Vicky Arnold

NHH Norwegian School of Economics

Helleveien 30

Bergen, NO-5045


University of Central Florida

University of Central Florida

P.O. Box 161400

Orlando, FL 32816-1400

United States



Rank 17,209


Top 17,209

in Total Papers Downloads


Rank 31,968


Top 31,968

in Total Papers Citations


Scholarly Papers (30)


Risk Analysis in Extended Enterprise Environments: Identification of Critical Risk Factors in B2B E-Commerce Relationships

Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 9, Nos. 3-4, pp. 151-174, 2008
Number of pages: 43 Posted: 25 Jun 2007
University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics, University of Nebraska at Omaha, University of Central Florida - Kenneth G. Dixon School of Accounting and NHH Norwegian School of Economics
Downloads 1,482 (26,213)



Electronic commerce, e-business, interorganizational systems, extended enterprise systems, SOX 404, internal controls, systems assurance, enterprise risk management


The Role of Enterprise Risk Management and Organizational Strategic Flexibility in Easing New Regulatory Compliance

Number of pages: 47 Posted: 01 Apr 2009
NHH Norwegian School of Economics, University of Central Florida (UCF) - Dixon School of Accounting, University of Central Florida (UCF) - Dixon School of Accounting and University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics
Downloads 911 (52,774)
Citation 5



enterprise risk management, organizational strategic flexibility, control environment, IT compatibility, internal control, management control systems, Sarbanes-Oxley Act


Use of Knowledge Management Systems and the Impact on the Acquisition of Explicit Knowledge

Number of pages: 46 Posted: 18 Apr 2008
University of Connecticut, NHH Norwegian School of Economics and University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics
Downloads 784 (64,641)
Citation 2



knowledge management systems, knowledge management, declarative knowledge, explicit knowledge, knowledge acquisition, knowledge transfer, ACT-R theory


Do Principles- vs. Rules-Based Standards Have a Differential Impact on U.S. Auditors' Decisions?

Number of pages: 38 Posted: 27 Mar 2009
Winona State University, NHH Norwegian School of Economics and University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics
Downloads 570 (97,369)
Citation 1



The Unintended Consequences of Sarbanes-Oxley on Technology Innovation and Supply Chain Integration

Number of pages: 36 Posted: 03 Jun 2007
NHH Norwegian School of Economics, University of Central Florida (UCF) - Dixon School of Accounting, University of Central Florida (UCF) - Dixon School of Accounting, University of Central Florida - College of Business Administration and University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics
Downloads 479 (118,992)



Sarbanes-Oxley Act, SOX, supply chains, manufacturing agility, internal controls

The Unintended Consequences of Sarbanes-Oxley on Technology Innovation and Supply Chain Integration

Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Vol. 4, pp. 103-122, 2007
Posted: 18 Apr 2008
NHH Norwegian School of Economics, University of Central Florida (UCF) - Dixon School of Accounting, University of Central Florida (UCF) - Dixon School of Accounting, University of Central Florida - College of Business Administration and University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics



Sarbanes Oxley Act, SOX 404, Supply Chain Performance, IT Investment

Enterprise Risk Management: Re-Conceptualizing the Role of Risk and Trust on Information Sharing in Transnational Alliances

Number of pages: 48 Posted: 23 Apr 2009
NHH Norwegian School of Economics, University of Central Florida (UCF) - Dixon School of Accounting, University of Central Florida - Kenneth G. Dixon School of Accounting and University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics
Downloads 428 (136,253)
Citation 1



enterprise risk management, trust, business risk, transnational alliances, information sharing, supply chain management, e-commerce risk

Enterprise Risk Management: Re-Conceptualizing the Role of Risk and Trust on Information Sharing in Transnational Alliances

Journal of Information Systems, Forthcoming
Posted: 24 Jun 2014
NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Florida Gulf Coast University, University of Waterloo and University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics



enterprise risk management, trust, business risk, transnational alliances, information sharing, supply chain risk management, interorganizational relationships


Starving the Beast: Using Tax Policy and Governmental Budgeting to Drive Social Policy

Number of pages: 45 Posted: 02 Jul 2007
University of Central Florida - Kenneth G. Dixon School of Accounting, NHH Norwegian School of Economics and University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics
Downloads 379 (158,103)



U.S. tax policy, governmental budgeting, neoconservatism, Leo Strauss, political accountability, Starve the Beast


An Extension of the Theory of Technology Dominance: Capturing the Underlying Causal Complexity

Sutton, S.G., V. Arnold, & M. Holt. 2023. An extension of the Theory of Technology Dominance: Capturing the underlying causal complexity. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 50: 100626, (#OpenAccess)
Number of pages: 45 Posted: 25 May 2022 Last Revised: 07 Jun 2023
University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics, NHH Norwegian School of Economics and University of Dayton
Downloads 367 (164,335)
Citation 16



