Via Nazionale 91
Rome, 00184
Bank of Italy
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ageing population, pension reforms, productivity, labour force, GDP growth, production function
rational use of medicines, generic substitution, public pharmaceutical expenditure, pharmaceutical policies, cost-containment, value for money, pharmaceutical sector regulations
Labour force projections, population projections, cohort method, ageing population, pension reforms, dependency ratios
productivity, GDP growth, production function, long-term projections, ageing populations, pension reforms.
Pensions, Ageing Population, Public Expenditure, Debt, Deficit, Potential Growth, Structural Reforms, Retirement Age, Older Workers, Longevity Risk
Financial Crisis, unemployment, labour market , structural reforms
Taxation, Welfare State, European Union, ageing, revenues, VAT, Labour taxation, Corporate tax, globalisation
Taxation, tax wedge, tax incidence, real wage resistence, dynamic panel data, social security contributions
Employment, Tax and benefit policies, Unemployment insurance, Labour supply, Flexicurity
crypto-assets, crypto-currencies, stablecoins, balance of payments, remittances, payment services
Trade, export, France, Current account, cointegration, external demand