Keizer Karelplein 19
Maastricht, 6211TC
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Intellectual property rights, economic growth
Labor Markets, Venture Capital, Unemployment, New Economy, Panel Data Analysis
Labor Markets, Venture Capital, Unemployment, New Economy, Panel Analysis
Knowledge Spillovers, Economic Growth, International Trade, Dynamic Panel Data
Absorptive capacity, backwardness, economic growth, knowledge spillovers
labor productivity, structural decomposition, total factor productivity
Trade liberalisation, Growth, Crises
Intellectual Property Rights, International Trade, Gravity Equation, Imitative Ability
consumption correlation puzzle, financial integration, foreign direct investment, employment protection
Manufacturing and Services, Structural Decomposition, Total Factor Productivity
labor productivity, structural change, structural decomposition
Preferential trade agreements, Intensive and extensive margin, Matching econometrics, Difference-in-difference