Francine J. Lipman

University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law

William S. Boyd Professor of Law

4505 South Maryland Parkway

Box 451003

Las Vegas, NV 89154

United States



Rank 2,377


Top 2,377

in Total Papers Downloads


Rank 43,018


Top 43,018

in Total Papers Citations


Scholarly Papers (65)


Taxing Undocumented Immigrants: Separate, Unequal and Without Representation

Tax Lawyer, Spring 2006, Harvard Latino Law Review, Spring 2006, Chapman University Law Research Paper No. 06-20
Number of pages: 59 Posted: 15 Feb 2006
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 5,830 (2,927)



undocumented immigrants, tax, earned income tax credit, uniform definition of a child, child tax credit, immigration policy, tax policy, welfare


Social Security Benefits Formula 101: A Practical Primer

American Bar Association - Section of Taxation News Quarterly, Vol. 29, No. 4, Summer 2010
Number of pages: 3 Posted: 10 Jul 2010
Francine J. Lipman and James E. Williamson
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and San Diego State University - College of Business Administration
Downloads 2,359 (13,030)



Social Security, Retirement Benefits, Baby Boomers


The Undocumented Immigrant Tax: Enriching Americans from Sea to Shining Sea

Chapman University Law Research Paper No. 2008
Number of pages: 37 Posted: 02 Nov 2008 Last Revised: 26 Nov 2010
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 949 (51,289)



Undocumented immigrants, illegals, Hispanics, Latinos, immigrants, tax, earned income tax, refundable child tax credit, social security, payroll taxes, economic stimulus refund 2008


Incentive Stock Options and the Alternative Minimum Tax: The Worst of Times

Harvard Journal on Legislation, Vol. 39, No. 2, 2002
Number of pages: 37 Posted: 03 Oct 2003
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 908 (54,611)



alternative minimum tax, tax policy, incentive stock options, employee compensation,


Anatomy of a Disaster Under the Internal Revenue Code

Florida Tax Review, Vol. 6, p. 955, 2005
Number of pages: 75 Posted: 06 Sep 2005
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 836 (61,077)
Citation 1



Disaster relief, casualty losses, casualty gains, net operating losses, involuntary conversions, presidentially declared disasters, disaster relief payments


Bearing Witness to Economic Injustices of Undocumented Immigrant Families: A New Class of 'Undeserving' Working Poor

Nevada Law Journal, Vol. 7, p. 736, Summer 2007
Number of pages: 39 Posted: 14 Dec 2006 Last Revised: 04 Nov 2013
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 738 (72,126)



earned income tax credit, Social Security taxes, welfare policy, Social Security taxes, undocumented immigrants, unauthorized workers


The 'Illegal' Tax

Connecticut Public Interest Law Journal, Vol. 11, pp. 93-132, Fall/Winter 2011
Number of pages: 39 Posted: 19 Mar 2012
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 691 (78,431)
Citation 1



tax policy, undocumented immigrants, unauthorized workers, EiTC, working poor, Making Work Pay Credit, immigration reform, social security


Celebrating Life (Chai) and Taxes: Lessons Learned

American Bar Association - Section of Taxation News Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 1, Fall 2006, Chapman University Law Research Paper No. 06-02
Number of pages: 6 Posted: 22 Dec 2006 Last Revised: 06 May 2008
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 655 (83,935)



estate planning, financial planning, estate taxes, retirement planning, death


Social Security Benefits Formula 101

Orange County Lawyer, May 2011
Number of pages: 5 Posted: 02 May 2011
Francine J. Lipman and James E. Williamson
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and San Diego State University - College of Business Administration
Downloads 621 (89,844)



Social Security Benefits, Medicare Premiums, Retirement Benefits Timing


Shrinking Boomer Social Security Retirement Benefits

American Bar Association - Section of Taxation News Quarterly, Vol. 27, No. 1, Fall 2007
Number of pages: 3 Posted: 16 Nov 2007 Last Revised: 21 Nov 2007
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 602 (93,501)



social security, Medicare, retirement, tax, baby boomers, work, aging


No More Parking Lots: How the Tax Code Keeps Trees Out of a Tree Museum and Paradise Unpaved

Harvard Environmental Law Review, Vol. 27, 2003
Number of pages: 47 Posted: 24 Sep 2003
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 554 (103,833)




Will Refinancing an Installment Sale Obligation Trigger Recognition of Gain?

