The Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research
Florentine House, 53 Hillhead St
Glasgow, G12 8QF
United Kingdom
University of Glasgow
in Total Papers Downloads
art, theft, crime, opportunity, repeat victimisation
illcit, antiquities, looting, cultural objects, crime
comparative law, property law
crime, harm, power, state-corporate, omission, World Bank, IMF, WTO
crime, criminal justice, game theory, prisoner's dilemma, cooperation
Circles, support, accountability, anti-social behaviour, youth, crime, risk
White-collar crime, antiquities, looted, regulation, power, dealing, cultural objects.
antiquities, illicit, looting, cultural heritage, stolen goods markets
Circles of support, sex offenders, post-release, communities, volunteers
illicit, antiquities, looting, crime, empathy, morality, entitlement
Environmental Crime, Antiquities, Neutralisation, Denial, Field, Habitus
crime, incivility, emotion, morality
circles of support and accountability, sex offenders, community-based programs
Crime, criminology, emotions, exchange, reciprocity, phenomenology, existentialism
empathy, crime, criminology, choice
Crime, anti-social behaviour, ASBO, contractual governance, ethopolitics
stolen art, Australia, Australian art market, limitation periods, art theft, England, United States, good faith, due diligence