Xiaohong Chen

Yale University - Cowles Foundation

Box 208281

New Haven, CT 06520-8281

United States



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in Total Papers Citations


Scholarly Papers (47)


Simple Tests for Models of Dependence between Multiple Financial Time Series, with Applications to U.S. Equity Returns and Exchange Rates

London Economics Financial Markets Group Working Paper No. 483
Number of pages: 37 Posted: 06 Mar 2004
Xiaohong Chen, Yanqin Fan and Andrew J. Patton
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, Vanderbilt University - College of Arts and Science - Department of Economics and Duke University - Department of Economics
Downloads 1,044 (43,630)
Citation 45



Copulas, correlation, nonlinear comovements, goodness-of-fit tests, GARCH

Identification and Inference in First-Price Auctions with Risk Averse Bidders and Selective Entry *

Number of pages: 73 Posted: 15 Oct 2020 Last Revised: 21 Aug 2024
Xiaohong Chen, Matthew L. Gentry, Tong Li and Jingfeng Lu
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, Florida State University, Vanderbilt University and National University of Singapore (NUS) - Department of Economics
Downloads 223 (273,309)
Citation 7



Auctions, entry, risk aversion, boundary condition, identification, set inference, parameter-dependent support, MPEC, flexible parametric form, approximate profile likelihood-ratio, Bayes credible sets, frequentist confidence sets. JEL Classifications: D44

Land of Addicts? An Empirical Investigation of Habit-Based Asset Pricing Models

Number of pages: 70 Posted: 20 Nov 2003
Xiaohong Chen and Sydney C. Ludvigson
Yale University - Cowles Foundation and New York University - Department of Economics
Downloads 281 (216,194)
Citation 21



Land of Addicts? An Empirical Investigation of Habit-Based Asset Pricing Models

NYU Working Paper No. S-MF-04-09
Number of pages: 59 Posted: 12 Nov 2008
Xiaohong Chen and Sydney C. Ludvigson
Yale University - Cowles Foundation and New York University - Department of Economics
Downloads 159 (370,962)
Citation 1



Downloads 352 (171,258)
Citation 8

Robust Identification of Investor Beliefs

University of Chicago, Becker Friedman Institute for Economics Working Paper No. 2020-69
Number of pages: 41 Posted: 20 May 2020 Last Revised: 02 Nov 2020
Xiaohong Chen, Lars Peter Hansen and Peter Hansen
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, University of Chicago - Department of Economics and Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr School of Business, Purdue University
Downloads 272 (223,536)



Asset pricing, Subjective beliefs, Long-term uncertainty, Ambiguity aversion, Cressie-Read divergence, Generalized empirical likelihood, Large deviation theory

Robust Identification of Investor Beliefs

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 2236
Number of pages: 63 Posted: 20 May 2020
Xiaohong Chen, Lars Peter Hansen and Peter Hansen
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, University of Chicago - Department of Economics and Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr School of Business, Purdue University
Downloads 49 (790,992)



Asset pricing, Subjective beliefs, Long-term uncertainty, Ambiguity aversion, Cressie-Read divergence, Generalized empirical likelihood, Large deviation theory

Robust Identification of Investor Beliefs

NBER Working Paper No. w27257
Number of pages: 63 Posted: 02 Jun 2020 Last Revised: 24 Jun 2023
Xiaohong Chen, Lars Peter Hansen and Peter Hansen
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, University of Chicago - Department of Economics and Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr School of Business, Purdue University
Downloads 31 (939,940)
Citation 8




Semiparametric Efficiency in GMM Models of Nonclassical Measurement Errors, Missing Data and Treatment Effects

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1644, Yale Economics Department Working Paper No. 42
Number of pages: 51 Posted: 04 Mar 2008
Xiaohong Chen, Han Hong and Alessandro Tarozzi
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, Independent and Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Department of Economics and Business
Downloads 343 (176,195)
Citation 7



Auxiliary data, Measurement error, Missing data, Treatment effect, Semiparametric efficiency bound, GMM, Sieve estimation

