Rory P. Wilson

Swansea University - Swansea Lab for Animal Movement

Singleton Park

Swansea, Wales SA2 8PP

United Kingdom







Scholarly Papers (2)


Luck in Food-Finding Affects Individual Performance and Population Trajectories

Number of pages: 25 Posted: 26 Jul 2018
Swansea University - Swansea Lab for Animal Movement, Swansea University - Department of Mathematics, Swansea University - Department of Computer Science, Swansea University - Swansea Lab for Animal Movement, Queen's University Belfast - School of Biological Sciences, Universidad Nacional del Comahue - Research Group on Conservation Biology, Universidad Nacional del Comahue - Quantitative Ecology Group, Swansea University - Department of Mathematics, Queen's University Belfast - School of Biological Sciences and Queen's University Belfast - School of Biological Sciences
Downloads 52 (748,215)




Meta-Analysis of Maternal Prenatal Smoking GFI1-Locus and Cardio-Metabolic Phenotypes in Adults

, EBioMedicine, Volume 38, December 2018, Pages 206-216,
Number of pages: 69 Posted: 05 Oct 2018
University of Oulu, University of Oulu, University of Turin - Department of Medical Sciences, University of Bristol - Bristol Medical School, Swansea University - Swansea Lab for Animal Movement, Imperial College London, Imperial College London, University of Jyväskylä - Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, Imperial College London, University of Turin - Department of Medical Sciences, University of Greifswald - University Medicine Greifswald, Imperial College London, University of Tartu - Institute of Genomics, University of Groningen, Tampere University - Finnish Cardiovascular Research Centre - Tampere, Curtin University, Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) - Erasmus Medical Center (MC), University of Tartu, Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres - German Research Centre for Environmental Health, Imperial College London, Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres - German Research Centre for Environmental Health, Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), Medical Center, Department of Internal Medicine, Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres - German Research Centre for Environmental Health, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) - Division of Clinical Epidemiology and Aging Research, Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres - German Research Centre for Environmental Health, The University of Western Australia, VU University Amsterdam, University of Greifswald - University Medicine Greifswald, Utrecht University - Department of Neurology, Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) - Erasmus Medical Center (MC), Utrecht University - Department of Neurology, The University of Western Australia, University of Groningen - Groningen University Hospital, Imperial College London, University Hospital Maastricht, University of Greifswald - University Medicine Greifswald, Tampere University - Tampere University Hospital, Tampere University, University of Turku, Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) - Department of Epidemiology, Leiden University - Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), University of Groningen - Department of Cardiology, Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres - German Research Centre for Environmental Health, University of Greifswald - University Medicine Greifswald, Tulane University, Tulane University, The University of Western Australia, Imperial College London, University Medical Center, Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) - Erasmus Medical Center (MC), Imperial College London, University of Tartu, Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres - German Research Centre for Environmental Health, Imperial College London, The University of Western Australia, University of Turku, Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf, University of Bristol - Bristol Medical School, University of Turin, University of Kaiserslautern - German Research Center for Articial Intelligence (DFKI), University of Groningen - Groningen University Hospital, Tulane University, Imperial College London, University of Oulu and University of Oulu - Centre for Life Course Health Research
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Citation 1



DNA Methylation, Maternal smoking, Adult Cardio-metabolic Health, Population Epigenetics