De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam
VU University Amsterdam - Department of Economics
in Total Papers Citations
Death, Retirement, Income Loss, Disease, Depression, Health Indicators, Widowhood, Care, Panel Data, Endogeneity, Fixed Effects
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Death, retirement, income loss, disease, depression, health indicators, widowhood, care, panel data, endogeneity, fixed effects
Age-Period-Cohort Analysis, Trends in Functional limitations, Aging
death, longevity, health, business cycle, recession, life expectancy, lifetimes, epidemics
nutrition in early life, famine, longevity, natural experiments, survival analysis, mortality, food intake, developmental origins, fetal origins
cognitive functioning, business cycle, bereavement, developmental origins, retirement, health, long-run effects, dementia
death, longevity, health care, disease, life expectancy, elderly couples, impairment
life expectancy, cancer, cardiovascular disease, survival analyses, competing mortality risks, recession