Sheila & Walter Umphrey Law Center
1114 South University Parks Drive
Waco, TX 76706
United States
Baylor Law School
reasonable, reasonableness, reasonable person, negligence, tort, law and psychology, experiment, empirical, Hand Formula
copyright, memory, implicit memory, law and psychology, cryptomnesia, subconscious copying, unconscious copying
behavioral economics, behavioral law and economics, cognitive heuristics, biases, endowment effect, uncertainty, risky decision-making, willingness to pay, framing effect, reference dependence, prospect theory, loss aversion, neuroscience, evolution, cognitive neuroscience, psychology
reasonable, reasonableness, reasonable person, negligence, tort, jurisprudence, experimental jurisprudence, psychology, judgment and decision making, cognitive science
law and psychology, behavioral law and economics, law and economics, legal decisionmaking, quantum decisionmaking, heuristics and biases, cognitive biases, rational choice theory, harmless error, claim joinder, jurors, juror decisionmaking, evidence, order effects, cognitive models
law and psychology, technology, automation, robotics, Fourth Amendment, search and seizure, copyright, authorship, torts, negligence, theory of mind, psychology, anthropomorphism
fourth amendment, reasonable expectations of privacy, Katz v. U.S., circularity, Supreme Court, empirical, experiment, survey, social science, police power, stop and frisk
negligence, reasonable person, reasonable man, torts, experimental psychology, attention, vision, change blindness, inattention blindness, metacognition, legal decision making, law and psychology
transgressions, punishment, punishment decisions, extenuating circumstances, mitigation, mitigating, evidence, mitigating evidence, order effects
moral intuitions, criminal law, psychology, empirical evidence, moral blameworthiness, law and psychology, social learning theory, evolution, evolutionary theory, punishment, morality, law and society
social cognition, anthropomorphism, theory of mind, mind perception, agency, decision making, law
tort, torts, Hand Formula, reasonableness, reasonable, reasonable person, experimental jurisprudence, psychology, law and psychology, psychology and law, Kant, Kantian, juries, juror, jurors, jury, juror decisionmaking, cost-benefit analysis, jurisprudence