Rämistrasse 71
Zürich, CH-8006
University of Zurich
in Total Papers Citations
House price synchronization, US dollar funding, global US dollar cycle, global imbalances, capital inflows, global banks, global banking network
Banking deregulation, China trade shock, sectoral reallocation, house prices, consumer access to finance
Local public finance, firm-level investment, crowding-out, fiscal austerity, global and intra-European imbalances
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Small and medium enterprises, SME access to finance, Banking integration, Domestic bank dependence, International transmission, Eurozone crisis
Small and medium enterprises, sme access to finance, banking integration, domestic bank dependence, interbank dependence, international transmission, eurozone crisis
banking deregulation, China trade shock, sectoral reallocation, house prices, consumer access to finance
Comparative advantage, financial development, financial integration, Japan, banking history, trade credit, export finance, silk industry, relationship lending
Japan, Lost Decade, banking integration, regional business cycles, transmission of financial shocks, bank lending channel, firm-borrowing channel, reallocation channel, internal capital markets, monetary union
Banking integration, domestic bank dependence, eurozone crisis, interbank dependence, International Transmission, Small and medium enterprises, sme access to finance
Banking Union, Capital Union