37th and O Streets, N.W.
Washington, DC 20057
United States
Georgetown University
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Gold, Crypto asset, Safe-haven, DCC-GARCH
CBDC - Central Bank Digital Currency; w-CBDC - Wholesale Central Bank Digital Currency; m-CBDC - Multiple Central Bank Digital Currency; FMI - Financial Market Infrastructure; PoC - Proof of Concept; DvP - Delivery vs Payment
(CBDC) Central Bank Digital Currency, (AML) Anti Money Laundering, (CFT) Combating the Financing of Terrorism, (DLT) Distributed Ledger Technology, (FATF) Financial Action Task Force, regulatory compliance
Crypto-asset, Bitcoin, Portfolio strategy, Volatility control strategy, Volatility target, 1/N, Markovitz, Black-Litterman, Risk parity
Crypto-asset, Bitcoin, Correlation, Spillover effects, Specific risk
DeFi, Disclosure, Regulation, Innovation trilemma, Token, DEX, AML/CFT