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INSEAD - Finance
Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)
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Dynamic Spatial Equilibrium, House Prices, Affordable Housing, Rent Control, Zoning, Gentrification, Real Estate Development, New York, Housing Vouchers, Tax Credits, LIHTC
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affordable housing, Development, Dynamic spatial equilibrium, Gentrification, House Prices, housing vouchers, Rent Control, Tax credits, Zoning
housing, mortgages, leverage, financial constraints, racial wealth gap, spatial macro-finance
JEL classification: G5, R2, R3, E21, E44, E52, E61 lock-in, mortgages, house prices, home ownership, mobility, spatial equilibrium, macro-finance
Spatial macro-finance, home ownership, first-time buyers, mortgages, credit standards, house prices, Millennials
bank loans, credit supply, credit risk, covenants, financial crisis, intermediary asset pricing, sufficient statistics
Precautionary savings, borrowing constraints, heterogeneous households, creditless recovery, D52, E21, E30, E44, G51