Sveavägen 65
Stockholm, 11383
Stockholm School of Economics - Finance Department
Education Finance, Human Capital, Intergenerational Mobility, Student Loans, Financial Aid, Financing Frictions, Household Finance
Financing Frictions, Human Capital, Asset Pricing, Moral Hazard, Disaster Risks
structural estimation, robustness, approximate estimation, neural networks
Entrepreneurial Finance, Search and Matching, Bargaining, Field Experiments
Financial Frictions, Profits, International Trade, Finance Dependence, Financial Development
Small Business Loans, Entrepreneurship, Inequality
Financial Intermediation, Income Inequality, Financing Friction, Entrepreneurship, Moral Hazard, Pledgeability, Externalities.
Financial Repression, Capital Misallocation, Less-Developed Economies, Contract Enforcement, Asymmetric Information, Asset Collateralizability, Strategic Default.
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