Real Estate Taxation, Vol. 24, Spring 1997
Number of pages: 9 Posted: 01 May 2008
Francine J. Lipman and James E. Williamson
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and San Diego State University - College of Business Administration
Downloads 540 (107,235)



installment obligations, refinancing debt, tax policy, gain recognition on debt structuring


Social Security Benefits: Windfall Elimination Provision

Orange County Lawyer, Vol. 35, No. 12, p. 30, December 2011
Number of pages: 5 Posted: 01 Dec 2011
Francine J. Lipman and James E. Williamson
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and San Diego State University - College of Business Administration
Downloads 518 (112,854)



Social Security retirement benefits, windfall elimination provision


Unintended Consequences? Undocumented, Working Poor Families and the Refundable Child Tax Credit

Number of pages: 15 Posted: 15 Nov 2004
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 478 (124,309)



Earned income tax credit, child tax credit, working poor, undocumented immigrants


The Working Poor are Paying for Government Benefits: Fixing the Hole in the Anti-Poverty Purse

Wisconsin Law Review, Vol. 2003, No. 3
Number of pages: 38 Posted: 06 Nov 2003
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 471 (126,472)



EITC, working poor, refund anticipation loans, tax preparers


U.S. Tax Systems Need Anti-Racist Restructuring

168 Tax Notes Fed/State 855 (Aug. 3, 2020), University of Hawai’i Richardson School of Law Research Paper No. 3667093
Number of pages: 9 Posted: 11 Aug 2020
Francine J. Lipman, Nicholas A. Mirkay and Palma Joy Strand
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law, William S. Richardson School of Law, University of Hawaii and Creighton University - College of Business Administration
Downloads 458 (130,811)
Citation 2



racism, progressive, regressive, anti-racist, earned income tax credit, state & local tax systems, Jim Crow, red-lining, child tax credit, unauthorized workers, #BlackTaxpayersMatter, wealth tax, capital gains tax


Access to Tax InJustice

Pepperdine Law Review (Issue 5 of Volume 40) (Spring 2013), UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper Series
Number of pages: 48 Posted: 14 Feb 2013
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 435 (139,169)



earned income tax credit, social justice, poverty, childhood poverty, poverty prevention, child tax credit, social benefits policy, refundable credits, working poor, undeserving poor, working poor families, tax injustice, access to justice


(Anti)Poverty Measures Exposed

Florida Tax Review, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2017
Number of pages: 82 Posted: 03 Jan 2018
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 411 (148,643)
Citation 1



Tax policy, Earned Income Tax Credit, TANF, SNAP, Social Security retirement benefits, SSI, Unemployment benefits, medical out of pocket, work related expenses, state and local taxes, poverty, antipoverty policy, economic resource allocations


Enabling Work for People with Disabilities: A Post-Integrationist Revision of Underutilized Tax Incentives

American University Law Review, Vol. 53, pp. 393-458, December 2003
Number of pages: 66 Posted: 16 Feb 2004
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 410 (149,049)



People with disabilities, work opportunity credit, barrier removal deduction, disabled access credit, earned income tax credit


Social Security Spouse and Survivor Benefits 101: Practical Primer Part II (Or Another Reason to Put a Ring on It)

American Bar Association – Section of Taxation, News Quarterly, Vol. 30, No. 1, Fall 2010
Number of pages: 4 Posted: 09 Nov 2010
Francine J. Lipman and James E. Williamson
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and San Diego State University - College of Business Administration
Downloads 406 (150,770)



Social Security Benefits, Tax Policy, Elder Law, Spousal Benefits, Survivor Benefits


Tracing the American Concept of Stewardship to English Antecedents

British Accounting Review, Vol. 23, No. 355, 1991
Number of pages: 14 Posted: 21 May 2008
Francine J. Lipman and James E. Williamson
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and San Diego State University - College of Business Administration
Downloads 394 (155,840)
Citation 1



stewardship, corporate goverance, accounting theory, accounting procedures, accounting history


