Axel Dreher

Heidelberg University

Grabengasse 1

Heidelberg, 69117




Rank 523


Top 523

in Total Papers Downloads


Rank 679


Top 679

in Total Papers Citations


Scholarly Papers (115)


Does Legalized Prostitution Increase Human Trafficking?

World Development, 41 (1), 2013, pp. 67-82
Number of pages: 48 Posted: 16 Jan 2012 Last Revised: 10 Dec 2012
Seo-Young Cho, Axel Dreher and Eric Neumayer
University of Marburg - School of Business & Economics, Heidelberg University and London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Downloads 23,162 (265)
Citation 9



human trafficking, prostitution, human rights, globalization


The Economic Costs of Corruption: A Survey and New Evidence

Number of pages: 33 Posted: 02 Jun 2005
Axel Dreher and Thomas Herzfeld
Heidelberg University and IAMO
Downloads 5,407 (3,371)
Citation 49



Costs of corruption, survey, empirical evidence


Does Globalization Affect Growth?

University of Mannheim Working Paper
Number of pages: 33 Posted: 16 Dec 2002
Axel Dreher
Heidelberg University
Downloads 1,707 (21,784)
Citation 10



Globalization, Growth

Aid on Demand: African Leaders and the Geography of China's Foreign Assistance

Centro Studi Luca d'Agliano Development Studies Working Paper No. 400
Number of pages: 73 Posted: 17 Jan 2017
Heidelberg University, University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationKiel Institute for the World Economy, University of St. Gallen, AidData, Monash University - Department of Economics and College of William and Mary
Downloads 1,011 (46,289)
Citation 45



Foreign Aid, Favoritism, Aid Allocation, Aid Eff Ectiveness, Africa, China, OCial Development Assistance, Georeferenced Data, Spatial Analysis

Aid on Demand: African Leaders and the Geography of China's Foreign Assistance

AidData Working Paper No. 3 (revised)
Number of pages: 67 Posted: 30 Nov 2014 Last Revised: 10 Oct 2016
Heidelberg University, University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationKiel Institute for the World Economy, University of Lucerne, AidData, Monash University - Department of Economics and College of William and Mary
Downloads 544 (104,956)
Citation 18



Foreign aid, Favoritism, Aid allocation, Aid effectiveness, Africa, China, Official Development Assistance, Georeferenced data, Spatial analysis

Aid on Demand: African Leaders and the Geography of China's Foreign Assistance

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 5439
Number of pages: 51 Posted: 28 Jul 2015
Heidelberg University, University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationKiel Institute for the World Economy, University of St. Gallen, AidData, Monash University - Department of Economics and College of William and Mary
Downloads 120 (483,184)



foreign aid, favoritism, aid allocation, Africa, China, official development assistance, georeferenced data, spatial analysis

Aid on Demand: African Leaders and the Geography of China's Foreign Assistance

CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP10704
Number of pages: 52 Posted: 13 Jul 2015
Heidelberg University, University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationKiel Institute for the World Economy, University of St. Gallen, AidData, Monash University - Department of Economics and College of William and Mary
Downloads 2 (1,331,516)
Citation 11
  • Add to Cart



Africa, aid allocation, China, favoritism, foreign aid, georeferenced data, official development assistance, spatial analysis

Downloads 1,621 (23,536)
Citation 27

Rogue Aid? The Determinants of China’s Aid Allocation

Courant Research Centre Discussion Paper No. 93
Number of pages: 49 Posted: 13 Sep 2011 Last Revised: 01 Mar 2012
Axel Dreher, Andreas Fuchs and Andreas Fuchs
Heidelberg University and University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationKiel Institute for the World Economy
Downloads 1,199 (36,183)
Citation 21



Aid allocation, China’s foreign aid, new donors, donor motives

Rogue Aid? The Determinants of China's Aid Allocation

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 3581
Number of pages: 48 Posted: 22 Sep 2011
Axel Dreher, Andreas Fuchs and Andreas Fuchs
Heidelberg University and University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationKiel Institute for the World Economy
Downloads 422 (142,703)
Citation 6



aid allocation, China’s foreign aid, new donors, donor motives

Connective Financing: Chinese Infrastructure Projects and the Diffusion of Economic Activity in Developing Countries

AidData Working Paper No. 64
Number of pages: 68 Posted: 30 Oct 2018
Leibniz University Hannover, Heidelberg University, University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationKiel Institute for the World Economy, AidData, Harvard University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Government and College of William and Mary
Downloads 1,244 (34,320)
Citation 54



Foreign Aid, Inequality, China, Official Development Assistance, Georeferenced Data, Spatial Analysis, Gini, Aid Effectiveness

Connective Financing - Chinese Infrastructure Projects and the Diffusion of Economic Activity in Developing Countries

CESifo Working Paper No. 8344
Number of pages: 54 Posted: 10 Jun 2020
Leibniz University Hannover, University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationKiel Institute for the World Economy, Harvard University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Government, Heidelberg University, AidData and College of William and Mary
Downloads 321 (193,519)
Citation 16



Connective Financing - Chinese Infrastructure Projects and the Diffusion of Economic Activity in Developing Countries

CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP14818
Number of pages: 55 Posted: 03 Jun 2020
Leibniz University Hannover, Heidelberg University, University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationKiel Institute for the World Economy, College of William and Mary, Harvard University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Government and College of William and Mary
Downloads 0
  • Add to Cart



China, Development finance, foreign aid, infrastructure, spatial concentration, transport costs


The Development and Implementation of IMF and World Bank Conditionality

Number of pages: 66 Posted: 11 Feb 2003
Axel Dreher
Heidelberg University
Downloads 1,537 (25,545)
Citation 10



IMF, World Bank, Conditionality, Compliance, Program Interruption


Aid, China, and Growth: Evidence from a New Global Development Finance Dataset

AidData Working Paper No. 46
Number of pages: 65 Posted: 11 Oct 2017
Heidelberg University, University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationKiel Institute for the World Economy, AidData, Harvard University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Government and College of William and Mary
Downloads 1,388 (29,729)
Citation 101




China's Development Finance to Africa: A Media-Based Approach to Data Collection

Center for Global Development Working Paper No. 323
Number of pages: 68 Posted: 03 May 2013 Last Revised: 27 Jan 2014
Harvard University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Government, College of William and Mary, College of William and Mary, University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationKiel Institute for the World Economy, Heidelberg University and Center for Global Development
Downloads 1,295 (32,903)
Citation 80



China, development finance, foreign aid, non-DAC donors, emerging donors, southsouth cooperation, media-based data collection


Does the IMF Cause Moral Hazard? A Critical Review of the Evidence

Number of pages: 27 Posted: 23 Feb 2004
Axel Dreher
Heidelberg University
Downloads 1,269 (33,913)



IMF, debtor moral hazard, creditor moral hazard


The Bigger the Better? Evidence of the Effect of Government Size on Life Satisfaction Around the World

Number of pages: 40 Posted: 02 Nov 2005
Aarhus University - Department of Economics and Business, Heidelberg University and Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)
Downloads 1,128 (40,195)
Citation 10



Life satisfaction, Government


Corruption Around the World: Evidence from a Structural Model

Number of pages: 31 Posted: 13 Jul 2004
Heidelberg University, University of Exeter and University of Exeter Business School
Downloads 1,075 (43,124)
Citation 26



Corruption, Latent Variables, Economic Development, Rule of Law


Student Flows and Migration: An Empirical Analysis

IZA Discussion Paper No. 1612, CESifo Working Paper Series No. 1490
Number of pages: 29 Posted: 01 Jun 2005
Axel Dreher and Panu Poutvaara
Heidelberg University and University of Helsinki - Department of Economics
Downloads 1,071 (43,383)
Citation 22



migration, education, student flows, brain drain

The Impact of Globalization on the Composition of Government Expenditures: Evidence from Panel Data