Technology Dominance, Deskilling, Configurational Theory, Automation Bias, Distributed Cognition, Transactive Memory Systems, Intelligent Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Algorithm Aversion


Wording and Saliency Matter: The Impact of Incentive System and Organizational Value Statement on Employees’ Performance

Number of pages: 34 Posted: 16 Aug 2018
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, NHH Norwegian School of Economics and University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics
Downloads 184 (327,199)
Citation 4



incentive systems, value statements, employees’ performance, informal controls, formal controls, management controls


Decision Aid Reliance: A Field Study Involving Professional Buy-Side Financial Analysts

Number of pages: 34 Posted: 28 May 2009
James E. Hunton, Vicky Arnold and Jacqueline Reck
Bentley University - Department of Accountancy, NHH Norwegian School of Economics and University of South Florida - College of Business Administration
Downloads 154 (381,513)



decision aid reliance, financial analysts, forecast accuracy


Can Knowledge Based Systems Be Designed to Counteract Deskilling Effects?

Number of pages: 56 Posted: 01 May 2023
NHH Norwegian School of Economics, University of Melbourne - Department of Accounting, University of Melbourne - Department of Accounting, University of Northern Colorado and University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics
Downloads 78 (618,329)



Knowledge-Based Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Deskilling, Knowledge Structures, Explanation Systems, Audit Expertise, Audit Support Systems


Motivating Unrewarded Task Performance: The Dual Effects of Incentives and an Organizational Value Statement in a Discretionary Task Setting

doi: 10.1111/acfi.12870
Number of pages: 28 Posted: 25 Oct 2021
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, NHH Norwegian School of Economics and University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics
Downloads 41 (830,858)
Citation 1



informal management control systems, incentive compensation schemes, organizational value statements, unrewarded task performance, social norm activation, organizational citizenship behavior, discretionary task.


Unravelling the Integrated Information Systems and Management Control Paradox: Enhancing Dynamic Capability through Business Intelligence

Elbashir, M., S.G. Sutton, H. Mahama, and V. Arnold. 2021. Unraveling the integrated information systems and management control paradox: Enhancing dynamic capability through business intelligence. Accounting & Finance 61: 1775-1814. []
Posted: 11 Oct 2021
Qatar University - College of Business and Economics, University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics, Qatar University and NHH Norwegian School of Economics



Management control, Integrated management control systems, Business intelligence, Integrated information systems, Dynamic capability, Enterprise resource planning


Leveraging the synergies between design science and behavioral science research methods

Sutton, S.G., V. Arnold, P.A. Collier, and S.A. Leech. 2021. Leveraging the synergies between design science and behavioral science methods. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 43: 100536. []
Posted: 11 Oct 2021
University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics, NHH Norwegian School of Economics, University of Melbourne - Department of Accounting and University of Melbourne - Department of Accounting



Design Science, Behavioral Science, Intelligent Systems, Data Analytics, Insolvency, Auditing, Knowledge Work, Artifact Network


Cyber Supply Chain Risk Management: Toward an Understanding of the Antecedents to the Demand for Assurance

Hampton, C., S.G. Sutton, V. Arnold, and D. Khazanchi, Cyber Supply Chain Risk Management: Toward an Understanding of the Antecedents to the Demand for Assurance. Journal of Information Systems, Forthcoming,
Posted: 23 Oct 2020
University of South Carolina - Department of Accounting, University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics, NHH Norwegian School of Economics and University of Nebraska at Omaha



Cyber Risk Management, Supply Chain Risk Management, Cyber Supply Chain Risk Management, Cyber Assurance, Voluntary Assurance, SOC Reports


Synthesizing Enterprise Data Through Digital Dashboards to Strategically Align Performance: Why Do Operational Managers Use Dashboards?

Reinking, J., V. Arnold, and S.G. Sutton. 2020. “Synthesizing enterprise data through digital dashboard to strategically align performance: Why do operational managers use dashboards?” International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 37: (forthcoming).
Posted: 07 May 2020
University of Central Florida - Kenneth G. Dixon School of Accounting, NHH Norwegian School of Economics and University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics



Strategy alignment, Strategy surrogation, Management control systems, Strategic performance measurement systems, Digital dashboards, Business intelligence systems


Synthesizing Enterprise Data to Strategically Align Performance: The Intentionality of Strategy Surrogation

Reinking, J., V. Arnold, and S.G. Sutton. 2020. “Synthesizing enterprise data to strategically align performance: The intentionality of strategy surrogation.” International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 36: 100444.
Posted: 07 May 2020
University of Central Florida - Kenneth G. Dixon School of Accounting, NHH Norwegian School of Economics and University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics



