Storrs, CT 06269-1063
United States
University of Connecticut
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cash transfers, employment, field experiment, labor market programs, partisanship, Political behavior, poverty, Uganda, voting
bicycles, commute time, girls’ education, female empowerment, safety, Zambia
Social Accountability, Livestock and Animal Husbandry, Public Sector Administrative & Civil Service Reform, Public Sector Administrative and Civil Service Reform, De Facto Governments, Democratic Government, Health Care Services Industry
Making Intense Skills Training Work at Scale: Evidence on Business and Labor Market Outcomes in Tanzania
Business training, soft skills, youth unemployment, microenterprises, Tanzania
Energy efficiency, macro rebound effect, technology adoption, improved cooking
Gender and Development, Educational Sciences, Inequality, Demographics, Mining & Extractive Industry (Non-Energy)
C90, H41, O43
Energy efficiency, macro rebound effect, technology adoption, improved cooking.
This is a National Bureau of Economic Research Paper. NBER charges a fee of $5.00 for this paper.
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