KOF Working Papers / KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich No. 141
Number of pages: 42 Posted: 06 Sep 2006
Heidelberg University, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich and University of Konstanz
Downloads 559 (101,413)
Citation 32



globalization, economic policy, government expenditure composition, tax

The Impact of Globalization on the Composition of Government Expenditures: Evidence from Panel Data

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 1755
Number of pages: 45 Posted: 25 Jul 2006
Heidelberg University, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich and University of Konstanz
Downloads 291 (215,029)
Citation 5



globalization, economic policy, government expenditure composition, tax competition


IMF and Economic Growth: The Effects of Programs, Loans, and Compliance with Conditionality

Number of pages: 35 Posted: 25 Jun 2004
Axel Dreher
Heidelberg University
Downloads 765 (68,764)
Citation 47



IMF programs, growth, compliance, conditionality

Apples and Dragon Fruits: The Determinants of Aid and Other Forms of State Financing from China to Africa

University of Heidelberg Department of Economics Discussion Paper Series No. 620
Number of pages: 58 Posted: 21 Oct 2016
Heidelberg University, University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationKiel Institute for the World Economy, AidData, Harvard University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Government and College of William and Mary
Downloads 448 (132,883)
Citation 33



Development Finance, Foreign Aid, Non-DAC Donors, China, Tracking Underreported Financial Flows

Apples and Dragon Fruits: The Determinants of Aid and Other Forms of State Financing from China to Africa

AidData Working Paper No. 15
Number of pages: 32 Posted: 17 Oct 2015
Heidelberg University, University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationKiel Institute for the World Economy, AidData, Harvard University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Government and College of William and Mary
Downloads 224 (279,949)
Citation 18



Development Finance, Foreign Aid, Non-DAC Donors, China, Tracking Underreported Financial Flows

Does Terror Threaten Human Rights? Evidence from Panel Data

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 1935
Number of pages: 43 Posted: 28 Mar 2007
Heidelberg University, ETH Zurich - KOF Swiss Economic Institute and University of Siegen
Downloads 494 (118,134)
Citation 6



terrorism, human rights, civil liberties, suicide attacks

Does Terror Threaten Human Rights? Evidence from Panel Data

KOF Working Papers No. 156
Number of pages: 41 Posted: 15 Feb 2007
Heidelberg University, ETH Zurich - KOF Swiss Economic Institute and University of Siegen
Downloads 129 (456,067)
Citation 37



Terrorism, Human Rights, Civil Liberties, Suicide Attacks

Corruption and the Shadow Economy: An Empirical Analysis

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 1653
Number of pages: 42 Posted: 23 Feb 2006
Axel Dreher and Friedrich Schneider
Heidelberg University and Johannes Kepler University Linz - Department of Economics
Downloads 339 (182,535)
Citation 19



corruption, shadow economy, regulation, tax burden

Corruption and the Shadow Economy: An Empirical Analysis

IZA Discussion Paper No. 1936
Number of pages: 39 Posted: 30 Jan 2006
Axel Dreher and Friedrich Schneider
Heidelberg University and Johannes Kepler University Linz - Department of Economics
Downloads 251 (250,292)
Citation 2



corruption, shadow economy, regulation, tax burden


The Political Economy of International Organizations

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 6077
Number of pages: 54 Posted: 25 Oct 2016
Axel Dreher and Valentin F. Lang
Heidelberg University and Heidelberg University
Downloads 580 (98,123)
Citation 14



international organizations, public choice, International Monetary Fund, European Union


The Contribution of the IMF and the World Bank to Economic Freedom

ZEW Discussion Paper No. 02-18
Number of pages: 35 Posted: 05 Dec 2002
Bernhard Boockmann and Axel Dreher
ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research and Heidelberg University
Downloads 578 (98,521)
Citation 21



Economic freedom, IMF, World Bank, structural adjustment policies


Does the IMF Help or Hurt? The Effect of IMF Programs on the Likelihood and Outcome of Currency Crises

KOF Working Papers/KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich No. 186
Number of pages: 39 Posted: 11 Jan 2008
Axel Dreher and Stefanie Walter
Heidelberg University and University of Zurich - Institute for Political Science
Downloads 544 (106,315)
Citation 7



IMF programs, growth, compliance, conditionality


The Impact of International Organizations on the Environment: An Empirical Analysis

Swiss Institute for Business Cycle Research (KOF) Working Paper No. 131
Number of pages: 36 Posted: 30 Mar 2006
Axel Dreher and Magdalena Ramada-Sarasola
Heidelberg University and Towers Watson
Downloads 523 (111,619)



International Organizations, Environment, Governance, IMF, World Bank


Has Globalisation Increased Inequality?

KOF Working Papers / KOF Swiss Economic Institute No. 140
Number of pages: 45 Posted: 05 Sep 2006
Axel Dreher and Noel Gaston
Heidelberg University and University of South Australia
Downloads 519 (112,667)
Citation 7



Income and earnings inequality, globalisation, democracy, panel regressions


Greasing the Wheels of Entrepreneurship? Impact of Regulations and Corruption on Firm Entry

KOF Working Paper No. 166, CESifo Working Paper No. 2013
Number of pages: 35 Posted: 30 May 2007
Axel Dreher and Martin Gassebner
Heidelberg University and ETH Zurich - KOF Swiss Economic Institute
Downloads 516 (113,460)
Citation 79



corruption, start-ups, grease the wheels, entrepreneurship, regulation, doing business


How Do Institutions Affect Corruption and the Shadow Economy?

University of Exeter Discussion Paper
Number of pages: 26 Posted: 23 Feb 2005
Heidelberg University, University of Exeter and University of Exeter Business School
Downloads 515 (113,723)
Citation 14



Corruption, Shadow Economies, OECD countries, Latent Variables, Structural Equation Modelling


Power to the People? The Impact of Decentralization on Governance

Swiss Institute for Business Cycle Research (KOF) Working Paper No. 121
Number of pages: 35 Posted: 08 Feb 2006
Axel Dreher
Heidelberg University
Downloads 512 (114,521)
Citation 11



Decentralization, Governance, Legal Quality, Judicial Independence,


The Causes and Consequences of IMF Conditionality

Number of pages: 37 Posted: 03 Oct 2003
Axel Dreher and Roland Vaubel
Heidelberg University and University of Mannheim - School of Economics (VWL)
Downloads 507 (115,907)
Citation 5



IMF, Conditionality, Effects of IMF conditions


Are NGOs the Better Donors? A Case Study of Aid Allocation for Sweden

KOF Working Paper No. 180
Number of pages: 39 Posted: 21 Nov 2007
Heidelberg University, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) and University of Kiel
Downloads 503 (116,986)
Citation 15



Aid allocation, NGO aid, ODA, Sector-specific aid

Aid and Growth. New Evidence Using an Excludable Instrument

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 5515
Number of pages: 40 Posted: 16 Oct 2015
Axel Dreher and Sarah Langlotz
Heidelberg University and Goettingen University
Downloads 494 (118,134)



aid effectiveness, government fractionalization, economic growth

Aid and Growth. New Evidence Using an Excludable Instrument

CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP10811
Number of pages: 34 Posted: 08 Sep 2015
Axel Dreher and Sarah Langlotz
Heidelberg University and Goettingen University
Downloads 1 (1,340,643)
Citation 3
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aid effectiveness, economic growth, government fractionalization

Inequality and Happiness: When Perceived Social Mobility and Economic Reality Do Not Match

CEIS Working Paper No. 173
Number of pages: 55 Posted: 08 Nov 2010
Aarhus University - Department of Economics and Business, Heidelberg University, Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) and BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Institute for Economics, Chair for Microeconomics
Downloads 324 (191,680)
Citation 7



Happiness, Life Satisfaction, Subjective Well-Being, Inequality, Income Distribution, Redistribution, Political Ideology, Justice, Fairness, World Values Survey

Inequality and Happiness: When Perceived Social Mobility and Economic Reality do not Match

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 3216
Number of pages: 46 Posted: 25 Oct 2010
Aarhus University - Department of Economics and Business, Heidelberg University, Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) and BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Institute for Economics, Chair for Microeconomics
Downloads 154 (394,631)



happiness, life satisfaction, subjective well-being, inequality, income distribution, redistribution, political ideology, justice, fairness, World Values Survey


Does Membership on the Un Security Council Influence IMF Decisions? Evidence from Panel Data

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 1808
Number of pages: 55 Posted: 18 Oct 2006
Heidelberg University, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich and Yale University - Department of Political Science
Downloads 456 (131,570)
Citation 12



IMF, UN Security Council, voting, aid


On Gender Inequality and Life Satisfaction: Does Discrimination Matter?

