Via Gobbi 5
Milan, 20136
Bocconi University - Department of Economics
in Total Papers Citations
dowry, brideprice, bequest, free riding, marriage, intergenerational transfers, Tuscany, comparative
Jewish Economic History, Human Capital, Religion, Social Norms, Migration, Occupational Choice, First Millennium
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Jewish economic history, human capital, religion, social norms, migration, occupational choice, first millenium
Contract choice, endogenous matching, sharecropping, risk sharing, multitasking, Renaissance Tuscany
first millennium, human capital, Jewish economic history, migration, occupational choice, religion and social norms
First millennium, human capital, Jewish economic history, migration, occupational choice, religion and social norms
Human capital, Jewish economic and demographic history, migration, occupational choice, religion, social norms
Child care; Eastern Europe, infant mortality, Jewish history, population growth, religious norms