Sonepat Narela road
Sonepat, Haryana 131001
O. P. Jindal Global University
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Corporate Governance, India
India, microfinance
FII, India, Asian crisis
India, banking, reorganization
India, commodity, futures
India, capital markets, microfinance, corporate finance
India, banks, markets, alternative finance, growth
Banks & Banking Reform, Corporate Law, Financial Intermediation, Governance Indicators, Small Scale Enterprise
Bond, India
Foreign exchange, India
cross-border, mergers, acquisitions, culture
India, Mutual Funds, Insurance, Venture Funds, Pension, Private Equity
Executive compensation, India
microfinance, India, MFI
India, finance, banking, regulation
Index effects, downward sloping demand curve, MSCI, liquidity
Law, Finance, India
corporate governance, India, Satyam
microfinance, Andhra crisis, Ordinance, SHG, NABARD, MUDRA Bank, Reserve Bank of India, debt, overborrowing
China, India, financial system capacity, banks, markets, alternative finance
BRIC, District, Infrastructure, FDI, India, International Corporate Finance, International Business, MNE
M&A, India, Event study
India, stock market, international index
India, law and finance, institutions, growth, banks, markets, SME sector
India, Stock Market, ADR
Corporate Governance, Companies Act, Corporate Law, Agency Costs, Clause 49
Analyst, Investment, Stock Market, Stock Price
India, regulation, financial markets
non-executive directors, anti-takeover provisions, corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions
Foreign Investors, Emerging Markets, Momentum, Feedback Trading, Crisis, Contagion
financial leverage, capital structure, tax shield, effective tax rate, return on assets, depreciation, BRICS
Power, Compensation, Corruption
Agent based model, foreign exchange, microstructure