University of St. Gallen, Economics Discussion Paper No. 2007-07
Number of pages: 30 Posted: 23 Apr 2007
Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), Aarhus University - Department of Economics and Business and Heidelberg University
Downloads 449 (134,085)
Citation 1



Gender gap, happiness, well-being, discrimination, life satisfaction


IMF Conditionality: Theory and Evidence

KOF Working Papers / KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich Working Paper No. 188
Number of pages: 56 Posted: 19 Mar 2008 Last Revised: 09 Apr 2014
Axel Dreher
Heidelberg University
Downloads 442 (136,665)
Citation 10



IMF, conditionality, compliance, implementation


Are ‘New’ Donors Different? Comparing the Allocation of Bilateral Aid between Non-DAC and DAC Donor Countries

CEGE Discussion Paper No. 96
Number of pages: 33 Posted: 25 Mar 2010
Axel Dreher, Peter Nunnenkamp and Rainer Thiele
Heidelberg University, University of Kiel and Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Downloads 430 (141,122)
Citation 6





Immigration, Political Ideologies and the Polarization of American Politics

CESifo Working Paper No. 8789
Number of pages: 64 Posted: 28 Dec 2020
Heidelberg University, Goettingen University, University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and The University of Western Australia - Department of Economics
Downloads 417 (146,196)
Citation 1




Do Differences in Institutional and Legal Environments Explain Cross-Country Variations in IPO Underpricing?

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 2082
Number of pages: 48 Posted: 23 Aug 2007
Christian Hopp and Axel Dreher
University of Vienna and Heidelberg University
Downloads 411 (148,707)
Citation 4



IPO underpricing, institutions, legal infrastructure, panel data


On the Relation between Income Inequality and Happiness: Do Fairness Perceptions Matter?

CEGE Discussions Paper No. 91
Number of pages: 61 Posted: 10 Jan 2010
Aarhus University - Department of Economics and Business, Heidelberg University, Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) and BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Institute for Economics, Chair for Microeconomics
Downloads 407 (150,420)
Citation 11



Happiness, life satisfaction, subjective well-being, inequality, income distribution, redistribution, political ideology, justice, fairness, World Values Survey


The Influence of Globalization on Taxes and Social Policy - an Empirical Analysis for OECD Countries

University of Exeter Economics Discussion Paper
Number of pages: 35 Posted: 05 Nov 2003
Axel Dreher
Heidelberg University
Downloads 396 (155,090)
Citation 17



Globalization, economic policy, government expenditure, social spending, implicit tax rates, dynamic panel, tax competition

Does Membership in International Organizations Increase Governments' Credibility? Testing the Effects of Delegating Powers

KOF Working Paper No. 193
Number of pages: 41 Posted: 18 Apr 2008
Axel Dreher and Stefan Voigt
Heidelberg University and University of Hamburg - Institute of Law & Economics
Downloads 195 (319,440)
Citation 8



Delegation of Competence, Credibility, Dilemma of the Strong State, International Organization

Does Membership in International Organizations Increase Governments' Credibility? Testing the Effects of Delegating Powers

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 2285
Number of pages: 43 Posted: 01 May 2008
Axel Dreher and Stefan Voigt
Heidelberg University and University of Hamburg - Institute of Law & Economics
Downloads 171 (360,057)
Citation 2



delegation of competence, credibility, dilemma of the strong state, international organizations

Can Aid Buy Foreign Public Support? Evidence from Chinese Development Finance

CESifo Working Paper No. 9646
Number of pages: 78 Posted: 07 Apr 2022
University of Göttingen, Heidelberg University, University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationKiel Institute for the World Economy, College of William and Mary and The University of Hong Kong
Downloads 313 (198,886)
Citation 8



development finance, foreign aid, aid events, public opinion, government approval, soft power, China, Gallup World Poll

Can Aid Buy Foreign Public Support? Evidence from Chinese Development Finance

CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP17128
Number of pages: 80 Posted: 29 Mar 2022
University of Göttingen, Heidelberg University, University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationKiel Institute for the World Economy, College of William and Mary and The University of Hong Kong
Downloads 52 (798,131)
  • Add to Cart



aid events, China, Development finance, foreign aid, Gallup World Poll, Government approval, Public Opinion, soft power


Buying Votes and International Organizations

Number of pages: 45 Posted: 30 May 2012
Axel Dreher and James Raymond Vreeland
Heidelberg University and Princeton University - Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs
Downloads 354 (175,686)
Citation 3



IMF, UN Security Council, voting, aid

Cross-Country Determinants of Life Satisfaction: Exploring Different Determinants Across Groups in Society

Swiss Institute for Business Cycle Research (KOF) Working Paper No. 145, STICERD, London School of Economics Working Paper No. PEPP-21
Number of pages: 54 Posted: 03 Nov 2005
Aarhus University - Department of Economics and Business, Heidelberg University and Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)
Downloads 199 (313,450)



Life Satisfaction, Happiness, Institutions, Extreme Bounds Analysis

Cross-Country Determinants of Life Satisfaction: Exploring Different Determinants Across Groups in Society

LSE STICERD Research Paper No. PEPP21
Number of pages: 56 Posted: 11 Jul 2008
Aarhus University - Department of Economics and Business, Heidelberg University and Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)
Downloads 154 (394,631)
Citation 1




Do IMF and World Bank Influence Voting in the Un General Assembly?

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 1724
Number of pages: 46 Posted: 01 Jun 2006
Axel Dreher and Jan-Egbert Sturm
Heidelberg University and KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich
Downloads 341 (182,996)
Citation 26



IMF, World Bank, UN General Assembly, voting, aid

The Costs of Favoritism: Is Politically-Driven Aid Less Effective?

Number of pages: 49 Posted: 25 Mar 2010
Heidelberg University, University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Princeton University - Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and Harvard University - Business School (HBS)
Downloads 172 (358,205)
Citation 8



World Bank, Aid Effectiveness, Political Influence, United Nations Security Council

The Costs of Favoritism: Is Politically-Driven Aid Less Effective?

IZA Discussion Paper No. 4820
Number of pages: 46 Posted: 22 Mar 2010
Heidelberg University, University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Yale University - Department of Political Science and Harvard University - Business School (HBS)
Downloads 92 (585,669)
Citation 2



World Bank, aid effectiveness, political influence, United Nations Security Council

The Costs of Favoritism: Is Politically-Driven Aid Less Effective?

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 2993
Number of pages: 49 Posted: 04 Apr 2010
Heidelberg University, University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Yale University - Department of Political Science and Harvard University - Business School (HBS)
Downloads 72 (677,026)
Citation 3



World Bank, aid effectiveness, political influence, United Nations Security Council

The Effect of Migration on Terror - Made at Home or Imported from Abroad?