An Estimation of Economic Models with Recursive Preferences

Number of pages: 56 Posted: 14 Mar 2008
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, University of British Columbia (UBC) - Division of Finance and New York University - Department of Economics
Downloads 143 (405,396)
Citation 4



An Estimation of Economic Models with Recursive Preferences

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1883
Number of pages: 59 Posted: 15 Dec 2012
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, University of British Columbia (UBC) - Division of Finance and New York University - Department of Economics
Downloads 82 (607,926)
Citation 16



An Estimation of Economic Models with Recursive Preferences

Number of pages: 61 Posted: 10 Jun 2011
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, University of British Columbia (UBC) - Division of Finance and New York University - Department of Economics
Downloads 78 (626,375)



non-expected utility, recursive utility

An Estimation of Economic Models with Recursive Preferences

NBER Working Paper No. w17130
Number of pages: 61 Posted: 20 Jun 2011 Last Revised: 23 Apr 2023
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, University of British Columbia (UBC) - Division of Finance and New York University - Department of Economics
Downloads 36 (893,689)
Citation 24




Penalized Sieve Estimation and Inference of Semi-Nonparametric Dynamic Models: A Selective Review

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1804
Number of pages: 57 Posted: 24 May 2011
Xiaohong Chen
Yale University - Cowles Foundation
Downloads 336 (180,220)
Citation 5



Nonlinear time series, Temporal dependence, Tail dependence, Penalized sieve M estimation, Penalized sieve minimum distance, Semiparametric two-step, Nonlinear ill-posed inverse, Mixtures, Conditional moment restrictions, Nonparametric endogeneity, Dynamic asset pricing, Varying coefficient VAR, GAR


Efficient Estimation of Copula-Based Semiparametric Markov Models

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1691
Number of pages: 56 Posted: 26 Feb 2009 Last Revised: 16 Mar 2009
Xiaohong Chen, Wei Biao Wu and Yanping Yi
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, University of Chicago and affiliation not provided to SSRN
Downloads 290 (210,685)
Citation 17



Copula, Tail dependence, Nonlinear Markov models, Geometric ergodicity, Sieve MLE, Semiparametric efficiency, Sieve likelihood ratio statistics, Value-at-Risk

Efficient Estimation of Semiparametric Conditional Moment Models with Possibly Nonsmooth Residuals

Yale Economics Department Working Paper No. 38, Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1640
Number of pages: 48 Posted: 20 Feb 2008
Xiaohong Chen and Demian Pouzo
Yale University - Cowles Foundation and University of California, Berkeley - Department of Economics
Downloads 175 (341,141)



penalized sieve minimum distance, Nonsmooth generalized residuals, Nonlinear nonparametric endogeneity, Weighted bootstrap, Semiparametric efficiency, Confidence region, Partially linear quantile IV regression, Shape-invariant quantile Engel curves

Efficient Estimation of Semiparametric Conditional Moment Models with Possibly Nonsmooth Residuals

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1640R
Number of pages: 34 Posted: 31 Oct 2008 Last Revised: 16 Jul 2009
Xiaohong Chen and Demian Pouzo
Yale University - Cowles Foundation and University of California, Berkeley - Department of Economics
Downloads 98 (542,105)
Citation 1



Penalized sieve minimum distance, Nonsmooth generalized residuals, Nonlinear nonparametric endogeneity, Weighted bootstrap, Semiparametric efficiency, Confidence region, Partially linear quantile IV regression, Shape-invariant quantile IV Engel curves

Estimation of Nonparametric Conditional Moment Models with Possibly Nonsmooth Generalized Residuals

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1650RR
Number of pages: 61 Posted: 01 Feb 2011 Last Revised: 08 Sep 2011
Xiaohong Chen and Demian Pouzo
Yale University - Cowles Foundation and University of California, Berkeley - Department of Economics
Downloads 179 (334,286)
Citation 20



Nonlinear Ill-Posed Inverse, Penalized Sieve Minimum Distance, Modulus Of Continuity, Convergence Rate, Nonparametric Additive Quantile IV, Quantile IV Engel Curves

Estimation of Nonparametric Conditional Moment Models with Possibly Nonsmooth Generalized Residuals

