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Open banking, entrepreneurship, fintech, financial innovation, data access, data rights, data portability, Big Data, financial regulation, financial sector, banks
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liquidity facilities, currency basis, bond portfolio flows
Liquidity facilities, currency basis, bond portfolio flows
This is a CEPR Discussion Paper. CEPR charges a fee of $8.00 for this paper.
bond portfolio flows, currency basis, liquidity facilities
Asset demand system, monetary policy, anchored expectations, identification of demand and supply shocks
Asset demand system, monetary policy, anchored expectations, identification of demand and supply shocks.
Debt overhang, risk-shifting, bank capital, local projections
Trade credit, RMB internationalisation, swap lines
firm heterogeneity, residential collateral, financial accelerator
Firm dynamics, Covid-19, business dynamism, firm entry.
Collateral, lending relationships, SMEs, information frictions
Macroprudential policy, robust control, Linex, uncertainty
Exchange Rates, Currency Returns, Imperfect Financial Markets
ousing, personal guarantees, corporate finance, investment, business cycles