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 6441
Number of pages: 57 Posted: 29 May 2017
Axel Dreher, Martin Gassebner and Paul Schaudt
Heidelberg University, ETH Zurich - KOF Swiss Economic Institute and University of St. Gallen
Downloads 318 (195,474)



terrorism, migration, migration policy

The Effect of Migration on Terror - Made at Home or Imported from Abroad?

CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP12062
Number of pages: 49 Posted: 30 May 2017
Axel Dreher, Martin Gassebner and Paul Schaudt
Heidelberg University, ETH Zurich - KOF Swiss Economic Institute and University of St. Gallen
Downloads 2 (1,331,516)
Citation 1
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migration, migration policy, Terrorism


Do IMF and World Bank Programs Induce Government Crises? An Empirical Analysis

KOF Working Paper No. 200
Number of pages: 34 Posted: 29 Jun 2008
Axel Dreher and Martin Gassebner
Heidelberg University and ETH Zurich - KOF Swiss Economic Institute
Downloads 318 (197,069)
Citation 6



Political Crisis, International Financial Institutions


Does the IMF Cause Moral Hazard and Political Business Cycles? Evidence from Panel Data

U of Mannheim Institut fur Volkswirtschaftslehreund Statistik Working Paper No. 598-01
Number of pages: 28 Posted: 10 Jan 2003
Axel Dreher and Roland Vaubel
Heidelberg University and University of Mannheim - School of Economics (VWL)
Downloads 318 (197,069)
Citation 24



IMF programs, political business cycles, moral hazard

Downloads 313 (200,474)
Citation 3

Globalization, Economic Freedom and Human Rights

CEGE Discussion Paper No. 115
Number of pages: 58 Posted: 22 Oct 2010
Heidelberg University, ETH Zurich - KOF Swiss Economic Institute and University of Siegen
Downloads 188 (330,421)
Citation 1



Human Rights, Globalization, Economic Freedom, Liberalization

Globalization, Economic Freedom and Human Rights

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 3228
Number of pages: 50 Posted: 30 Oct 2010
Heidelberg University, ETH Zurich - KOF Swiss Economic Institute and University of Siegen
Downloads 125 (467,712)
Citation 2



human rights, globalization, economic freedom, liberalization

The Spread of Anti-Trafficking Policies - Evidence from a New Index

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 3376
Number of pages: 47 Posted: 24 Mar 2011
Seo-Young Cho, Axel Dreher and Eric Neumayer
University of Marburg - School of Business & Economics, Heidelberg University and London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Downloads 222 (282,426)



human trafficking, human rights, spatial dependence of policies

The Spread of Anti-Trafficking Policies: Evidence from a New Index

IZA Discussion Paper No. 5559
Number of pages: 48 Posted: 21 Mar 2011 Last Revised: 18 Nov 2021
Seo-Young Cho, Axel Dreher and Eric Neumayer
University of Marburg - School of Business & Economics, Heidelberg University and London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Downloads 70 (687,405)
Citation 1



spatial dependence of policies, human rights, human trafficking


Foreign Aid in Areas of Limited Statehood

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 6340
Number of pages: 42 Posted: 15 Mar 2017
Heidelberg University, Heidelberg University and German Development Institute/Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)University of Essex - Department of Government
Downloads 291 (216,625)



aid effectiveness, fragile states, limited statehood

Tracking Under-Reported Financial Flows: China's Development Finance and the Aid-Conflict Nexus Revisited

University of Heidelberg Department of Economics Discussion Paper Series No. 553
Number of pages: 45 Posted: 24 Jan 2014
Harvard University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Government, AidData, College of William and Mary, University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationKiel Institute for the World Economy and Heidelberg University
Downloads 185 (335,483)
Citation 22



Development Finance; Foreign Aid, Non-DAC Donors, South-South Cooperation, China, Aid Shocks, Violent Armed Conflict

Tracking Under-Reported Financial Flows: China's Development Finance and the Aid-Conflict Nexus Revisited

Courant Research Centre Discussion Paper No. 175, University of Goettingen
Number of pages: 61 Posted: 29 May 2015
Harvard University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Government, AidData, College of William and Mary, University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationKiel Institute for the World Economy and Heidelberg University
Downloads 106 (531,153)
Citation 10



Development Finance, Foreign Aid, Non-DAC Donors, South-South Cooperation, China, Africa, Aid Shocks, Violent Armed Conflict, Civil War, Intrastate War


Inequality and Happiness: When Perceived Social Mobility and Economic Reality Do Not Match

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 91, 2013
Number of pages: 65 Posted: 30 Nov 2015
Aarhus University, Heidelberg University, Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Institute for Economics, Chair for Microeconomics and CESifo
Downloads 288 (219,041)
Citation 2



Happiness, life satisfaction, subjective well-being, inequality, income distribution, redistribution, political ideology, justice, fairness, World Values Survey


Development Aid and International Politics: Does Membership on the UN Security Council Influence World Bank Decisions?

KOF Working Paper No. 171
Number of pages: 39 Posted: 05 Sep 2007
Heidelberg University, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich and Yale University - Department of Political Science
Downloads 287 (219,823)
Citation 27



World Bank, UN Security Council, Voting, Aid

Downloads 283 (222,994)

Geopolitics, Aid and Growth

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 4299
Number of pages: 50 Posted: 09 Jul 2013
Axel Dreher, Vera Z. Eichenauer and Kai Gehring
Heidelberg University, KOF Swiss Economic Institute at ETH Zurich and CESifo
Downloads 273 (229,769)



aid effectiveness, economic growth, politics and aid, United Nations Security Council membership, political instruments

Geopolitics, Aid and Growth

CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP9904
Number of pages: 58 Posted: 02 Jun 2014
Axel Dreher, Vera Z. Eichenauer and Kai Gehring
Heidelberg University, KOF Swiss Economic Institute at ETH Zurich and CESifo
Downloads 10 (1,246,125)
  • Add to Cart



aid effectiveness, economic growth, political instruments, politics and aid, United Nations Security Council membership


Do Gasoline Prices Converge in a Unified Europe with Non-Harmonized Tax Rates?

KOF Working Paper No. 114
Number of pages: 32 Posted: 12 Nov 2004
Axel Dreher and Tim Krieger
Heidelberg University and University of Freiburg - Department of Economics
Downloads 277 (227,948)
Citation 5



Price convergence, law of one price, gasoline, international taxation, European integration, panel unit roots


The Politics of IMF Forecasts

KOF Working Paper No. 176, CESifo Working Paper Series No. 2129
Number of pages: 41 Posted: 30 Oct 2007
Heidelberg University, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca - Department of Economics, Management and Statistics (DEMS) and Yale University - Department of Political Science
Downloads 274 (230,483)



IMF, Economic Forecasts, Political Influence


The Determinants of Anti-Trafficking Policies – Evidence from a New Index

Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 116(2): 429-454, DIW Berlin Discussion Paper, Economics of Security Working Paper No. 72
Number of pages: 39 Posted: 01 Sep 2012 Last Revised: 19 Aug 2016
Seo-Young Cho, Axel Dreher and Eric Neumayer
University of Marburg - School of Business & Economics, Heidelberg University and London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Downloads 265 (238,356)



human trafficking, human rights, compliance, anti-trafficking policies


Regional and Ethnic Favoritism in the Allocation of Humanitarian Aid

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 7038
Number of pages: 40 Posted: 16 Jul 2018
University of Göttingen, Heidelberg University and University of Göttingen
Downloads 256 (246,862)
Citation 5



humanitarian aid, disasters, ethnic favoritism, regional favoritism


Do We Know What We Think We Know? Aid Fragmentation and Effectiveness Revisited

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Discussion Paper No. 185
Number of pages: 39 Posted: 20 Sep 2015
CESifo, University of Zurich - Centre for Comparative and International Studies (CIS), Heidelberg University and University of Zurich
Downloads 254 (248,865)
Citation 4



aid effectiveness, fragmentation


Diesel Price Convergence and Mineral Oil Taxation in Europe

KOF Working Paper No. 182
Number of pages: 21 Posted: 10 Dec 2007
Axel Dreher and Tim Krieger
Heidelberg University and University of Freiburg - Department of Economics
Downloads 254 (248,865)
Citation 1



price convergence, diesel, international taxation, European integration, panel unit roots


Sectoral Aid Priorities: Are Donors Really Doing Their Best to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals?

