United Kingdom
University of Buckingham
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in Total Papers Citations
private school voucher, systematic review, meta-analysis, opportunity scholarship, international randomized controlled trials, RCT, participant effects
school choice, school leadership, school management, School and Staffing Survey
Common Core, Education Standards, Student Achievement, Education Policy
character skills, grit, conscientiousness, behavioral tasks, survey effort
terrorism, public schools, private schools, school choice, Islam, madrasa, Muslim, jihadist, right wing, homegrown terrorists
Private school; school choice; civic education; instrumental variables
education, education policy, schooling, school choice, schools, comparative analysis, government policy
Achievement levels, Flynn Effect, LTT, NAEP, TIMSS, PIRLS, PISA, ethnicity, SES, family structure
School Curricula, Common Core, Education Standards, Student Achievement, Education policy
populism, public opinion, survey, politics, education, Burkean