Ramat-Gan, 52900
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Bar-Ilan University - Department of Economics
Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Israel
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Amnesty, Immigration, Illegal Immigration, Border Controls, Internal Controls
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Amnesty, immigration, illegal immigration, border controls, internal controls
Attachment Theory, Experimental Economics, Behavioral Economics, Ultimatum Game, Psychology and Economics
Contract Law, Breach of Contract, Unallocated Risk, Strict Liability Regime, Fault Regime, Revelation Principle
R&D, Spillovers, Uncertainty, Cooperation, Research Joint Ventures, Information Sharing
Economic History of the Jews, Ethnic Minorities, Cooperation, Altruism, Hostility
Price dispersion, search costs, consumer search
Red tape, Cooling-Off Periods, Revolving Door, Regulation
contract law, breach of contract, default remedies, expectation damages, specific performance, punitive damages, renegotiation costs, discount factor, prejudgment interest
experimental economics, network goods, coordination game, critical mass
Network market, pre-production, inviting competition, network externalities
Altruism, Minorities, Ethnic Groups, Religious Groups, Relative Group Size, Social Conflicts
Free goods, Field experiment, Zero price, Quantity restrictions, Social norms, Norms, Scrutiny, Experiment
Network market, critical mass, network externalities
Cooperation, altruism, game theory, finitely repeated games, dynamic games
Mechanism design, dispute resolution, ADR, reallocation clause, legal rights, allocation clause
customer retention, firm size, consumer loyalty, investment in customer relationships, consumer search, industry dynamics
firm dynamics, firm growth, habit formation, consumer dynamics
price response, price rigidity, information asymmetry, market power
endogenous institutions, macroeconomic experiments, matching, coordination, markets, money