V-Dem Working Paper forthcoming
Number of pages: 427
Posted: 23 Apr 2021
Last Revised: 04 Nov 2021
Michael Coppedge,
John Gerring,
Carl Henrik Knutsen,
Staffan I. Lindberg,
Jan Teorell,
Nazifa Alizada,
David Altman,
Michael Bernhard,
Agnes Cornell,
M. Steven Fish,
Lisa Gastaldi,
Haakon Gjerløw,
Adam Glynn,
Allen Hicken,
Garry Hindle,
Nina Ilchenko,
Joshua Krusell,
Anna Lührmann,
Seraphine F. Maerz,
Kyle L. Marquardt,
Kelly M. McMann,
Valeriya Mechkova,
Juraj Medzihorsky,
Pamela Paxton,
Daniel Pemstein, Josefine Pernes,
Johannes von Römer,
Brigitte Seim,
Rachel Sigman,
Svend-Erik Skaaning,
Jeffrey K. Staton,
Aksel Sundström,
Eitan Tzelgov,
Yi-ting Wang,
Tore Wig,
Steven Wilson and
Daniel Ziblatt
University of Notre Dame - Kellogg Institute, University of Texas at Austin, University of Oslo - Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg - Varieties of Democracy Institute, Stockholm University, University of Gothenburg - V-Dem Institute, University of Gothenburg - V-Dem Institute, University of Florida, Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg, University of California, Berkeley - Charles and Louise Travers Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg - V-Dem Institute, University of Oslo, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science, Students, Emory University, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor - Department of Political Science, affiliation not provided to SSRN, University of Gothenburg - V-Dem Institute, University of Gothenburg - Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg - Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg, University of Bergen, Case Western Reserve University - Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg - V-Dem Institute, Durham University - School of Government and International Affairs, University of Texas at Austin, North Dakota State University, University of Gothenburg - V-Dem Institute, University of Gothenburg - V-Dem Institute, University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill, Government of the United States of America - Naval Postgraduate School, Aarhus University, Emory University - Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg, University of East Anglia (UEA), National Cheng Kung University, University of Oslo, affiliation not provided to SSRN and Harvard University - Department of Government