Swiss Institute for Business Cycle Research (KOF) Working Paper No. 124
Number of pages: 38 Posted: 15 Feb 2006
Rainer Thiele, Peter Nunnenkamp and Axel Dreher
Kiel Institute for the World Economy, University of Kiel and Heidelberg University
Downloads 254 (248,865)
Citation 6



Aid Allocation, MDGs, Development Aid

Downloads 250 (252,861)
Citation 4

Politics and IMF Conditionality

KOF Working Papers No. 338
Number of pages: 43 Posted: 22 Jun 2013
Heidelberg University, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich and Princeton University - Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs
Downloads 131 (450,400)
Citation 2



IMF, UN Security Council, Voting, Aid, Conditionality

Politics and IMF Conditionality

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 4308
Number of pages: 42 Posted: 09 Jul 2013
Heidelberg University, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich and Princeton University - Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs
Downloads 119 (486,401)
Citation 2



IMF, UN Security Council, voting, aid, conditionality


The Impact of Political Leaders' Profession and Education on Reforms

KOF Working Paper No. 147
Number of pages: 38 Posted: 21 Nov 2006
Heidelberg University, University of EssexETH Zurich - KOF Swiss Economic Institute, Swiss National BankUniversity of Basel and Deutsche Bundesbank
Downloads 245 (257,999)
Citation 11



Reforms, Economic Policy, Economic Freedom, Interest Groups, Lobbying

The Devil is in the Shadow: Do Institutions Affect Income and Productivity or Only Official Income and Official Productivity?

CESifo Working Paper No. 2150
Number of pages: 44 Posted: 03 Dec 2007
Heidelberg University, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and Johannes Kepler University Linz - Department of Economics
Downloads 172 (358,205)



shadow economy, income, aggregate productivity, development accounting

The Devil is in the Shadow: Do Institutions Affect Income and Productivity or Only Official Income and Official Productivity?

KOF Swiss Economic Institute Working Paper No. 179
Number of pages: 41 Posted: 19 Nov 2007
Heidelberg University, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and Johannes Kepler University Linz - Department of Economics
Downloads 70 (687,405)
Citation 21



shadow economy, income, aggregate productivity, development accounting


Country or Leader? Political Change and UN General Assembly Voting

KOF Working Paper No. 217
Number of pages: 32 Posted: 18 Mar 2009
Axel Dreher and Nathan M. Jensen
Heidelberg University and Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science
Downloads 240 (263,263)
Citation 14



United Nations General Assembly voting, key votes

Decentralization as a Disincentive for Transnational Terror? An Empirical Test

KOF Working Papers / KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich No. 185, University of St.Gallen, Department of Economics, Discussion Paper No. 2008-01
Number of pages: 30 Posted: 11 Jan 2008
Axel Dreher and Justina A. V. Fischer
Heidelberg University and Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)
Downloads 144 (417,300)



Terrorism, Decentralization, Democracy

Decentralization as a Disincentive for Transnational Terror? An Empirical Test

U. of St. Gallen Law & Economics Working Paper No. 2008-05
Number of pages: 31 Posted: 11 Mar 2008 Last Revised: 04 Jun 2008
Axel Dreher and Justina A. V. Fischer
Heidelberg University and Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)
Downloads 91 (589,777)
Citation 1



Terrorism, Decentralization, Democracy


Is There a Causal Link between Currency and Debt Crises?

Number of pages: 40 Posted: 12 Apr 2004
Axel Dreher, Bernhard Herz and Volker Karb
Heidelberg University, University of Bayreuth and University of Bayreuth
Downloads 232 (272,031)
Citation 9



Debt crises, currency crises, contagion

Does Aid for Education Educate Children? Evidence from Panel Data

KOF Working Paper / KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich No. 146
Number of pages: 42 Posted: 06 Dec 2006
Axel Dreher, Peter Nunnenkamp and Rainer Thiele
Heidelberg University, University of Kiel and Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Downloads 231 (271,707)
Citation 13



Aid effectiveness, Education, Sector-specific aid

Does Aid for Education Educate Children? Evidence from Panel Data

The World Bank Economic Review, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 291-314, 2008
Posted: 07 Jul 2008
Axel Dreher, Peter Nunnenkamp and Rainer Thiele
Heidelberg University, University of Kiel and Kiel Institute for the World Economy



F35, O11, H52, I22

Acting Autonomously or Mimicking the State and Peers? A Panel Tobit Analysis of Financial Dependence and Aid Allocation by Swiss NGOs

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 2617
Number of pages: 37 Posted: 20 Apr 2009
Heidelberg University, University of Kiel, affiliation not provided to SSRN and Max Planck Society for the Advancement of the Sciences - Max Planck Institute for Economics
Downloads 156 (390,367)
Citation 3



NGO aid, aid allocation, official co-financing, financial dependence

Acting Autonomously or Mimicking the State and Peers? A Panel Tobit Analysis of Financial Dependence and Aid Allocation by Swiss NGOs

KOF Working Paper No. 219
Number of pages: 35 Posted: 18 Mar 2009
Heidelberg University, University of Kiel, affiliation not provided to SSRN and Max Planck Society for the Advancement of the Sciences - Max Planck Institute for Economics
Downloads 70 (687,405)
Citation 21



NGO aid, aid allocation, official co-financing, financial dependence

Agency and Communication in IMF Conditional Lending: Theory and Empirical Evidence

IZA Discussion Paper No. 4041
Number of pages: 51 Posted: 08 Mar 2009
Silvia Marchesi, Laura Sabani and Axel Dreher
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca - Department of Economics, Management and Statistics (DEMS), University of Florence and Heidelberg University
Downloads 138 (431,811)



communication, delegation, IMF conditionality, panel data

Agency and Communication in IMF Conditional Lending: Theory and Empirical Evidence

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 2574, KOF Working Paper No. 218
Number of pages: 54 Posted: 11 Mar 2009
Silvia Marchesi, Laura Sabani and Axel Dreher
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca - Department of Economics, Management and Statistics (DEMS), University of Florence and Heidelberg University
Downloads 86 (611,078)
Citation 1



IMF conditionality, delegation, communication, panel data


Staff Growth in International Organizations: A Principal-Agent Problem? An Empirical Analysis

Number of pages: 27 Posted: 25 Aug 2003
Roland Vaubel, Axel Dreher and Ugurlu Soylu
University of Mannheim - School of Economics (VWL), Heidelberg University and University of Mannheim - School of Economics (VWL)
Downloads 223 (282,641)
Citation 17



political economy, principal-agent problem, bureaucratic inefficiency, international organizations

