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Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant
P.O. Box 1738
3000 DR Rotterdam
KU Leuven
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data envelopment analysis (DEA), efficiency and productivity analysis, methodological advances, electricity distribution
Composite Indicators, Sensitivity Analysis, Data Envelopment Analysis
collective model, intra-household allocation, indifference scales, economies of scale, poverty
collective model, revealed preferences, consumption, testing, recovery, welfare analysis, integer programming.
collective model, revealed preferences, consumption, testing, recovery, welfare analysis, integer programming
equity, efficiency, private versus public education, non-parametric analysis, data envelopment analysis, stochastic dominance
Collective Model, Labor Supply, Time Use, Public Goods, Household Production
collective model, labor supply, time use, public goods, household production
Collective Household Models, Intra-Household Allocation, Revealed Preferences, Non-Parametric Analysis
testable implications, Pareto efficient household consumption, stable matching, marriage market, sharing rule identification, preference heterogeneity
marriage market, stable matching, Pareto efficient household consumption, testable implications, sharing rule identi cation, preference heterogeneity
Household economics, consumption, allocation, preferences
marriage market, divorce, Malawi, agricultural production, revealed preference
agricultural production, Malawi, divorce, marriage market, revealed preference
household consumption, caring preferences, intrahousehold cooperation, Nash equilibrium, revealed preferences
household consumption, caring preferences, intrahousehold cooperation, revealed preferences
household consumption, caring preferences, intrahousehold
production behavior, multi-product firms, input externalities, joint input use, economies of scope, nonparametric tests
Profit Efficiency, Industry Inefficiency, Data Envelopment Analysis, Absolute Prices, Law of One Price, Weight Restrictions, Simulation
Cournot competition, testable implications, nonparametric
Collective model, consumption, Pareto efficiency, revealed preferences, Afriat theorem, Collective Axiom of Revealed Preferences
collective model, consumption, Pareto efficiency, revealed preferences, Afriat theorem, Collective Axiom of Revealed Preferences
rationality, children, revealed preference, intelligence
household consumption, intrahousehold cooperation, revealed preferences, Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference (GARP), mixed integer programming (MIP)
collective model, consumer demand, revealed preferences, sharing rule, identification, bounds
revealed preferences, consumer demand, collective model, sharing rule, identification, bounds
DEA, input allocation, decentralized efficiency, centralized efficiency, coordination efficiency, university education and research
economies of scale, intrahousehold allocation, marriage market, revealed preference, PSID
marriage market, intrahousehold allocation, economies of scale, revealed preference, PSID
nonparametric efficiency estimation, noise-to-signal estimation, finite sample performance, hypothesis testing, European banks
time consistency, collective choice, full e¢ ciency, renegotiation, revealed preference
revealed preference, aggregation, Gorman polar form, GARP
revealed preference, aggregation, Gorman Polar Form, GARP
knowledge economy indicators, composite indicators, Multiple Imputation, Benefit of the Doubt, weight restrictions, Data Envelopment Analysis, data impreciseness
Composite Indicators, Aggregation, Weighting, Internal Market
transferable utility hypothesis, generalized quasi-linearity, nonparametric tests, revealed preferences
Transferable Utility Hypothesis, Generalized Quasi-Linearity, Nonparametric Tests, Revealed Preferences
nonparametric demand analysis, revealed preferences, normal goods, individual welfare analysis, cost of living indices
collective consumption model, revealed preferences, nonparametric rationality tests, integer programming (IP)
labor supply, collective model, unitary model, nonparametric analysis
revealed preferences, WARP, SARP, transitive preferences, testable implications
identification, home production, time use, production shifter
time use, home production, identification, production shifter
unobserved heterogeneity, endogenous expenditures, WARP, counterfactual demand
collective consumption decisions, Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference, nonparametric analysis, experimental data
individual welfare, collective model, revealed preferences, sharing rule, money metric welfare index, identification, labor supply
Joint Consumption, Caring Preferences, Intra-Group Cooperation, Nash Equilibrium, Revealed Preferences, Children’s Consumption
quasi–concavity, convex preferences, nonlinear budget sets, revealed preference conditions
marriage stability, household consumption, nonparametric testable implications, transferable utility
weak separability, revealed preference, integer programming
two-selves model, self-control, revealed preferences
performance, productivity, resource constraints, secondary schools
consumption decision, Nash bargaining, revealed preferences, experimental data
DEA, multiple outputs, profit efficiency, joint inputs, output-specific inputs, directional distance function
revealed preference axioms, rationality, mixed-integer programming, global optimization, simulated annealing
collective model, revealed preferences, data consistency tests, recovery, integer programming, sharing rule
General equilibrium, equilibrium manifold, exchange economies, production economies, NP-completeness, nonparametric restrictions, GARP, integer programming
cost minimization, storable inputs, durable inputs, production delay, dynamic efficiency
collective models of household consumption, intertemporal consumption, commitment, revealed preferences
labor supply, collective model, unitary model, nonparametric analysis, revealed preferences
consumption externalities, selfishness, revealed preferences, children's consumption
Collective model of household consumption, Collective Axiom of Revealed Preference, Pareto efficiency, Directed graph, Graph coloring, Graph partitioning, Acyclic subgraph, Heuristics
cooperative behavior, noncooperative behavior, multi-output production, joint inputs, nonparametric analysis, water sector
consumer demand, revealed preference, set identification, bounds