Princeton, NJ 08544-1021
United States
Princeton University - Department of Economics
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inappropriate technology, technology diffusion, productivity gaps, agriculture, biotechnology, crop pests and pathogens
Business Cycles, Attention, Bounded Rationality, Shock Propagation, Volatility
Narratives, Business Cycles, Expectations, Sentiment, Contagion, Optimism
climate change, innovation, adaptation
monetary policy, disagreement, high-frequency identification
Equilibrium, Behavioral Macroeconomics, Stochastic Choice
Applied Econometrics, Regional Data, Shift-Share Instruments
Supply Functions, Business Cycles, Uncertainty, Aggregate Supply, Phillips Curve
Screening, Adverse Selection, Moral Hazard, Multi-Part Tariffs, Under-Utilization, Free Disposal, Digital Goods
Mechanism Design, Incomplete Contracts, Principal-Agent Models, Nonlinear Pricing, Adverse Selection, Moral Hazard
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