Information Transmission and Ownership Consolidation in Aid Programs

Centro Studi Luca d'Agliano Development Studies Working Paper No. 356
Number of pages: 37 Posted: 01 Feb 2014
Axel Dreher and Silvia Marchesi
Heidelberg University and Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca - Department of Economics, Management and Statistics (DEMS)
Downloads 87 (606,614)



delegation, communication, ownership, foreign aid

Information Transmission and Ownership Consolidation in Aid Programs

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 4437
Number of pages: 37 Posted: 01 Nov 2013
Axel Dreher and Silvia Marchesi
Heidelberg University and Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca - Department of Economics, Management and Statistics (DEMS)
Downloads 49 (820,024)
Citation 2



delegation, communication, ownership, foreign aid

Information Transmission and Ownership Consolidation in Aid Programs

Centro Studi Luca d'Agliano Development Studies Working Paper No. 399
Number of pages: 43 Posted: 17 Jan 2017
Axel Dreher, Sarah Langlotz and Silvia Marchesi
Heidelberg University, Goettingen University and Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca - Department of Economics, Management and Statistics (DEMS)
Downloads 44 (859,315)



Delegation, Communication, Ownership, Foreign Aid

Information Transmission and Ownership Consolidation in Aid Programs

University of Milan Bicocca Department of Economics, Management and Statistics Working Paper No. 255
Number of pages: 37 Posted: 14 Oct 2013
Axel Dreher and Silvia Marchesi
Heidelberg University and Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca - Department of Economics, Management and Statistics (DEMS)
Downloads 35 (939,909)
Citation 2



Delegation, communication, ownership, foreign aid

Information Transmission and Ownership Consolidation in Aid Programs

CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP11443
Number of pages: 45 Posted: 22 Aug 2016
Axel Dreher, Sarah Langlotz and Silvia Marchesi
Heidelberg University, Goettingen University and Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca - Department of Economics, Management and Statistics (DEMS)
Downloads 0
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communication, delegation, foreign aid, ownership


Does US Aid Buy UN General Assembly Votes? A Disaggregated Analysis

KOF Working Paper No. 138
Number of pages: 28 Posted: 22 Jun 2006
Axel Dreher, Peter Nunnenkamp and Rainer Thiele
Heidelberg University, University of Kiel and Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Downloads 209 (300,392)
Citation 23



Bilateral Aid, UN General Assembly, Voting


Foreign Exchange Intervention and the Political Business Cycle: A Panel Data Analysis

Number of pages: 27 Posted: 20 May 2005
Axel Dreher and Roland Vaubel
Heidelberg University and University of Mannheim - School of Economics (VWL)
Downloads 202 (310,196)
Citation 3



Foreign exchange interventions, political business cycles


Formal Institutions and Subjective Well-Being: Revisiting the Cross-Country Evidence

KOF Working Paper No. 192
Number of pages: 41 Posted: 16 Apr 2008
Aarhus University - Department of Economics and Business, Heidelberg University and Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)
Downloads 200 (313,068)
Citation 14



Happiness, institutions, policy implications


The Intriguing Nexus between Corruption and Capital Account Restrictions

RWI: Discussion Paper No. 35, Swiss Institute for Business Cycle Research (KOF) Working Paper No. 113
Number of pages: 38 Posted: 19 Apr 2004
Axel Dreher and Lars H.R. Siemers
Heidelberg University and University of Siegen
Downloads 199 (314,548)
Citation 30



Corruption, capital account restrictions, dynamic panel


Does Terror Increase Aid?

Courant Research Centre Discussion Paper No. 86
Number of pages: 37 Posted: 26 Aug 2011
Axel Dreher, Andreas Fuchs and Andreas Fuchs
Heidelberg University and University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationKiel Institute for the World Economy
Downloads 198 (316,001)
Citation 6



Foreign Aid, Transnational Terrorism, War on Terror and Aid, DAC Donors, Heckman Selection Model


Do Markets Care About Central Bank Governor Changes? Evidence from Emerging Markets

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 2177, KOF Working Paper No. 177, Paolo Baffi Centre Research Paper No. 2008-09
Number of pages: 49 Posted: 05 Nov 2007
Christoph Moser and Axel Dreher
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz - Faculty of Law and Economics and Heidelberg University
Downloads 197 (317,411)
Citation 2



central bank governor turnover, monetary policy, emerging markets, risk premium


Determinants of Donor Generosity: A Survey of the Aid Budget Literature

Courant Research Centre Discussion Paper No. 121
Number of pages: 36 Posted: 13 Sep 2012
University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationKiel Institute for the World Economy, Heidelberg University and University of Kiel
Downloads 194 (321,941)
Citation 14



Foreign aid, Official Development Assistance, Aid budget, Extreme Bounds Analysis


Keeping a Low Profile: What Determines the Allocation of Aid by Non-Governmental Organizations?

KOF Working Paper No. 191
Number of pages: 35 Posted: 20 Mar 2008
Centre for International Development Issues Nijmegen, Heidelberg University, University of Kiel and Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Downloads 193 (323,461)
Citation 11



aid allocation, aid agencies, non-governmental organizations, poverty


Membership Has its Privileges – The Effect of Membership in International Organizations on FDI

CEGE Discussions Paper No. 114
Number of pages: 46 Posted: 22 Oct 2010
Axel Dreher, Heiner Mikosch and Stefan Voigt
Heidelberg University, ETH Zürich - KOF Swiss Economic Institute and University of Hamburg - Institute of Law & Economics
Downloads 185 (336,285)
Citation 5



Membership in International Organizations, FDI, Investment Climate, Political Risk, Signaling, Separating Equilibrium


The Determinants of Election to the United Nations Security Council

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 3902
Number of pages: 36 Posted: 29 Aug 2012
Heidelberg University, University of Westminster, University of Sheffield - Department of Economics and Princeton University - Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs
Downloads 175 (353,390)
Citation 3



United Nations, Security Council, turn-taking norm, elections


Geopolitics, Aid, and Growth: The Impact of Un Security Council Membership on the Effectiveness of Aid

World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 7771
Number of pages: 60 Posted: 27 Jul 2016
Axel Dreher, Vera Z. Eichenauer and Kai Gehring
Heidelberg University, KOF Swiss Economic Institute at ETH Zurich and CESifo
Downloads 173 (356,882)
Citation 7



Economic Theory & Research, Industrial Economics, Economic Growth


Wedded to Prosperity? Informal Influence and Regional Favoritism

CESifo Working Paper No. 10969
Number of pages: 98 Posted: 05 Mar 2024
Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Heidelberg University, University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationKiel Institute for the World Economy, Heidelberg University, University of Freiburg, University of Göttingen, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca - Department of Economics, Management and Statistics (DEMS), University “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti Pescara, Heidelberg University and Bernhard-Nocht-Institute for Tropical Medicine (BNITM)
Downloads 162 (377,807)
Citation 1



favoritism, informal influence, birth regions, development finance, foreign aid, official development assistance; political connections; geoeconomics


Does Conditionality Work? A Test for an Innovative US Aid Scheme

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 3454
Number of pages: 44 Posted: 25 May 2011
Hannes Öhler, Peter Nunnenkamp and Axel Dreher
University of Göttingen, University of Kiel and Heidelberg University
Downloads 162 (377,807)
Citation 2



foreign aid, corruption, Millennium Challenge Corporation, MCC effect

Downloads 159 (383,883)
Citation 9

The Effects of Foreign Aid on Refugee Flows

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 6885
Number of pages: 49 Posted: 09 Apr 2018
Heidelberg University, University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationKiel Institute for the World Economy and Goettingen University
Downloads 140 (426,823)
Citation 1



foreign aid, Official Development Assistance, migration, refugees, displaced people, humanitarian crises, repatriation policies

The Effects of Foreign Aid on Refugee Flows

CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP12741
Number of pages: 50 Posted: 26 Feb 2018
Heidelberg University, University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationKiel Institute for the World Economy and Goettingen University
Downloads 19 (1,122,179)
Citation 8
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displaced people, foreign aid, humanitarian crises, migration, Official Development Assistance, Refugees, repatriation policies


The Determinants of Anti-trafficking Policies – Evidence from a New Index

Number of pages: 37 Posted: 06 Mar 2011 Last Revised: 13 Jun 2012
Seo-Young Cho, Axel Dreher and Eric Neumayer
University of Marburg - School of Business & Economics, Heidelberg University and London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Downloads 158 (385,988)
Citation 11



human trafficking, human rights, compliance, anti-trafficking policies


When is a Central Bank Governor Fired? Evidence Based on a New Data Set

KOF Working Paper / KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich No. 143
Number of pages: 37 Posted: 05 Dec 2006
Axel Dreher, Jakob de Haan and Jan-Egbert Sturm
Heidelberg University, CESifo (Center for Economic Studies and Ifo Institute) and KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich
Downloads 154 (394,493)
Citation 19



central bank governors, central bank independence


Has Globalisation Really Had No Effect on Unions?