Pro Bono Matters On the Basis of Sex

Tax Notes 1037 (August 12, 2019)
Number of pages: 4 Posted: 03 Apr 2020
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 380 (162,369)



gender discrimination, tax justice, access to justice, pro bono, tax, caregiving


Nuts and Bolts of the 2021 Advanced, Enhanced Child Tax Credit

173 Tax Notes 319 (Oct. 18, 2021)
Number of pages: 8 Posted: 18 Nov 2021
Francine J. Lipman and James E. Williamson
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and San Diego State University - College of Business Administration
Downloads 379 (162,835)



tax policy, Child Tax Credit, antipoverty relief, childhood poverty, payback protection safe harbor, tax credits, refundable tax credits


Heal the Suffering Children: Fifty Years after the Declaration of War on Poverty

34 Boston College Journal of Law & Social Justice 311 (2014) , UNLV William S. Boyd School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper
Number of pages: 31 Posted: 06 May 2014 Last Revised: 20 Jun 2014
Francine J. Lipman and Dawn Davis
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and University of Nevada, Las Vegas - College of Business
Downloads 375 (164,781)



Tax, Poverty, Economic Inequality, Access to Justice, Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, immigrants, undocumented immigrants, dependent, qualifying child, uniform definition of a child, tax justice, antipoverty


The New Accountant-Client Privilege Provision: A Partial Step Forward for Nonattorney Practitioners

National Public Accountant, Vol. 44, p. 41, July 1999
Number of pages: 2 Posted: 29 May 2008
Francine J. Lipman and James E. Williamson
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and San Diego State University - College of Business Administration
Downloads 321 (195,041)



accountant-client privilege, privilege, accountant-client communications


S Corporation Loss Limitations: The Tax Court Provides Potential Hope for Related Party Debt Restructurings

Virginia Tax Review, Vol. 22, p. 67, 2002
Number of pages: 37 Posted: 14 Dec 2002
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 310 (202,439)



S corporation, loss limitations, related party, debt restructurings


Never-Ending Limitations on S Corporation Losses: The Slippery Slope of S Corporation Debt Guarantees

Taxes - The Tax Magazine, Vol. 80, No. 6, pp. 29-36, June 2002
Number of pages: 18 Posted: 19 Dec 2003
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 283 (222,886)



S corporation loss limitations, shareholder debt guarantees


The Social Security Benefits Timing Decision: A Model for Lower-Income Recipients

Number of pages: 32 Posted: 28 Nov 2004
James E. Williamson and Francine J. Lipman
San Diego State University - College of Business Administration and University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 279 (226,178)



Social Security benefits, low-income beneficiaries


The Social Security Benefits Formula and the Windfall Elimination Provision: An Equitable Approach to Addressing 'Windfall' Benefits

Journal of Legislation, Vol. 39, No. 2, 2012-2013
Number of pages: 70 Posted: 08 Nov 2013 Last Revised: 26 Nov 2013
Francine J. Lipman and Alan Smith
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 267 (236,492)



Social Security, social insurance, Windfall Elimination Provision, retirement income, Social Security benefits formula, non-covered earnings


More Alternatives in the Complex World of the Alternative Minimum Tax: The Election to Itemize Deductions

Practical Tax Lawyer, Winter 2004
Number of pages: 8 Posted: 11 Dec 2003
Francine J. Lipman, Nathan Oestreich and James E. Williamson
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law, San Diego State University - College of Business Administration and San Diego State University - College of Business Administration
Downloads 256 (246,739)



Alternative minimum tax, standard deduction, election to itemize deductions


Avoiding Malpractice Traps in Noncash Charitable Contributions

Practical Tax Lawyer, Vol. 14, No. 2, Winter 2000
Number of pages: 8 Posted: 01 May 2008
Francine J. Lipman and James E. Williamson
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and San Diego State University - College of Business Administration
Downloads 249 (253,758)



donations, tax policy, charitable contributions, itemized deductions, substantiation rules


Saving Private Ryan's Tax Refund: Poverty Relief for All Working Poor Military Families

American Bar Association - Section of Taxation News Quarterly, Vol. 29, No. 2, Winter 2010
Number of pages: 2 Posted: 25 Jan 2010
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 247 (255,814)
Citation 2



earned income tax credit, poverty, armed forces, tax policy, working poor, 2008 stimulus rebate payments, undocumented immigrants, unauthorized immigrants


The New Earned Income Tax Credit: Too Complex for the Targeted Taxpayers?

