Zuerich, 8006
Poschinger Str. 5
Munich, DE-81679
University of Zurich - Department of Economics
CESifo (Center for Economic Studies and Ifo Institute)
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in Total Papers Citations
Social responsibility, markets, externalities, competition, cultural differences
Social responsibility, markets, externalities, competition, fairness
wage premium, immoral behavior, sorting, experiments
Wage premium, immoral behavior, impure social preferences, sorting, experiments
Experiments, fairness, altruism, dictator game
dictator games, matching games, norms
Social Norms, Altruism, Experiments
Negative externalities, social and environmental responsibility, income effects, market experiments
social responsibility, income growth, normal goods, laboratory experiment, market game
trust, group identity
Public Goods, Institutions, Spillover Effect, Social Preferences, Beliefs
Public goods, institutions, spillover effect, social preferences, beliefs
social preferences, public goods, institutions, spillover effect, beliefs
American Economic Review JEL Classification: C92, D62, D83, M14 Public discourse, market failure, externalities, social responsibility, experiment, communication
altruism, generosity, non-monetary, harm, experiment
Altruism, generosity, non-monetary, harm, experiment
coordination, minimum effort game, growth, experiments
leadership, ethics, dishonesty, experiment
Leadership, ethics, dishonesty, experiment
Negative externalities, scope of externalities, social responsibility, market experiments
endowment effect, game form misconception, BDM mechanism, experimental methods, replicable audio files of instructions
WTP-WTA gap, game from misconception, BDM mechanism, endowment effect, experimental methods, highly replicable laboratory environment
Learning, experiments, games
entrepreneurship, risk aversion, overconfidence, taste
fairness, principal-agent, experiments
Willful ignorance, third party punishment, dictator game, ex ante and ex post fairness
willful ignorance, third party punishment, dictator game, fairness
Employability, Work Attitude, Job Mobility
Gender, coordination games, leadership, experiment
Beliefs, Bayes’ rule, asymmetric updating, overconfidence, motivated reasoning
organizational coordination, experimental economics
democratic peace, group decision making, agree to disagree, no trade theorem, no war theorem
Coordination, Minimum Effort Game, Incentives, Experiments
gender differences, risk, altruism, redistributive preferences, experiment
norms, pro-social behavior, experiments, dictator game
Social preference,fairness, ambiguity,ambiguity aversion, managerial decision-making
Individual behavior in the lab, Social norms, Fairness
Leadership, Coordination, Complementary Investment, Experiment
consumer sentiment, expectations, coordination, global games
social responsibility, markets, externalities, competition, fairness
individual economic expectations, economic individualism, German elections
Level-k, cognitive hierarchy, behavioral game theory
motivated beliefs, strategic cynicism, bias, experiment
Repeated games, cooperation, voluntary commitment
Equilibrium Selection, Asset Prices, Coordination Games, Experimental Economics
Equilibrium Selection; Asset Prices; Coordination Games; Experimental Economics
voluntary cooperation, experiment, public good game, endogenous growth
Experiment, third-party punishment, second-party punishment, fairness
Coordination, communication, forward induction, experiment, stag hunt
market exchange, ideology, values, experiment
Public discourse, market failure, externalities, social responsibility, social norms, experiment, communication
Social capital, redistribution, trust, cooperation, experiment
Growth, Entry, Coordination, Experiments
coordination, communication, forward induction, experiment, stag hunt
gender identity, non-binary gender, economic preferences, economic outcomes
Voluntary cooperation, experiment, public good game
Curse of knowledge, information, biases and heuristics, experiments