P.O. Box 80510
The Hague, 2508 GM
CPB Netherlands Bureau of Economic Policy Analysis
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Local Loop Unbundling, Broadband, VoIP, Regulation, Telecommunications
local-loop unbundling, VoIP, telecommunications, regulation
telecommunications, voice over broadband (VoB), voice over Internet protocol
Network neutrality, Discriminating practices, Product differentiation, Imperfect competition, Regulation
Post, Access regulation, Downstream access, Barriers to entry, European Law, Law and economics
Telecommunications, Fixed-mobile call termination, Access regulation
One-way access, essential facility, local-loop unbundling, regulation, telecommunications, fixed telephony, VoIP
Telecommunication, Access Price, Interconnection Charge, Network, Regulation
telecommunications regulation, convergence, network access, IP networks, competition, innovation, NGN networks
regulation, telecommunications, government policy w.r.t. technological change
software markets, intellectual property rights, open source software, public policy