Tax Notes, Vol. 57, No. 789, 1992
Number of pages: 31 Posted: 10 Jan 2008
Francine J. Lipman and James E. Williamson
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and San Diego State University - College of Business Administration
Downloads 245 (257,870)



earned income tax credit, working poor, low-income taxpayers


Just a Matter of Fairness: Tax Consequences of the Revised Community Property Treatment of California Registered Domestic Partners

American Bar Association - Section of Taxation News Quarterly, Vol. 30, No. 2, Winter 2011
Number of pages: 3 Posted: 13 Jan 2011
Francine J. Lipman and Rebecca J. Kipper
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and affiliation not provided to SSRN
Downloads 238 (265,193)



California registered domestic partners, tax equality, marriage equality, same-sex couples, community property law


Reconciling the Premium Tax Credit: Painful Complications for Lower and Middle-Income Taxpayers

Southern Methodist University Law Review, Vol. 69, No. 2, 2016
Number of pages: 74 Posted: 14 Jun 2016 Last Revised: 24 Jun 2016
Francine J. Lipman and James E. Williamson
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and San Diego State University - College of Business Administration
Downloads 228 (276,499)



premium tax credit, Affordable Care Act, tax policy, refundable tax credit, health insurance subsidy, advanced premium tax credit


Will the Final Regulations Under Section 469(C)(7) Renew Taxpayer Interest in Real Estate?

Real Estate Law Journal, Vol. 25, No. 2, Spring 1996
Number of pages: 12 Posted: 02 Jun 2008
Francine J. Lipman and James E. Williamson
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and San Diego State University - College of Business Administration
Downloads 216 (291,115)



passive loss rules, tax shelter, rental real estate, real estate professionals, real property trades or businesses


Saving Private Ryan's Tax Refund

American Bar Association - Section of Taxation News Quarterly, Vol. 29, No. 1, Fall 2009
Number of pages: 3 Posted: 29 Oct 2009 Last Revised: 02 Nov 2009
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 215 (292,445)



members of the armed services, military, enlisted soldiers, tax policy, taxation, earned income tax credit, working poor taxpayers, tax compliance, tax systems, simple returns, ReadyReturn


Will Changes to the Passive Income Rules Renew Interest in Real Estate?

Journal of Property Management, Vol. 61, No. 78, May 1996
Number of pages: 2 Posted: 16 Jun 2008
Francine J. Lipman and James E. Williamson
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and San Diego State University - College of Business Administration
Downloads 206 (304,401)



rental real estate, tax shelter, real estate professionals


Time is of the Essence: Seize the Opportunity for Fulfillment in 2009

American Bar Association - Section of Taxation News Quarterly, Vol. 28, No. 1, Fall 2008
Number of pages: 3 Posted: 28 Oct 2008 Last Revised: 23 Nov 2008
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 204 (307,223)



community assistance, pro bono, volunteer, taxation, low-income, poverty law, fulfillment, encore careers, encore jobs


How to Design An Antiracist State and Local Tax System

Seton Hall Law Review, 2022
Number of pages: 41 Posted: 14 May 2022
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 203 (308,627)
Citation 3



antiracism, antipoverty, tax policy, state and local tax systems, earned income tax credit, sales and use tax, property tax, income tax


Irresponsibly Taxing Irresponsibility: The Individual Tax Penalty Under the Affordable Care Act

Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law Policy, Vol. 23, No. 3, Spring 2016
Number of pages: 57 Posted: 27 Apr 2016
Francine J. Lipman and James Owens
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Downloads 198 (315,858)
Citation 1



tax policy, health care policy, Affordable Care Act, Shared Responsibility Payment, health care mandate, individual health care mandate tax penalty


