385 Charles E. Young Drive East
1242 Law Building
Los Angeles, CA 90095
United States
UCLA School of Law
administrative law, constitutional law, major questions doctrine, nondelegation, originalism, legislative history
administrative law, legislation, statutory interpretation, non-delegation
administrative law, constitutional law, separation of powers, nondelegation, deference, unitary executive theory, political theory, democratic theory, legal theory, liberalism
Administrative law, constitutional law, separation of powers, administrative state, agency adjudication, Supreme Court, SEC v. Jarkesy, public rights, nuisance
constitutional law, administrative law, constitutional theory, unitary executive, major questions doctrine, judicial review of agency action
administrative law, philosophy of law, legal theory, civil rights law, sex discrimination, deferred action
constitutional theory, constitutional law, administrative law, administrative state, democracy
administrative law, constitutional law, legislation, health law, Affordable Care Act, feminist theory, progressive political thought
administrative law, constitutional law, executive power
administrative law, constitutional law, major questions, unitary executive, agency adjudication, Chevron deference
administrative law, public law, guidance, soft law, COVID-19
civil rights, equal protection, constitutional law, federal courts, abortion
equal protection, fair housing, administrative law, administrative constitutionalism
Jarkesy, nondelegation, delegation