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1650R, Yale Economics Department Working Paper No. 47R
Number of pages: 51 Posted: 17 Jul 2009
Xiaohong Chen and Demian Pouzo
Yale University - Cowles Foundation and University of California, Berkeley - Department of Economics
Downloads 62 (708,560)



Nonlinear ill-posed inverse, Penalized sieve minimum distance, Modulus of continuity, Convergence rate, Nonparametric additive quantile IV, Quantile IV Engel curves

Efficient Estimation of Treatment Effects using Neural Networks with A Diverging Number of Confounders

Number of pages: 46 Posted: 04 Nov 2020
Xiaohong Chen, Ying Liu, Shujie Ma and Zheng Zhang
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, affiliation not provided to SSRN, University of California, Riverside (UCR) and Renmin University of China - Institute of Statistics and Big Data
Downloads 77 (630,912)



Treatment effects, Propensity score, Artificial neural networks, Semiparametric efficiency

Efficient Estimation of Treatment Effects using Neural Networks with A Diverging Number of Confounders

Number of pages: 46 Posted: 04 Nov 2020
Xiaohong Chen, Ying Liu, Shujie Ma and Zheng Zhang
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, University of California, Riverside (UCR), University of California, Riverside (UCR) and Renmin University of China - Institute of Statistics and Big Data
Downloads 66 (686,379)



Treatment effects, Propensity score, Artificial neural networks, Semiparametric efficiency

Efficient Estimation of Treatment Effects using Neural Networks with A Diverging Number of Confounders

Number of pages: 46 Posted: 04 Nov 2020
Xiaohong Chen, Ying, Shujie Ma and Zheng Zhang
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, affiliation not provided to SSRN, University of California, Riverside (UCR) and Renmin University of China - Institute of Statistics and Big Data
Downloads 59 (725,973)



Treatment effects, Propensity score, Artificial neural networks, Semiparametric efficiency

Efficient Estimation of Treatment Effects Using Neural Networks with a Diverging Number of Confounders

Number of pages: 46 Posted: 04 Nov 2020
Xiaohong Chen, Ying, Shujie Ma and Zheng Zhang
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, University of California, Riverside (UCR), University of California, Riverside (UCR) and Renmin University of China - Institute of Statistics and Big Data
Downloads 32 (930,414)



Treatment effects, Propensity score, Artificial neural networks, Semiparametric efficiency

Local Identification of Nonparametric and Semiparametric Models

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1795R
Number of pages: 46 Posted: 15 Nov 2012
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of Economics, Seoul National University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of Economics
Downloads 131 (434,933)
Citation 14



Identification, Local identification, Nonparametric models, Asset pricing

Local Identification of Nonparametric and Semiparametric Models

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1795
Number of pages: 31 Posted: 25 Apr 2011
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of Economics, University College London and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of Economics
Downloads 98 (542,105)



Identification, Local identification, Nonparametric models, Asset pricing

Downloads 214 (285,655)
Citation 13

Overidentification in Regular Models

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1999R
Number of pages: 83 Posted: 08 Jun 2018
Xiaohong Chen and Andres Santos
Yale University - Cowles Foundation and University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) - Department of Economics
Downloads 118 (475,175)



Overidentification, Semiparametric efficiency, Specification testing, Nonparametric conditional moment restrictions, Semiparametric two step

Overidentification in Regular Models

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1999
Number of pages: 58 Posted: 23 Apr 2015
Xiaohong Chen and Andres Santos
Yale University - Cowles Foundation and University of California, San Diego (UCSD) - Department of Economics
Downloads 96 (549,649)
Citation 13



Overidentification, Semiparametric efficiency, Specification testing, Nonparametric conditional moment restrictions


Central Limit and Functional Central Limit Theorems for Hilbert-Valued Dependent Heterogeneous Arrays with Applications

UCSD Economics Discussion Paper 92-35R
Number of pages: 35 Posted: 06 Jan 1998
Xiaohong Chen and Halbert L. White Jr.
Yale University - Cowles Foundation and University of California, San Diego (UCSD) - Department of Economics
Downloads 214 (285,655)




