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Randal O'Toole, environment, rail, transit, greenhouse gases, emissions, railroads, public transportation, energy, hybrid-cars, fuel-efficient
self-driving cars, partially autonomous vehicles, fully autonomous vehicles, vehicle-to-vehicle communication, New Starts program alternative
debunking portland, randal o'toole, urban planning, integrated land-use and transportation, urban sprawl, urban-growth boundary, population density, transit projects, mixed-use developments, voting, property rights, light-rail mafia, construction contracts, urban-renewal subsidies, livability
federal transportation subsidies, state transportation policy, urban transportation planning, US infrastructure, city roads, federal grants
regional growth-management, taxes, regulation, land development, laws, urban growth, economic growth, housing bubble, real estate
rapid bus system, light rail alternative, feeder bus system
light rail, monorail, transit
Sprawl, Robert Bruegmann, urban sprawl, urban planning, traffic congestion, housing costs, population density, property values, suburbs, land conversion
U.S. financial crisis of 2009, great recession, housing bubble, supply and demand, housing market, federal regulations
interstate highway system funding, infrastructure spending, U.S. transportation department, road maintenance budget, reform, costs, tolls, gas tax, state budget
transportation, infrastructure, Pete Buttigieg, high-speed rail network, federal debt, annual deficit, passenger travel, travel, railroad, rail network
randal o'toole, transportation planning, metropolitan planning, planning methods, land-use regulation, mixed-use developments, long-range planning, local transportation, federal surface, congestion, public transportation, rail transit
Randal O'Toole, centralized planning and budgeting, U.S. forest service, wildfire, fire supression, hazardous fuels, forest restoration, structural changes, decentralized decision-making, local economics, local ecological conditions, structural changes
U.S. Amtrak spending, government transportation subsidies, privatize Amtrak, US rail system, high speed trains in the United States of America
U.S. transportation policy, environmental benefits of new starts, economic benefits
rail transit system, metro, Panama City, deferred maintenance, bus transit, transit capacities, double-decker buses
California, housing crisis, congested traffic, local agencies, LAFCos, annexation, environmental quality act, planning laws, tax revenues, transporation, transit agencies, rail empires
greenhouse gas, urban planning, emissions, land-use regulation, urban footprint, housing demand
COVID-19, transportation, coronavirus, pandemic, transit funding, Department of Transportation, federal transport policies, federal highway, highway safety, pandemic highlights
The Recreation Enhancement Act, federal lands, national parks, national wildlife refuges, environmental policy in the U.S.
Housing, municipal policy, urban development, city management
high-capacity transit, light rail
Transprotation alternatives, light rail, Pinellas transit
surface transportation reauthorization, federal transportation policy, high speed rail in the united states, alternatives to cars, government subsidies
U.S. bureaucracy, Interstate Highway System, American Department of Transportation, transportation funds, economic stimulus, federal spending, federalism, road system, government waste
Transportation, Infrastructure, Surface Transportation, Road Rehabilitation, Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956, Highway Trust Fund, FAST Act, New Starts, TIGER
transit, rail transit, subways, light rail, driverless cars