University of Bologna - Department of Economics
in Total Papers Citations
Bootstrap Theory; Bootstrap Implementation; Econometric Time Series Analysis; Testing; Asymptotic Theory; Auto-regressive Models
Co-integration, non-stationary volatility, trace and maximum eigenvalue tests, wild bootstrap
Unit root test, Lag selection, Information criteria, Wild bootstrap, Nonstationary volatility
co-integration, trace test, sequential rank determination, i.i.d. bootstrap, wild bootstrap
Co-integration, trace test, sequential rank determination, i.i.d.bootstrap, wild bootstrap
Co-integration, adjustment coefficients, (un)conditional heteroskedasticity, heteroskedasticity-robust inference, wild bootstrap
co-integration, adjustment coefficients, (un)conditional heteroskedasticity, heteroskedasticity-robust inference, wild bootstrap
Inference on the boundary, Nuisance parameters on the boundary, ARCH models, Bootstrap
Bootstrap; Hypothesis testing; Double-autoregressive models; Parameter on the boundary; Infinite variance
International production networks, Intellectual property rights, Ownership, Internalization, Automotive industry, Knowledge dissipation, Firm efficiency
Unit root tests, quasi difference de-trending, trend break, non-stationary volatility, wild bootstrap
unit roots, limited time series, regulated Brownian motion
Bootstrap, Cross-equation restrictions, DSGE, QLR test, State space model, Weak identification
Bootstrap, Co-integration, Trace statistic, Rank determination, heteroskedasticity
Co-integration, trace and maximum eigenvalue rank tests, conditional heteroskedasticity, i.i.d. bootstrap, wild bootstrap
Bootstrap, Non-stationary stochastic volatility, Random limit measures, Weak convergence in Distribution
self-exciting point processes, conditional intensity, bootstrap inference, Hawkes process
GARCH model, bootstrap, specification test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Cramér-von Mises test, marked empirical process, nuisance parameters on the boundary,
Rescaled range statistics, Unit root tests, Long memory