Postbus 72
9700 AB Groningen
University of Gronigen - Faculty of Economics
in Total Papers Citations
economic growth, new structural economics, structural change, BRIC countries
Economic Theory & Research, Labor Policies, Emerging Markets, Markets and Market Access, General Manufacturing
fragmentation, income, jobs, European competitiveness
Labor Markets, Food & Beverage Industry, Plastics & Rubber Industry, Business Cycles and Stabilization Policies, Textiles, Apparel & Leather Industry, Pulp & Paper Industry, Common Carriers Industry, Construction Industry, General Manufacturing, International Trade and Trade Rules, Industrial and Consumer Services and Products, Transport and Trade Logistics
Economic Theory & Research, Markets and Market Access, Free Trade, Access to Markets, Trade Policy
Supply, Use, biproportional adjustments, optimization
industrial growth accounting, structural change, Russia
global value chain, intangibles, tangible and intangible capital, national accounts
Productivity, Resource Allocation, Cross-Country Comparisons