1732 Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-gu,
Yongin, 130-701
Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
Kyung Hee University
in Total Papers Citations
COVID-19, stimulus payment, consumption
Digitalization, Digital Transformation, Technology Adoption, Firm-specific Human Capital, Life-Long Learning
This is a CEPR Discussion Paper. CEPR charges a fee of $8.00 for this paper.
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antibody test, COVID-19, economic inequality, occupations and sectors, Quarantine, SIR model
COVID-19, heterogeneous effects, Labor market, regional difference-in-differences
COVID-19, Contact Intensiveness, Job Polarization, Directed Technological Change
COVID-19, American Time Use Survey, O*NET, work from home, remote work
exposure, lockdown, Pandemic, work from home
creative destruction, missing growth, economic fluctuations, market share approach
corporate culture, non-wage job attributes, compensating differentials, Willingness to Pay, Discrete Choice Experiment, Wage inequality
This is a National Bureau of Economic Research Paper. NBER charges a fee of $5.00 for this paper.
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