Faculty of Law
Ramat Gan, 52900
Bar-Ilan University - Faculty of Law
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legal education, legal research, publication, ranking, journal ranking, law reviews, peer review
Green finance, ethical investment, environmental reporting, global financial law, voluntary instruments, self-regulation
Paradox, inconsistency, self-reference, Antinomy, self-organization, justice
legal pluralism, soft law, polycentrism, private governance
Trade and environment, globalization, WTO, global legal pluralism
climate pledges, climate change, private ordering, separating equilibrium, environmental finance
precautionary principle, genetically modified organisms, risk assessment, political ecology, scientific uncertainty, SPS Agreement
expert judgment, biases and heuristics, nudjing, de-biasing
Electronic democracy, Internet, transnational governance, ICANN, WTO, ISO, democratic deficit
citation cartel, journal ranking, law reviews
self-regulation, ISO 14001, corporate social responsibility, environmental commitment, organizational citizenship behavior
environmental reporting, international financial law, Global Reporting Initiative, GRI, homo economicus
reflexive regulation, responsive regulation, second-order reflexivity, meta-regulation
Trade and environment, WTO, GATT, sustainable development
Issue linkage, cross-regime synergy, regime collision, trade and environment conflict
e-democracy, open government, Plato, Obama, punctuated citizenship
AI, Algorithmic Governance, Dogotal Services Act, Societal Constitutionalism
constitutional law and environmental rights
information overload, e-democracy, Habermas, deliberative democracy, pluralism, technological intermediaries
Compliance, Environmental, Recycling, Crowding Out, Framing, Incentives, Intrinsic Motivation
fuzzy law, soft law, legal autonomy, legal communication, paradox, Douglas Hofstadter, Gunther Teubner, Niklas Luhmann
fuzzy law, vagueness, defeasible reasoning, soft law, complementary pairs
רגולציה דיפרנציאלית, מוטיבציה, תמריצים, פקדונות, קנסות
soft Law, greenwash, environmental regulation, private governance
Paradox, inconsistency, vagueness, randomness, fluid concepts
Transnational Environmental Regulation, Soft Law, Nuanced Normativty, Sustainability Indexes, Legitimacy
academic freedom, political speech, Israeli universities
European integration, economic integration, globalization, international trade, IMF, constitutional change, environmental policy, law, political science, economics
hybrid authority, regulatory scientific institutions, transnational regulation, complementary pairs, fuzzy law
democracy, e-democracy, law and technology, pluralism, Internet
Nanotechnology, precautionary principle, deliberative democracy, vagueness, regulation
environmental regulation, environmental economics, systems theory, market-based intruments
Transnational Law, International Economic Law, International Legal Theory, Paradox, Complexity, Global Constitutionalism
transnational networks, CSR, network signaling, the handicap principle
paradoxes, self reference, legal paradoxes, inconsistency, Being John Malkovich, Charlie Kaufman
expert evidence, cognitive biases, heuristics, higher order evidence, court-appointed experts, impairment ranking
private transnational regulation, hybrid governance, soft law, CSR
קיימות, פיתוח בר קיימא, טיוב רגולציה
epistemic authority, IPCC, ICNIRP, uncertainty, regulatory scientific institutions, hybrid authority
social norm nudges, differential privacy, environmental regulation
global administrative law, transnational regulation, WTO
private transnational regulators, tort liability, CSR, transnational litigation, global supply chain
גלובליזציה, משפט מנהלי
Collaborative E- Rulemaking, Wiki-Governance, Lurkers, Social Value Orientation
forward-looking responsibility, higher-order reflexivity, regulatory judgment, Socrates.
רפורמה משטרית, סביבה, בית משפט
Transnational Constitutionalism, Networked Constitutionalism, Networked Governance, CSR
e-democracy, wiki anxiety, transnational governance, technological determinism
incoherence, speech act pluralism, vagueness, rule of law
intergenerational cooperation, climate policies, commitment mechanisms, public goods, ; sustainability
CSR; global governance; network analysis; network grounding; relational authority
collaborative е-rulemaking, digital democracy, public good, e-democracy artificial agents, social bots, augmented democracy
international environmental law, private transnational environmental regulation
מומחים רפואיים, עדות, פיקוח, רפורמה, שיקול דעת שיפוטי, כללי אצבע
אִפחוּת, חקיקת אקלים, יעדי הפחתה, מדיניות אקלים, מיטיגציה, משפט משווה, שינוי האקלים
congestion, temporal partitioning, self-organizing, private ordering
Network analysis, relational authority, network grounding, global governance, CSR
Fuzzy-set theory; fuzzy law; defeasible reasoning; complementary pairs; quasi-legal systems
international law, legitimacy, democracy, anti-globalization movement, creativity, Italo Calvino
international environmental law, regulation of Multinational Enterprises, India, legal theory, environmental groups, social theory, nature of law as a social system, environmental protection in developing countries
environmental conflicts, construction contracts, trade and environment, private and public regulation, foreign direct investment