Via Gobbi 5
Milan, 20136
Bocconi University - Department of Economics
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social media, hate crime, minorities, Germany, AfD
Social Media, Twitter, Hate Crimes, Minorities, Muslims
Social media, Twitter, US Election
Polarisation, Ideology, Populism, Unsupervised Learning
Stereotypes, Gender, Race, Media, Computer Vision, Text Analysis
stereotypes, gender, race, media, computer vision, text analysis
Social Media, NetzDG, Content Moderation, Hate Crime, Refugees, Germany
trade war, tariff, targeting, political economy, elections, populism
Gender Gaps, Science, Citations, Publications, Promotions, Academia
social media, content moderation, hate speech
Social Media, Stock Market Participation, Household Finance, Participation Puzzle D14
Performance metrics, History of Science, Allocation of Talent
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elections, political economy, populism, targeting, Tariff, Trade War