Faculty of Law
Ramat Gan, 52900
Bar-Ilan University - Faculty of Law
remedies for breach of contract, empirical legal studies, Israeli law, efficient breach, civil law, common law, specific performance
contract law, mandatory rules, disclosure duties, nudges, market failures, regulation, framing, Israeli law
specific performance, remedies for breach of contract, Israeli law, empirical legal studies, efficient breach, damages
mandatory rules, contract law, substitute arrangement, minimally tolerable arrangement, judicial discretion, consumer contracts, exemption clauses
Compliance, nudges, reason giving, legal norms, experimental legal studies
attitudes, decision making, thoery of law
Contract law, Consumer law, Mandatory rules, Nudges, Disclosure duties, Default rules, Public opinion
Mandatory rules, Framing, Contract regulation, Consumer contracts
attitudes, decision-making, contract law, ideology
contracts, contract law, behavioral legal studies, empathy, breach of contract
Judicial decision-making, judicial discretion, reason-giving, legal formalism, hard cases, precedents, Appealability