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Political economy, media, nondemocratic politics
reform, rebellion, reference dependence, Imperial Russia
nondemocratic politics, dictatorship, game theory
Autocracy, Elections, Public Opinion, Experiments, Preference Falsification
businessman candidates, political selection, immature democracies, special interest politics, political connections
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Political connections, businessman candidates, immature democracy, media freedom, government transparency, strength of political parties
investment, dictatorship, ruling parties, credible commitment
defensive ownership, property rights, political connections, oligarchs, Ukraine
privatization, bureaucracy, economic reform, Russia
Veto players, economic reform, special-interest politics
reform, rebellion, serfdom, political economy, contentious politics, global game
Nondemocracy, Autocracy, Dictatorship, New Institutional Economics
electoral manipulation, bureaucracy
Investment, Dictatorship, Collective Action, Ruling Parties, Legislatures
police, crime reporting, state, survey experiments, Russia, Georgia
political turnover, firm productivity, political connections, property rights, Orange Revolution
political connections, firm behavior, voting, transition
Exit, Voice, Political Economy, Hirschman, game theory
elections, federalism, political accountability, career concerns
state, police, cooperation, survey experiments, Russia
Political Transitions, Democratization, Acemoglu-Robinson Model, Markov Games
collective action, incomplete contracts, taxability, postcommunism
property rights, predation, oligarchs, ownership chains, political connections
privatization, mortality, postcommunist countries
privatization, mortality, health, shock therapy, unemployment, Eastern Europe, Former Soviet Union, Lancet
police, cooperation, state, survey experiments
dictator’s dilemma, information, repression, autocracy, elections
Businessman candidates, elections, citizen candidates, institutions, political economy