Sensitivity Analysis in Semiparametric Likelihood Models

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1836
Number of pages: 59 Posted: 24 Nov 2011
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, Harvard University and University of Chicago
Downloads 198 (305,603)
Citation 25



Semiparametric models, Partial identification, Irregular functionals, Sieve likelihood ratio, Weighted bootstrap


Nonlinearity and Temporal Dependence

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1652, Yale Economics Department Working Paper No. 48
Number of pages: 32 Posted: 21 May 2008
Xiaohong Chen, Lars Peter Hansen and Marine Carrasco
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, University of Chicago - Department of Economics and University of Montreal - Departement de Ciences Economiques
Downloads 196 (308,463)



Mixing, Diffusion, Strong dependence, Long memory, Poisson sampling


Copula-Based Nonlinear Quantile Autoregression

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1679
Number of pages: 31 Posted: 15 Oct 2008 Last Revised: 26 Dec 2008
Xiaohong Chen, Roger Koenker and Zhijie Xiao
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Department of Economics and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Department of Economics
Downloads 187 (322,012)
Citation 30



Quantile autoregression, Copula, Ergodic nonlinear Markov models


Optimal Sup-Norm Rates, Adaptivity and Inference in Nonparametric Instrumental Variables Estimation

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1923R
Number of pages: 40 Posted: 03 Apr 2015
Xiaohong Chen and Timothy Christensen
Yale University - Cowles Foundation and New York University (NYU) - Department of Economics
Downloads 180 (333,328)



Ill-posed inverse problems, Series 2SLS, Optimal sup-norm convergence rates, Adaptive estimation, Random matrices, Bootstrap uniform confidence bands, Nonlinear welfare functionals, Nonparametric demand analysis with endogeneity


Simple Nonparametric Estimators for the Bid-Ask Spread in the Roll Model

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 2033
Number of pages: 59 Posted: 18 Mar 2016 Last Revised: 18 Apr 2016
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, University of Cambridge, Yale University, Department of Economics, Students and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics - School of Economics
Downloads 176 (340,027)



Characteristic function, Deconvolution, Flash Crash, Liquidity

Methods for Nonparametric and Semiparametric Regressions with Endogeneity: A Gentle Guide

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 2032
Number of pages: 72 Posted: 30 Mar 2016
Xiaohong Chen and Jeff Qiu
Yale University - Cowles Foundation and Gordon S Lang School of Business and Economics, University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada
Downloads 173 (348,203)
Citation 6



Conditional moment restrictions containing unknown functions, (Quantile) Instrumental variables, Linear and nonlinear functionals, Sieve minimum distance, Sieve GMM, Sieve Wald, QLR, Bootstrap, Semiparametric two-step GMM, Numerical equivalence

Methods for Nonparametric and Semiparametric Regressions with Endogeneity: A Gentle Guide

Annual Review of Economics, Vol. 8, pp. 259-290, 2016
Posted: 18 Nov 2016
Xiaohong Chen and Jeff Qiu
Yale University - Cowles Foundation and Gordon S Lang School of Business and Economics, University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada




Estimation of Nonparametric Conditional Moment Models with Possibly Nonsmooth Moments

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1650, Yale Economics Department Working Paper No. 47
Number of pages: 60 Posted: 30 Apr 2008 Last Revised: 17 Jul 2009
Xiaohong Chen and Demian Pouzo
Yale University - Cowles Foundation and University of California, Berkeley - Department of Economics
Downloads 166 (357,671)



Nonsmooth residuals, Nonlinear ill-posed inverse, Penalized sieve minimum distance, Modulus of continuity, Average derivative of a nonparametric nonlinear IV regression, Non-parametric additive quantile IV regression


Principal Components and Long Run Implications of Multivariate Diffusions

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1694
Number of pages: 52 Posted: 23 Apr 2009
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, University of Chicago - Department of Economics and Columbia University
Downloads 152 (385,263)
Citation 3



Nonlinear principal components, Discrete spectrum, Eigenvalue decay rates, Multivariate diffusion, Quadratic form, Conditional expectations operator


