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International Monetary Fund (IMF)
in Total Papers Citations
Foreign exchange, uncovered interest parity, forward bias, nonlinearity
foreign exchange, uncovered interest parity, forward bias, nonlinearity
Forward bias puzzle, uncovered interest parity, nonlinearity
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volatility, financial instability, GARCH models
Exchange rates, Stock markets, Exchange rate instability, Price stabilization, Economic models
Cross country analysis, Developed countries, Economic growth, Economic models, Emerging markets, Inflation, Monetary policy, Oil exporting countries, Production growth
Real exchange rates, interventions, parity conditions
realized volatility, co-movement, return volatility
Purchasing power parity, time-varying thresholds, asymmetry
Nonlinearities, real exchange rates, asymmetry
Access to international capital markets, International bond markets, Financial crises, Sovereign credit ratings, Access to capital markets, Fiscal governance, public financial management, sovereign bond, credit rating, WP, WGI, bond issuance, credit rate, international capital market