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Emory University
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Factor Analysis, Principal Components, Synthetic Control, Causal Inference, Treatment Effect, Missing Entry, Large-Dimensional Panel Data, Large N and T, Matrix Completion
Factor Analysis, Principal Components, Transfer Learning, Multiple Data Sets, Large-Dimensional Panel Data, Large N and T, Missing Data, Weak Factors, Causal Inference
Adaptive Experiments, Treatment Effect Estimation, Carryover Effects, Panel Data, Dynamic programming
Factor Analysis, Principle Components, State-Varying, Nonparametric, Kernel-Regression, Large-Dimensional Panel Data, Large N and T
Time-Based Experiment, Carryover Effect, Simultaneous Intervention, Treatment Effect Estimation, Ride-Sharing Platform
Factor Analysis, Principle Components, Sparse Loading, Interpretability, Large-Dimensional Panel Data, Large N and T
Causal Inference, Propensity Scores, Federated Learning, Multiple Data Sets
Factor Analysis, Principal Components, Fixed-Effects, Non-Stationary, Missing Entry, Large-Dimensional Panel Data, Causal Inference, Treatment Effect JEL classification: C14, C38, C55
Factor Analysis, Principal Components, State-Varying, Nonparametric, Kernel- Regression, Large-Dimensional Panel Data, Large N and T
Factor Analysis, Principal Components, Synthetic Control, Causal Inference, Treatment Effect, Missing Entry, Large-Dimensional Panel Data, Large N and T , Matrix Completion
Factor Analysis, Principal Components, Transfer Learning, Multiple Data Sets, Large-Dimensional Panel Data, Large N and T , Missing Data, Weak Factors, Causal Inference
multi-period experiment, causal effect, black-box model, gradient-free optimization, digital platform