Asymptotic Properties of Some Projection-Based Robbins-Monro Procedures in a Hilbert Space

U of California, Economics Working Paper No. 2002-07
Number of pages: 77 Posted: 05 Jun 2002
Xiaohong Chen and Halbert L. White Jr.
Yale University - Cowles Foundation and University of California, San Diego (UCSD) - Department of Economics
Downloads 136 (421,047)
Citation 3



Recursive Estimation, Non-Parametric Estimation, Hilbert Space, Generalized Method of Moments


Estimation of Semiparametric Models When the Criterion Function is Not Smooth

LSE STICERD Research Paper No. EM450
Number of pages: 23 Posted: 21 Jul 2008
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, University of Cambridge and Catholic University of Louvain (UCL)
Downloads 131 (433,671)
Citation 24




Sieve Semiparametric Two-Step GMM Under Weak Dependence

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 2012
Number of pages: 64 Posted: 14 Jul 2015
Xiaohong Chen and Zhipeng Liao
Yale University - Cowles Foundation and University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) - Department of Economics
Downloads 120 (463,807)
Citation 6



Sieve two-step GMM, Weakly dependent data, Auto-correlation robust inference, Semiparametric over-identification test, Numerical equivalence, Random perturbation derivative estimator


The Estimation of Conditional Densities

LSE STICERD Research Paper No. EM415
Number of pages: 17 Posted: 21 Jul 2008
Xiaohong Chen and Oliver B. Linton
Yale University - Cowles Foundation and University of Cambridge
Downloads 119 (466,729)




Identification and Inference of Nonlinear Models Using Two Samples with Aribrary Measurement Errors

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1590
Number of pages: 59 Posted: 02 Nov 2006
Xiaohong Chen and Yingyao Hu
Yale University - Cowles Foundation and University of Texas at Austin
Downloads 118 (469,850)
Citation 14



Data combination, Nonlinear errors-in-variables model, Nonclassical measurement error, Nonparametric identification, Misspecified parametric latent model, Sieve likelihood estimation and inference


Robust Inference for Moment Condition Models without Rational Expectations

University of Chicago, Becker Friedman Institute for Economics Working Paper No. 2021-122
Number of pages: 56 Posted: 20 Oct 2021 Last Revised: 02 Feb 2022
Xiaohong Chen, Lars Peter Hansen and Peter Hansen
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, University of Chicago - Department of Economics and Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr School of Business, Purdue University
Downloads 117 (472,858)
Citation 6



Subjective beliefs, bounded rationality, misspecification sets, nonlinear expectation, divergence, Lagrange multipliers, stochastic dual programming, confidence sets


Land of Addicts? An Empirical Investigation of Habit-Based Asset Pricing Behavior

NBER Working Paper No. w10503
Number of pages: 59 Posted: 31 May 2004 Last Revised: 14 Sep 2022
Xiaohong Chen and Sydney C. Ludvigson
Yale University - Cowles Foundation and New York University - Department of Economics
Downloads 116 (475,995)




Optimal Uniform Convergence Rates for Sieve Nonparametric Instrumental Variables Regression

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1923
Number of pages: 37 Posted: 04 Nov 2013
Xiaohong Chen and Timothy Christensen
Yale University - Cowles Foundation and New York University (NYU) - Department of Economics
Downloads 109 (498,349)



Nonparametric instrumental variables; Statistical ill-posed inverse problems; Optimal uniform convergence rates; Weak dependence; Random matrices; Splines; Wavelets


Likelihood Inference in Some Finite Mixture Models

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1895
Number of pages: 38 Posted: 14 May 2013
Xiaohong Chen, Maria Ponomareva and Elie T. Tamer
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, Northern Illinois University - Department of Economics and Harvard University
Downloads 109 (498,349)



Finite mixtures, Parametric bootstrap, Profiled likelihood ratio statistic, Partial identification, Parameter on the boundary