Recent Proposals to Redesign the EITC: A Reply to an Economist's Response

Tax Notes, Vol. 62, No. 1175, 1994
Number of pages: 9 Posted: 10 Jan 2008
Francine J. Lipman and James E. Williamson
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and San Diego State University - College of Business Administration
Downloads 191 (326,379)



working poor, earned income tax credit, work incentives, work disincentives


Relief from the Rubble: Tax Assistance for Victims of the 2005 Hurricane Season

American Bar Association - Section of Taxation News Quarterly, Vol. 25, No. 2, Winter 2006
Number of pages: 3 Posted: 13 Feb 2008
Francine J. Lipman and Sean Michael Stegmaier
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and O'Melveny & Myers LLP
Downloads 190 (327,974)



disaster relief, tax policy, casualty losses, casualty gains


Rep. John Lewis Making 'Good Trouble' in Georgia

168 Tax Notes 681 (July 27, 2020)
Number of pages: 4 Posted: 16 Sep 2020
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 186 (334,391)



tax justice, earned income tax credit, access to justice, House of Representatives, John Lewis, Martin Luther King, Georgia, low-income tax clinics


Interest on Estate Taxes: A Comment

Trusts & Estates, p. 48, August 1993
Number of pages: 4 Posted: 14 May 2008
Francine J. Lipman and James E. Williamson
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and San Diego State University - College of Business Administration
Downloads 181 (342,935)



estate tax overpayment, interest on estate taxes, estate tax due


Social Security Retirement Benefits: A Timing Model for Working Families

14 NAELA Journal Issue 2 (Fall 2018)
Number of pages: 36 Posted: 21 Jul 2018
Francine J. Lipman and James E. Williamson
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and San Diego State University - College of Business Administration
Downloads 175 (353,211)



Social Security retirement income, low-income seniors, anti-poverty, retirement benefits, elder law, adequacy of retirement income, retirement income security, Social Security spousal benefits


Improving the Principal Residence Disaster Relief Provisions

Tax Notes, Vol. 66, No. 859, 1995
Number of pages: 8 Posted: 10 Jan 2008
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 162 (377,625)



disaster relief, residence, tax policy


Anatomy of the Aloha State Earned Income Tax Credit

99 State Tax Notes 829 (Feb. 22, 2021)
Number of pages: 7 Posted: 19 Apr 2021
Francine J. Lipman and Christopher Pang
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and affiliation not provided to SSRN
Downloads 145 (414,074)



earned income tax credit, refundable tax credits, Hawaii, tax justice, tax credits, antipoverty relief, poverty, tax policy


Windfall Deductions from Changing Depreciation

Journal of Property Management, Vol. 61, No. 74, September 1996
Number of pages: 2 Posted: 28 May 2008
Francine J. Lipman and James E. Williamson
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and San Diego State University - College of Business Administration
Downloads 140 (425,708)



Revenue Procedure 96-31


Not Taxing Puerto Rico: Whitewashing Impoverishment in United States v. Vaello Madero

77 Tax Lawyer 357 (2024)
Number of pages: 70 Posted: 22 Apr 2024
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 136 (435,621)



Puerto Rico, tax policy, territories, Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, Insular Cases, United States v. Vaello Madero, poverty, citizenship, Supplemental Security Insurance


Tax Audits, Economics, and Racism

Oxford Research Economics and Finance (2022 Forthcoming)
Number of pages: 26 Posted: 18 Nov 2021
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 136 (435,621)



tax gap, earned income tax credit, antipoverty, racial wealth gap, racism, white privilege, tax administration


#CriptheCode to Enable Work

37 ABA Tax Times Vol. 4 (Aug. 2018)
Number of pages: 5 Posted: 16 Aug 2018
Francine J. Lipman and James E. Williamson
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and San Diego State University - College of Business Administration
Downloads 132 (445,960)



disability rights, tax policy, blindness, disability, tax credits, Americans with Disabilities Act, Access Technology Affordability Act, individual tax credits, refundable income tax credits, poverty, people with disabilities, work subsidies, access to work, access to technology


Humanizing the Tax System: What National Taxpayer Advocate Nina E. Olson Did For America's Kids and their Families

Pittsburgh Tax Review, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2020
Number of pages: 27 Posted: 17 Dec 2020
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 112 (505,865)



Earned Income Tax Credit, poverty, refundable tax credits, working families, Internal Revenue Service, tax procedure, tax audits, racism, wealth inequality, racial wealth gap, tax justice, childhood poverty, National Taxpayer Advocate, Taxpayer Advocate Service


