Jakob-Welder-Weg 9
Mainz, 55128
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
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gross worker flows, job mobility, employer-employer transitions, unemployment, sorting, education, human capital, versatility, SIPP
search and matching, on-the-job search, job-to-job mobility, sorting, productive efficiency, cognitive skills, education, human capital, international comparisons, Survey of Adult Skills, PIAAC, Kolmogorov forward equation, Fokker–Planck equation
gross worker flows, unemployment, skills, education, human capital, international comparisons, Survey of Adult Skills, PIAAC
multidimensional skills, versatility, workplace heterogeneity, productivity dispersion, search and matching, on-the-job search, job mobility, skill premium, wage inequality
job mobility, long-run trends, economic fluctuations, business cycles, productive efficiency, search and matching, on-the-job search, Fokker–Planck equation, Kolmogorov forward equation, Current Population Survey
aggregate distribution, law of motion, Kolmogorov forward equation, Fokker–Planck equation, wealth distribution, stochastic interest rates
job mobility, cognitive skills, human capital, economic growth, creative destruction, international comparisons, PIAAC
wage inequality, technical change, heterogeneous firms, frictional labor markets, on-the-job search, sorting, versatility
labor's share of income, factor income distribution, productivity dispersion, dynamic monopsonistic competition, on-the-job search
job mobility, education, long-run trends, technological change, on-the-job search, search and matching, Fokker–Planck equations, Kolmogorov forward equations, Current Population Survey
job mobility, education, long-run trends, search and matching, Kolmogorov forward equations, Current Population Survey
cognitive skills, education, labor market, employment, international comparisons, Survey of Adult Skills, PIAAC
international trade, heterogeneous firms, on-the-job search, wage inequality, skill premium, inter-firm mobility of workers, sorting
participation, liberalization, household finance, financial experience, financial literacy, stock and bond holdings, natural experiment, reunification of Germany, instrumental variables, GSOEP
employer-size wage premium, skill premium, economic fluctuations, business cycles, Current Population Survey
skill premium, employer size wage premium, differential employer size wage premium, wage inequality
skill premium, wage inequality, international trade, exporting, heterogeneous firms, linked employer–employee data