Sieve Inference on Semi-Nonparametric Time Series Models

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1849
Number of pages: 55 Posted: 21 Feb 2012
Xiaohong Chen, Zhipeng Liao and Yixiao Sun
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) - Department of Economics and University of California, San Diego (UCSD) - Department of Economics
Downloads 109 (498,349)
Citation 5



Weak dependence, Sieve M estimation, Sieve Riesz representor, Irregular functional, Misspecification, Pre-asymptotic variance, Orthogonal series long run variance estimation, F distribution


Asymptotic Efficiency of Semiparametric Two-Step GMM

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1880
Number of pages: 24 Posted: 09 Oct 2012
Xiaohong Chen, Jinyong Hahn and Zhipeng Liao
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, University of California, Los Angeles and University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) - Department of Economics
Downloads 106 (508,604)



Overlapping Information Sets, Semiparametric Efficiency, Two-Step GMM


A Practical Asymptotic Variance Estimator for Two-Step Semiparametric Estimators

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1803
Number of pages: 51 Posted: 24 May 2011
Daniel A. Ackerberg, Xiaohong Chen and Jinyong Hahn
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) - Department of Economics, Yale University - Cowles Foundation and University of California, Los Angeles
Downloads 102 (522,878)
Citation 13



Two-step semiparametrics


Estimation and Model Selection of Semiparametric Multivariate Survival Functions under General Censorship

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1683
Number of pages: 39 Posted: 18 Nov 2008
Xiaohong Chen, Yanqin Fan, Demian Pouzo and Zhiliang Ying
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, University of Washington - Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley - Department of Economics and affiliation not provided to SSRN
Downloads 102 (522,878)



Multivariate survival models, Misspecified copulas, Penalized pseudo-likelihood ratio, Fixed or random censoring, Kaplan-Meier estimator

Sieve Wald and QLR Inferences on Semi/Nonparametric Conditional Moment Models

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1897R
Number of pages: 63 Posted: 05 Apr 2014
Xiaohong Chen and Demian Pouzo
Yale University - Cowles Foundation and University of California, Berkeley - Department of Economics
Downloads 54 (757,139)



Nonlinear nonparametric instrumental variables, Penalized sieve minimum distance, Irregular functional, Sieve variance estimators, Sieve Wald, Sieve quasi likelihood ratio, Generalized residual bootstrap, Local power, Wilks phenomenon

Sieve Wald and QLR Inferences on Semi/Nonparametric Conditional Moment Models

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1897RR
Number of pages: 151 Posted: 05 Nov 2014 Last Revised: 20 Mar 2015
Xiaohong Chen and Demian Pouzo
Yale University - Cowles Foundation and University of California, Berkeley - Department of Economics
Downloads 46 (820,305)
Citation 3



Nonlinear nonparametric instrumental variables; Penalized sieve minimum distance; Irregular functional; Sieve variance estimators; Sieve Wald; Sieve quasi likelihood ratio; Generalized residual bootstrap; Local power; Wilks phenomenon


On Rate Optimality for Ill-Posed Inverse Problems in Econometrics

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1626
Number of pages: 28 Posted: 11 Sep 2007
Xiaohong Chen and Markus Reiss
Yale University - Cowles Foundation and Heidelberg University - Department of Applied Mathematics
Downloads 100 (530,053)



Nonparametric instrumental regression, Nonparametric indirect regression, Statistical ill-posed inverse problems, Minimax risk lower bound, Optimal rate


Efficient Estimation of Multivariate Semi-nonparametric GARCH Filtered Copula Models

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 2215 (2019)
Number of pages: 78 Posted: 26 Dec 2019
Xiaohong Chen, Zhuo Huang and Yanping Yi
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, National School of Development, Peking University and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics - School of Economics
Downloads 91 (563,190)
Citation 1



Semi-nonparametric dynamic models, Residual copulas, Semiparametric multistep, Residual sieve maximum likelihood, Semiparametric efficiency


MCMC Confidence Sets for Identified Sets

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 2037
Number of pages: 69 Posted: 05 May 2016
Xiaohong Chen, Timothy Christensen and Elie T. Tamer
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, New York University (NYU) - Department of Economics and Harvard University
Downloads 90 (567,015)
Citation 2