State and Local Tax Takeaways Redux

101 Tax Notes State 683 (2021)
Number of pages: 16 Posted: 29 Oct 2021
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 108 (519,539)



racial wealth gap, tax discrimination, tax racism, state and local taxes, sales tax, earned income tax credit, income tax, regressive taxes, individual taxpayer identification number, immigration, unauthorized immigrants, tax policy, tax


Taxing Poor Kids

44 Human Rights 1 (Nov. 2019)
Number of pages: 4 Posted: 24 Mar 2021
Francine J. Lipman and James E. Williamson
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and San Diego State University - College of Business Administration
Downloads 103 (537,551)



poverty, child tax credit, tax policy, refundable tax credits, tax justice, antipoverty programs, tax relief, childhood poverty, poverty measures


Senator Harry Mason Reid: A Life of Purpose through Service

174 Tax Notes 394 (2022)
Number of pages: 3 Posted: 24 Feb 2022
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 101 (544,958)



Harry Mason Reid, US Senators, Nevada, politics, Searchlight, Nevada


Child Tax Credit Redux

Tax Notes 1303 (Nov. 25, 2019)
Number of pages: 6 Posted: 03 Apr 2020
Francine J. Lipman and James E. Williamson
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law and San Diego State University - College of Business Administration
Downloads 98 (556,158)



Child Tax Credit, antipoverty relief, tax, workfare, Tax Cut & Jobs Act, refundable tax credits, inequality, child welfare, children's health, safety, childhood poverty


Holes in the Safety Net: Federalism and Poverty Chapter 5: State Tax Takeaways

Holes in the Safety Net: Federalism and Poverty (Cambridge University Press 2019)
Number of pages: 26 Posted: 02 Apr 2020
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 92 (578,992)



poverty, state and local taxes, sales taxes, excise taxes, state earned income taxes, antipoverty, federalism, property taxes, regressive taxes, progressive taxes


Facilitating Financial Freedom: ABLE Accounts Across America

111 State Tax Notes 12 (Jan. 22, 2024)
Number of pages: 22 Posted: 28 Feb 2024 Last Revised: 29 Feb 2024
Asma Khan and Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas and University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 85 (607,423)



tax policy, disability, ABLE accounts, Nevada, savings, trusts, special needs trusts


Chapter 15: Economic Justice Delivered through Tax Systems During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Legal & Social Ramifications on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (Book published by ABA Civil Rights & Social Justice), Edited by Claire L Parins, ISBN 9781639053698, 2023
Number of pages: 13 Posted: 31 Aug 2023
Richard Auxier and Francine J. Lipman
Tax Policy Center and University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 82 (620,307)



tax policy, federal tax, state tax, pandemic relief, antipoverty, immigrant tax policy


Taxing Undocumented Immigrants Redux

Number of pages: 17 Posted: 11 Jul 2024
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 74 (656,434)



undocumented immigrant, tax policy, tax systems, earned income tax credit (EITC), Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN), immigrants, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, unauthorized immigrants, immigrants, economic justice, inequality, tax justice


Pandemic Tax Relief Pummels Child Poverty: Time to Make It Permanent

2 Human Rights 48 (2023)
Number of pages: 2 Posted: 23 Jan 2023
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 68 (685,953)



tax policy, Child Tax Credit, antipoverty programs, social safety net, refundable tax credits


Is Now A(nother) Teachable Moment? Honoring the Legacy of Dr. William E. Spriggs

Pittsburgh Tax Review, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2024
Number of pages: 9 Posted: 26 Nov 2023
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 67 (691,240)



discrimination, diversity, economics, tax policy, racial inequity, tax injustice


Celebrating (Tax) Justice in Baltimore

Tax Notes 1265 (Aug.19, 2019)
Number of pages: 5 Posted: 01 Feb 2022
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 52 (780,332)



Baltimore, tax justice, tax policy, low-income tax assistance, tax matters


Pro Bono Matters in the District

American Bar Association Tax Times, Vol. 35, No. 3
Number of pages: 5 Posted: 12 Sep 2018
Francine J. Lipman
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - William S. Boyd School of Law
Downloads 51 (786,990)



EITC, Antipoverty, Washington DC, District, ABA, Pro Bono, Low Income Taxpayer Clinics, Refundable Tax Credits, Poverty Statistics, Antipoverty Relief, Income Inequality, Wealth Inequality