KOF Working Paper No. 110
Number of pages: 31 Posted: 17 Jan 2006
Noel Gaston and Axel Dreher
University of South Australia and Heidelberg University
Downloads 153 (396,616)



Deunionisation, globalisation, integration, panel regressions


The Impact of Aid on Growth Revisited: Do Donor Motives Matter?

IZA Discussion Paper No. 4156, KOF Working Papers / KOF Swiss Economic Institute, Paper No. 225
Number of pages: 28 Posted: 13 May 2009
Christopher Kilby and Axel Dreher
Villanova University and Heidelberg University
Downloads 149 (405,301)
Citation 2



aid, growth, politics

Aid Allocation by German NGOs: Does the Degree of Public Refinancing Matter?

Number of pages: 29 Posted: 16 Feb 2010
Heidelberg University, University of Kiel, affiliation not provided to SSRN and Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Downloads 100 (554,191)
Citation 3



NGO aid, aid allocation, public refinancing

Aid Allocation by German NGOs: Does the Degree of Public Refinancing Matter?

KOF Swiss Economic Institute Working Paper No. 247
Number of pages: 26 Posted: 25 Jan 2010
Heidelberg University, University of Kiel, affiliation not provided to SSRN and Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Downloads 48 (827,624)
Citation 3



NGO aid, aid allocation, public refinancing

The Alma Mater Effect - Does Foreign Education of Political Leaders Influence Foreign Policy?

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 5871
Number of pages: 39 Posted: 19 May 2016
Axel Dreher and Shu Yu
Heidelberg University and World Bank
Downloads 143 (419,664)



United Nations General Assembly voting, foreign education, leaders

The Alma Mater Effect. Does Foreign Education of Political Leaders Influence Foreign Policy?

CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP11450
Number of pages: 44 Posted: 30 Aug 2016
Axel Dreher and Shu Yu
Heidelberg University and World Bank
Downloads 2 (1,331,516)
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Foreign Education, leaders, United Nations General Assembly voting


Membership has Its Privileges - The Effect of Membership in International Organizations on FDI

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 3231
Number of pages: 41 Posted: 09 Nov 2010
Axel Dreher, Heiner Mikosch and Stefan Voigt
Heidelberg University, ETH Zürich - KOF Swiss Economic Institute and University of Hamburg - Institute of Law & Economics
Downloads 145 (414,269)
Citation 2



membership in international organizations, FDI, investment climate, political risk, signaling, separating equilibrium

The Role of Country-of-Origin Characteristics for Foreign Direct Investment and Technical Cooperation in Post-Reform India

ETH Zurich KOF Working Paper No. 283
Number of pages: 36 Posted: 19 Jun 2011 Last Revised: 25 Jun 2011
Heidelberg University, University of Kiel and University of Göttingen - Department of Economics
Downloads 101 (550,196)



foreign investors, countries of origin, joint ventures, technical cooperation, India

The Role of Country-Of-Origin Characteristics for Foreign Direct Investment and Technical Cooperation in Post-Reform India

World Development, Vol. 44, 2013
Number of pages: 34 Posted: 04 Jan 2017
Heidelberg University, University of Kiel and University College Dublin (UCD) - Department of Politics
Downloads 38 (911,496)



Foreign Investors, Countries of Origin, Joint Ventures, Technical Cooperation, India

Buying Votes and International Organizations: The Dirty Work-Hypothesis

CESifo Working Paper No. 7329
Number of pages: 61 Posted: 21 Feb 2019
Heidelberg University, University of Mannheim, University of Oxford - Department of Economics and Princeton University - Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs
Downloads 128 (458,930)



United Nations Security Council, voting, aid, IMF

Buying Votes and International Organizations: The Dirty Work-Hypothesis

CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP13290
Number of pages: 62 Posted: 05 Nov 2018
Heidelberg University, University of Mannheim, New York University (NYU) - Wilf Family Department of Politics and Princeton University - Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs
Downloads 9 (1,259,462)
  • Add to Cart



Aid, IMF, United Nations Security Council, voting, World Bank

Downloads 134 (441,012)

Weapons of Choice

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 5419
Number of pages: 34 Posted: 14 Jul 2015
Axel Dreher and Merle Kreibaum
Heidelberg University and German Development Institute/Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Downloads 132 (447,590)



terrorism, rebellion, resource curse, oil

Weapons of Choice

CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP10082
Number of pages: 28 Posted: 25 Sep 2014
Axel Dreher and Merle Kreibaum
Heidelberg University and German Development Institute/Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)
Downloads 2 (1,331,516)
  • Add to Cart



oil, rebellion, resource curse, terrorism


Does High Inflation Cause Central Bankers to Lose Their Job? Evidence Based on a New Data Set

CESifo Working Paper No. 2045, KOF Working Paper No. 167
Number of pages: 24 Posted: 03 Jul 2007
Axel Dreher, Jan-Egbert Sturm and Jakob de Haan
Heidelberg University, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich and CESifo (Center for Economic Studies and Ifo Institute)
Downloads 128 (457,215)
Citation 27



central bank governors, central bank independence, inflation


Does Membership on the UN Security Council Influence IMF Conditionality?

Center for European, Governance and Economic Development Research Working Paper No. 104
Number of pages: 32 Posted: 20 Jul 2010 Last Revised: 09 Apr 2014
Heidelberg University, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich and Princeton University - Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs
Downloads 121 (477,600)
Citation 19



IMF, UN Security Council, Voting, Aid, Conditionality

Information Transmission within Federal Fiscal Architectures: Theory and Evidence

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 4400
Number of pages: 49 Posted: 25 Sep 2013
Heidelberg University, CESifo, University of Exeter and Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca - Department of Economics, Management and Statistics (DEMS)
Downloads 63 (726,948)



delegation, centralization, communication, fiscal decentralization, state and local government

Information Transmission within Federal Fiscal Architectures: Theory and Evidence

University of Zurich CIS Working Paper No. 85
Number of pages: 59 Posted: 13 Sep 2013 Last Revised: 26 Feb 2016
Heidelberg University, CESifo, University of Exeter and Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca - Department of Economics, Management and Statistics (DEMS)
Downloads 56 (770,598)
Citation 8



delegation, centralization, communication, fiscal decentralization, state and local government

Information Transmission within Federal Fiscal Architectures: Theory and Evidence

CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP11344
Number of pages: 47 Posted: 27 Jun 2016
Heidelberg University, CESifo, University of Exeter and Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca - Department of Economics, Management and Statistics (DEMS)
Downloads 1 (1,340,643)
Citation 1
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Centralization, communication, delegation, Fiscal Decentralization, state and local government

Government Decentralization as a Disincentive for Transnational Terror? An Empirical Analysis

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 2699
Number of pages: 45 Posted: 14 Jul 2009
Axel Dreher and Justina A. V. Fischer
Heidelberg University and Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)
Downloads 75 (662,026)
Citation 4



terrorism, decentralization, federalism, governance quality, government effectiveness

Government Decentralization as a Disincentive for Transnational Terror? An Empirical Analysis

IZA Discussion Paper No. 4259
Number of pages: 42 Posted: 30 Jun 2009
Axel Dreher and Justina A. V. Fischer
Heidelberg University and Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)
Downloads 45 (851,062)
Citation 1



terrorism, decentralization, federalism, governance quality, government effectiveness


The Determinants of Anti-trafficking Policies – Evidence from a New Index

APSA 2011 Annual Meeting Paper
Number of pages: 37 Posted: 01 Aug 2011 Last Revised: 31 Aug 2012
Eric Neumayer, Axel Dreher and Seo-Young Cho
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), Heidelberg University and University of Marburg - School of Business & Economics
Downloads 118 (486,850)



human trafficking, human rights, compliance, anti-trafficking policies


Do Human Rights Offenders Oppose Human Rights Resolutions in the United Nations?