Strategy surrogation, Management control systems, Interactive management control, Strategic performance measurement systems, Digital dashboards, Business intelligence, Enterprise resource planning


A Further Interpretation of the Relational Agency of Information Systems: A Research Note

International Journal of Accounting Information System, Vol 20, pp16-25
Posted: 25 Feb 2016 Last Revised: 30 Mar 2018
Qatar University, Qatar University - College of Business and Economics, University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics and NHH Norwegian School of Economics



Actor-network Theory, Agency of IS, AIS, anthropocentric view, performative approach, relational view, sociomateriality, technocentric view


Leveraging Integrated Information Systems to Enhance Strategic Flexibility and Performance: The Enabling Role of Enterprise Risk Management

International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 19: 1-16, 2015
Posted: 19 Dec 2015
NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Florida Gulf Coast University, Rutgers University and University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics



Strategic enterprise risk management, supply chain performance, business process control, information technology integration, organizational strategic flexibility


An Examination of the Legal Liability Associated with Outsourcing and Offshoring Audit Procedures

Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2013
Posted: 17 Feb 2013
University of Central Florida - Kenneth G. Dixon School of Accounting, NHH Norwegian School of Economics and University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics




Enterprise Risk Management as a Strategic Governance Mechanism in IT-Enabled Transnational Supply Chains

Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2012
Posted: 15 May 2012
NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Florida Gulf Coast University, University of Waterloo and University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics



enterprise risk management, managerial control systems, control risk, absorptive capacity, B2B e-commerce, IT


Enterprise Risk Management as a Strategic Governance Mechanism in B2B-Enabled Transnational Supply Chains

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 Last Revised: 20 Jul 2014
NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Florida Gulf Coast University, University of Waterloo and University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics



enterprise risk management, absorptive capacity, B2B e-commerce, alliance risk, interorganizational relationships, transnational alliances


On the Use of Grounded Theory as a Basis for Research on Strategic and Emerging Technologies in Accounting

Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Forthcoming
Posted: 10 Nov 2011
University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics, NHH Norwegian School of Economics and University of Central Florida - Kenneth G. Dixon School of Accounting



grounded theory, theory building, theory development, emerging technologies in accounting, strategic technologies in accounting


Do Section 404 Disclosures Affect Investors' Perceptions of Information Systems Reliability and Stock Price Predictions?

International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Forthcoming
Posted: 10 Nov 2011
NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Bentley University - Department of Accountancy, Pepperdine University - Graziadio School of Business and Management and University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics



Investor judgment, internal control, general system controls, Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404, information systems reliability, risk propensity


Focus Group Methods: Using Interactive and Nominal Groups to Explore Emerging Technology-Driven Phenomena in Accounting

International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Forthcoming
Posted: 09 Nov 2011
Steve G. Sutton, Steve G. Sutton and Vicky Arnold
University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics and NHH Norwegian School of Economics



focus groups, nominal groups, interactive groups, emerging technologies


Competing Pressures of Risk and Absorptive Capacity Potential on Commitment and Information Sharing in Global Supply Chains

Posted: 13 Nov 2009
NHH Norwegian School of Economics, University of Central Florida (UCF) - Dixon School of Accounting, University of Waterloo and University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics



global supply chain, e-commerce risk, interorganisational relationships, absorptive capacity, information sharing


The Impact of Enterprise Systems on Business and Audit Practice and the Implications for University Accounting Education

International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2007
Posted: 22 Jun 2007
Vicky Arnold, Steve G. Sutton and Steve G. Sutton
NHH Norwegian School of Economics and University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics



Accounting education, business education, enterprise resource planning, B2B e-commerce, enterprise risk management


The Differential Use and Effect of Knowledge-Based System Explanations in Novice and Expert Judgment Decisions

MIS Quarterly, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 79-97, 2006
Posted: 22 Mar 2006
NHH Norwegian School of Economics, University of Tasmania, University of Melbourne - Department of Accounting, University of Melbourne - Department of Accounting and University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics



Explanations, explanation use, knowledge-based systems, expert systems, intelligent systems


A Methodology for Developing Measurement Criteria for Assurance Services: An Application in Information Systems Assurance

Posted: 01 Jun 1999
Thomas More College, University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics and NHH Norwegian School of Economics




An Investigation of the Direct Effect of Computerized Support Systems on Group Decision Making Under Time Pressure

Posted: 27 Feb 1997
affiliation not provided to SSRN, Arizona State University, NHH Norwegian School of Economics and University of Central FloridaNHH Norwegian School of Economics

