Claverton Down
Bath, BA2 7AY
United Kingdom
University of Bath - School of Management
in Total Papers Downloads
Intuitive theories, Folk psychology, Judgment & decision-making, Behavioral economics
prosocial behavior, altruism, moral psychology, reputation, judgment and decision-making
Behavioral economics, Behavioral finance, Judgment & decision-making, Narratives
Psychology of mathematics, Explanation, Aesthetics, Reasoning, STEM education
Probability, Bayesian Modeling, Judgment, Reasoning, Decision-Making, Prediction
financial communication, investment decision, forecasts, ambiguity
financial professionals, money management, cognitive illusions, shamanism, anthropology, psychological biases
expertise, values, similarity, persuasion, moral psychology
Moral Judgment, Lay Decision Theory, Theory of Mind, Decision-Making, Causal Attribution
Cognitive Science, Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics, Behavioral Finance, Economics Methodology, Information Processing, Decision-Making Under Uncertainty
Corporate identity, morality, brand activism, social media, business ethics, firm stereotypes
Anticipatory emotions, Time preferences, Risk preferences, Behavioral economics
Causal reasoning, explanation, inference, understanding, simplicity
lay economics, intuitive theories, consumer beliefs, moral judgment and decision-making, international marketing, trade, country-of-origin effects
latent scope, explanatory reasoning, bias, causation, inferred evidence
behavioral economics, economic psychology, intuitive theories, folk economics, zero-sum thinking