School of Business, Renmin University of China
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Herding, Individual and institutional trading volumes, Information asymmetry, Market returns
Cross Listing, Ownership Restriction, Market Sentiment, Illiquidity
Trading rules, Information diffusion, Transaction costs, Ownership restriction
IPO underpricing, institutional environment, share issue privatization, firm ownership, market sentiment
IPO underpricing, share issue privatization, institution, SOEs
Price limits, volatility, Chinese A shares, market sentiment, GMM
short-selling, insider trading, information asymmetry
Stock index derivatives, Volatility, Liquidity, Difference-in-difference approach
Stock returns, Institutional and individual trading, Emerging market
volatility, institutional trade, information asymmetry, and herding
short-sale constraints, floating restriction, heterogeneous beliefs, sentiment, cross listing
Spillovers, Asian Financial Crisis, GJR-GARCH
institutional trades, performance, persistence, information
Stock splits, signaling, liquidity
Valuation, IPOs, price-earnings multiples