Washington, DC 20433
United States
World Bank, Development Economics
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Gravity model, international trade
euro, trade, FDI
Economic Theory & Research, E-Business, Labor Policies, Environmental Economics & Policies, Emerging Markets
International Trade and Trade Rules, Labor Markets, Rural Labor Markets, Food & Beverage Industry, Construction Industry, Business Cycles and Stabilization Policies, General Manufacturing, Common Carriers Industry, Textiles, Apparel & Leather Industry, Pulp & Paper Industry, Plastics & Rubber Industry, Global Environment
Rose effect, exchange rate volatility, monetary union, sectoral trade, gravity
trade, employment, emploi, foreign direct investment, investissement direct étranger, commerce, production fragmentation, fragmentation de la production, qualifications, skills
OCA, Monetary Union, Heterogeneity, Trade
Services, exports, sectors, developing countries, barriers, benefits, liberalisation, computable
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Country dummies, gravity equation, pair dummies
uncertainty shocks, international trade, exporters
Economic Theory & Research, Currencies and Exchange Rates, Debt Markets, Markets and Market Access, Emerging Markets
Exchange rate volatility, monetary union, market segmentation, no-arbitrage bands, harmonisation of price movements
Protectionism, trade, financial crisis, competitiveness, World Trade Organization, global imbalances
protectionism, trade, financial crisis, competitiveness, global imbalances, World Trade Organization
European integration, gains from trade, competitiveness, firm-level data, total factor productivity
Economic Theory & Research, Free Trade, Markets and Market Access, Debt Markets, Trade Policy
Financial Crisis, Credit Constraints, International Trade, Firms’ Heterogeneity, Intensive And Extensive Margins
Financial crisis, international trade, firms heterogeneity, intensive and extensive margins
export competitiveness, trade performance, shift-share decomposition
financial crisis, international trade, firms’ heterogeneity, intensive and extensive margins
Currencies and Exchange Rates, Markets and Market Access, E-Business, Economic Theory & Research, Emerging Markets
Value chains, parts and components trade, gravity, bilateral flows
global crisis, firm-level data, foreign ownership, financial constraints
Microfinance, Markets and Market Access, Achieving Shared Growth, Economic Growth, Debt Markets
export entry, export growth, firm growth, firm size distribution, Heterogeneous firms, variance of firm growth
multinational enterprises, productivity growth, productivity decomposition, survival
technology diffusion, multinational firms, global value chains, firm-to-firm linkages, disruptive technologies.