 Posted: 19 Oct 2009
Udaibir Das, Yinqiu Lu, Christian Mulder and Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Monetary Fund, International Monetary Fund (IMF) - Policy Development and Review Department and International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department
Downloads 225 (261,338)
Citation 9



Financial assets, Fiscal management, Fiscal policy, Fiscal stability, Investment, Investment policy, Public investment, Public sector savings, Reserves, Reserves adequacy, Sovereign wealth funds, Stabilization funds


Financial Integration in the West African Economic and Monetary Union

IMF Working Paper No. 06/214
Number of pages: 25 Posted: 31 Oct 2006
Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department
Downloads 530 (103,281)



BCEAO, Financial integration, Sigma- and Beta- Convergence, WAEMU


Capital Account Liberalization and Risk Management in India

IMF Working Paper No. 07/251
Number of pages: 14 Posted: 25 Jan 2008
Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department
Downloads 319 (184,525)



Working Paper, Capital account convertibility, India, Risk management


Managerial Entrenchment and the Choice of Debt Financing

IMF Working Paper No. 99/94
Number of pages: 29 Posted: 15 Feb 2006
Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department
Downloads 247 (239,688)



Covenant Restrictions Credit Risk Managerial Entrenchment Private Debt Public Debt


Regulating Credit Ratings Agencies: Where to Now?

Journal of Financial Transformation, Volume 31, March 2011
Number of pages: 12 Posted: 02 Aug 2012
Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department
Downloads 212 (277,412)



Credit rating agencies, Dodd-Frank, regulation, Section 939A, ECB, collateral rules


Were Bid-Ask Spreads in the Foreign Exchange Market Excessive During the Asian Crisis?

IMF Working Paper No. 05/34
Number of pages: 32 Posted: 18 Mar 2005
Torbjorn Becker and Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
affiliation not provided to SSRN and International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department
Downloads 194 (300,983)
Citation 2



Foreign exchange, market microstructure, bid-ask spreads, Asian crisis


Local Currency Debt Markets in the West African Economic and Monetary Union

IMF Working Paper No. 07/256
Number of pages: 19 Posted: 25 Jan 2008
Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department
Downloads 187 (311,040)



West African Economic and Monetary Union, Debt, Bonds, Debt management, Excess liquidity


How Did Markets React to Stress Tests?

IMF Working Paper No. 15/75
Number of pages: 22 Posted: 05 May 2015
Bertrand Candelon and Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
University of Maastricht - Department of Economics and International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department
Downloads 133 (413,852)
Citation 1



Stress testing, European Union, Banks, Stock markets, Macroprudential policies and financial stability, stress tests, capital, governance, recapitalization, banking, risk, banking sector, capital adequacy, debt, sovereign risk


Beyond Aid: How Much Should African Countries Pay to Borrow?

IMF Working Paper No. 10/140
Number of pages: 22 Posted: 21 Jun 2010
Cheikh Anta Gueye and Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department
Downloads 105 (493,886)
Citation 3



External borrowing, External financing, Capital inflows, International bond markets, International capital markets, Infrastructure, Low-income developing countries, Africa


Are There Spillover Effects from Munis?

IMF Working Paper No. 11/290
Number of pages: 19 Posted: 12 Dec 2011
Rabah Arezki, Bertrand Candelon and Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
World Bank - African Development Bank, University of Maastricht - Department of Economics and International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department
Downloads 70 (632,048)



Bond markets, Bonds, Fiscal analysis, Risk management, Spillovers, United States


Municipal Fallout

Finance & Development, p. 34, September 2011
Number of pages: 3 Posted: 03 Nov 2011
Rabah Arezki, Bertrand Candelon and Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
World Bank - African Development Bank, University of Maastricht - Department of Economics and International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department
Downloads 65 (656,732)




The Impact of Bailouts on the Probability of Sovereign Debt Crises: Evidence from IMF-Supported Programs

IMF Working Paper No. 19/2
Number of pages: 39 Posted: 13 Feb 2019
Hippolyte Balima and Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department
Downloads 55 (710,610)
Citation 2



Sovereign debt defaults, Bank bailouts, Developing countries, IMF-supported programs, entropy balancing, International Lending and Debt Problems, International Monetary Arrangements and Institutions


Coping with Falling Oil Prices: The Different Fortunes of African Banks

IMF Working Paper No. 19/129
Number of pages: 29 Posted: 10 Jul 2019
Cheikh Anta Gueye, Asithandile Mbelu and Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
International Monetary Fund (IMF), Trinity College (Dublin) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department
Downloads 38 (824,728)



Bank credit, Commodity price shocks, Oil prices, Oil revenues, Oil exporting countries, Oil price, non-performing loans, credit growth, deposit growth, bank ownership, bank characteristics, domestic banks, foreign-owned banks, Pan-African banks, sub-Saharan Africa., foreign-owned bank, domestic bank, oil price decline, oil price shock, NPL


Unbearable Costs: When is Inflation Impeding Job Creation? Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa

IMF Working Paper No. 2023/046
Number of pages: 32 Posted: 15 Mar 2023
Ibrahima Camara, Rasmané Ouedraogo and Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
Independent, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department
Downloads 35 (848,574)



Inflation, Jobs, reforms, sub-Saharan Africa, broadening price pressure, evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa, Survey dataset, firm assessment, rising prices, Job creation, Exchange rate arrangements, Employment


U.S. Interest Rates and Emerging Market Bond Yield Spreads: A Changing Relationship?

Journal of Fixed Income, Vol. 22, No. 4, 2013
Posted: 06 Apr 2013
Cheikh Anta Gueye and Amadou Nicolas Racine Sy
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) - International Capital Markets Department



bond spreads, emerging markets, push and pull factors, interest rates, spreads, US