Nydalsveien 37
Oslo, 0442
BI Norwegian Business School
in Total Papers Citations
Management Teams; Cross-Cultural Management Studies; China; Essentialist Theories
Motivation, Job Types, Latent Semantic Analysis, Semantic Theory of Survey Response, Intrinsic Motivation, Measurement, Payment Level, Likert Scales
Leadership, Heroism, Latent Semantic Analysis, Semantic Theory of Survey Response, Charisma, Transformational Leadership
Leadership Development, Dark Side, Adverse Effects, Evaluation, Kirkpatrick’s Model, Wasted Organization Resources
Leadership; Cross-Cultural Leadership; Latent Semantic Analysis; Semantic Theory of Survey Response
Personality disorders, conspiracy beliefs, latent semantic analysis
semantics, simulation, surveys, semantic theory of survey response, leadership
Population estimates; statistics; prejudice; demography; intelligence; ideology
Text algorithms; Personality; Clinical psychology; Organizational behavior; Likert scales; Social medial
Explained variance, semantics, scientific progress, context, empirical/a priori
Leadership, Organizational Behavior, Latent Semantic Analysis, Semantic Theory of Survey Response, Media Language
Leadership, Latent Semantic Analysis, Survey Research, Semantic Theory of Survey Response, Five-Factor Personality, Transformational Leadership
Cover-ups, Conspiracy theories, Self-image, Latent semantic analysis, Cognition, Self-rated strengths
semantic algorithms, semantic networks, nomological networks, latent constructs, natural language processing, measurement, organizational behavior, cross-cultural psychology
second language speakers, management teams, communication, China, meta-cognition, international organizations
Semantic analysis, Surveys, survey responses, semantic theory of survey response (STSR), attitude strength