855 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, QC H3A 2T7
McGill University - Department of Economics
in Total Papers Citations
Optimal Financing Contracts, Investor Protection, Growth, Overlapping Generations, Capital Mobility
Equity Premium, Business Cycle, Predictability, Disappointment Aversion
Equity Premium, Business Cycle, Predictability, Disappointment
Optimal Financing Contracts, Investor Protection, Growth, Overlapping
Equity Premium, disappointment aversion, predictability, business cycle
Schumpeterian Competition, Creative Destruction, Product Turnover
Macroeconomics, Investment Rate, Overlapping Generations, Relative Prices, Investor Protection, Optimal Contracts
Macroeconomics, Investment Rate, Overlapping Generations, Rel-ative Prices, Investor Protection, Optimal Contracts
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