KOF Working Paper No. 163
Number of pages: 31 Posted: 17 May 2007
Bernhard Boockmann and Axel Dreher
ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research and Heidelberg University
Downloads 117 (489,939)
Citation 4



Voting, Human Rights, United Nations, Instrumental Voting

The Political Economy of International Finance Corporation Lending

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 6661
Number of pages: 47 Posted: 24 Oct 2017
Axel Dreher, Valentin Lang and Katharina Richert
Heidelberg University, University of Mannheim and University of Heidelberg - Alfred Weber Institute for Economics
Downloads 110 (516,585)
Citation 2



international finance, international bureaucracies, political economy

The Political Economy of International Finance Corporation Lending

CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP12290
Number of pages: 41 Posted: 11 Sep 2017
Axel Dreher and Katharina Richert
Heidelberg University and University of Heidelberg - Alfred Weber Institute for Economics
Downloads 0
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international bureaucracies, international finance, political economy


On the Relation between Income Inequality and Happiness: Do Fairness Perceptions Matter

KOF Working Paper No. 245, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich
Number of pages: 58 Posted: 27 Dec 2009
Aarhus University - Department of Economics and Business, Heidelberg University, Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) and BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Institute for Economics, Chair for Microeconomics
Downloads 102 (541,574)
Citation 14



happiness, life satisfaction, subjective well-being, inequality, income distribution, redistribution, political ideology, justice, fairness, World Values Survey

Downloads 94 (571,524)
Citation 16

Aid and Growth at the Regional Level

IMF Working Paper No. 15/196
Number of pages: 41 Posted: 13 Oct 2015
Axel Dreher and Steffen Lohmann
Heidelberg University and University of Göttingen
Downloads 93 (581,617)
Citation 6



Aid Effectiveness, Geo-coding, aid, regions, region, projects, regional level,

Aid and Growth at the Regional Level

CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP10561
Number of pages: 39 Posted: 27 Apr 2015
Axel Dreher and Steffen Lohmann
Heidelberg University and University of Göttingen
Downloads 1 (1,340,643)
Citation 10
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aid effectiveness, geo-coding, World Bank

Downloads 83 (616,247)
Citation 14

Chinese Aid and Health at the Country and Local Level

CESifo Working Paper No. 8352
Number of pages: 49 Posted: 10 Jun 2020
Heidelberg University - Alfred Weber Institute for Economics, Heidelberg University and University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Downloads 78 (647,532)
Citation 9



Chinese Aid and Health at the Country and Local Level

CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP14862
Number of pages: 50 Posted: 16 Jun 2020
Heidelberg University - Alfred Weber Institute for Economics, Heidelberg University and University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Downloads 5 (1,305,790)
Citation 5
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Fungibility, Health Aid, infant mortality


Why it Pays for Aid Recipients to Take Note of the Millennium Challenge Corporation: Other Donors Do!

CEGE Discussion Paper No. 99
Number of pages: 31 Posted: 11 Apr 2010 Last Revised: 04 Jul 2012
Axel Dreher, Peter Nunnenkamp and Hannes Öhler
Heidelberg University, University of Kiel and University of Göttingen
Downloads 73 (661,485)
Citation 2



official development aid, Millennium Challenge Corporation, additionality, signaling, United States, other DAC donors


Gesture Politics or Real Commitment?

Gesture politics or real commitment? Gender inequality and the allocation of aid. UNU WIDER Working Paper No. 2013/079
Number of pages: 39 Posted: 23 Dec 2013
Kai Gehring, Axel Dreher and Stephan Klasen
CESifo, Heidelberg University and University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
Downloads 72 (666,223)
Citation 1



aid allocation, gender inequality, sector-specific aid, political economy, development, female empowerment


Are 'New' Donors Different? Comparing the Allocation of Bilateral Aid Between Non-DAC and DAC Donor Countries

KOF Working Paper No. 255
Number of pages: 30 Posted: 24 Mar 2010
Axel Dreher, Peter Nunnenkamp and Rainer Thiele
Heidelberg University, University of Kiel and Kiel Institute for the World Economy
Downloads 63 (713,432)
Citation 8



aid allocation, new donors, donor motives, Probit, Tobit


Does Conditionality Work? A Test for an Innovative US Aid Scheme

CEGE Working Paper No. 103
Number of pages: 39 Posted: 18 Jul 2010
Hannes Oehler, Axel Dreher and Peter Nunnenkamp
affiliation not provided to SSRN, Heidelberg University and University of Kiel
Downloads 61 (724,683)



Foreign Aid, Corruption, Millennium Challenge Corporation, MCC Effect


Read My Lips: The Role of Information Transmission in Multilateral Reform Design

CEGE Discussion Papers No. 86
Number of pages: 40 Posted: 03 Jul 2009
Silvia Marchesi, Laura Sabani and Axel Dreher
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca - Department of Economics, Management and Statistics (DEMS), University of Florence and Heidelberg University
Downloads 46 (823,151)
Citation 4



IMF conditionality, delegation, communication, ownership, panel data


Is Favoritism a Threat to Chinese Aid Effectiveness? A Subnational Analysis of Chinese Development Projects

CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP13840
Number of pages: 40 Posted: 30 Jul 2019
Heidelberg University, University of Göttingen - Faculty of Economics and Business AdministrationKiel Institute for the World Economy, University of St. Gallen, AidData, Monash University - Department of Economics and College of William and Mary
Downloads 24 (1,027,676)
Citation 17
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Africa, Aid effectiveness, China, Development finance, economic growth, favoritism, foreign aid


Home Bias in Humanitarian Aid: The Role of Regional Favoritism in the Allocation of International Disaster Relief

CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP13957
Number of pages: 46 Posted: 07 Oct 2019
University of Göttingen, Heidelberg University and University of Göttingen
Downloads 6 (1,245,446)
Citation 9
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Birth Regions, Humanitarian Aid, Natural Disasters, Regional Favoritism


The Political Economy of Multilateral Aid Funds

CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP13297
Number of pages: 47 Posted: 05 Nov 2018
Axel Dreher, Jenny Simon and Justin Valasek
Heidelberg University, German Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs - BMAS and NHH Norwegian School of Economics
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aid allocation, Aid effectiveness, Decision Rules, International Organizations

Independent Actor or Agent? An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of US Interests on IMF Conditions

Journal of Law & Economics, Vol. 50, No. 1, 2007
Posted: 10 Jan 2006
Axel Dreher and Nathan M. Jensen
Heidelberg University and Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science



IMF, conditionality, elections, UN General Assembly voting compliance

Independent Actor or Agent? An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Us Interests on IMF Conditions

Swiss Institute for Business Cycle Research (KOF) Working Paper No. 118
Posted: 08 Feb 2006
Axel Dreher and Nathan M. Jensen
Heidelberg University and Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science



IMF, conditionality, elections, UN General Assembly voting compliance