Optimal Sup-Norm Rates and Uniform Inference on Nonlinear Functionals of Nonparametric IV Regression

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1923R2
Number of pages: 95 Posted: 15 Feb 2017 Last Revised: 29 Apr 2017
Xiaohong Chen and Timothy Christensen
Yale University - Cowles Foundation and New York University (NYU) - Department of Economics
Downloads 78 (617,493)
Citation 14



Series 2SLS, Optimal Sup-Norm Convergence Rates, Uniform Gaussian Process Strong Approximation, Score Bootstrap Uniform Confidence Bands, Nonlinear Welfare Functionals, Nonparametric Demand with Endogeneity


Semiparametric Efficiency Bound for Models of Sequential Moment Restrictions Containing Unknown Functions

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1731
Number of pages: 41 Posted: 10 Oct 2009
Chunrong Ai and Xiaohong Chen
University of Florida - Warrington College of Business Administration - Department of Economics and Yale University - Cowles Foundation
Downloads 73 (640,066)
Citation 3



sequential moment models, semiparametric efficiency bounds, optimally weighted orthogonalized sieve minimum distance, nonparametric IV regression, weighted average derivatives, partially linear quantile IV


MCMC Con dence Sets for Identi ed Sets

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 2037R
Number of pages: 107 Posted: 08 Jul 2016
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, New York University (NYU) - Department of Economics, New York University (NYU) and Harvard University
Downloads 69 (659,286)




Adaptive, Rate-Optimal Hypothesis Testing in Nonparametric IV Models

Number of pages: 45 Posted: 10 Jul 2020 Last Revised: 11 Feb 2022
Christoph Breunig and Xiaohong Chen
Emory University and Yale University - Cowles Foundation
Downloads 65 (679,318)
Citation 2



Instrumental variables; Minimax rate of testing; Adaptive testing; Exponential scan; Confidence sets; Quadratic functionals; Shape restrictions.


Optimal Uniform Convergence Rates and Asymptotic Normality for Series Estimators Under Weak Dependence and Weak Conditions

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1976
Number of pages: 55 Posted: 24 Dec 2014 Last Revised: 13 Mar 2015
Xiaohong Chen and Timothy Christensen
Yale University - Cowles Foundation and New York University (NYU) - Department of Economics
Downloads 62 (695,209)
Citation 14



Nonparametric series regression, Optimal uniform convergence rates, Weak dependence, Random matrices, Splines, Wavelets, (Nonlinear) Irregular Functionals, Sieve t statistics


Monte Carlo Confidence Sets for Identified Sets

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 2037R2
Number of pages: 104 Posted: 29 Sep 2017
Xiaohong Chen, Timothy Christensen and Elie T. Tamer
Yale University - Cowles Foundation, New York University (NYU) - Department of Economics and Harvard University
Downloads 51 (759,802)
Citation 16



Downloads 21 (1,013,986)
Citation 2

Heterogeneity and Aggregate Fluctuations

NBER Working Paper No. w28853
Number of pages: 71 Posted: 31 May 2021 Last Revised: 04 May 2023
Minsu Chang, Xiaohong Chen and Frank Schorfheide
Georgetown University, Yale University - Cowles Foundation and University of Pennsylvania - Department of Economics
Downloads 21 (1,046,196)



Heterogeneity and Aggregate Fluctuations

CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP16183
Number of pages: 73 Posted: 14 Jul 2021
Minsu Chang, Xiaohong Chen and Frank Schorfheide
Georgetown University, Yale University - Cowles Foundation and University of Pennsylvania - Department of Economics
Downloads 0
Citation 2
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Sieve Quasi Likelihood Ratio Inference on Semi/Nonparametric Conditional Moment Models

Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1897
Posted: 30 May 2013
Xiaohong Chen and Demian Pouzo
Yale University - Cowles Foundation and University of California, Berkeley - Department of Economics



Nonlinear nonparametric instrumental variables, Penalized sieve minimum distance, Irregular functional, Sieve Riesz representer, Sieve quasi likelihood ratio, Asymptotic normality, Bootstrap, Sieve variance estimator