Newark, NJ
United States
Rutgers School of Law
in Total Papers Downloads
in Total Papers Citations
virtual worlds, cyberlaw, cyberspace governance, intangible property, online rights, avatar rights
Property, rules, virtual worlds, games, cyberspace, cybercrime
Minecraft, games, intellectual property, Web 2.0, user-generated content
Google, search engines, trademark, unfair competition, internet, cyberlaw, dilution
cyberproperty, property, cyberspace, Locke, Hegel, utilitarianism, spam, electronic invasion, copyright
virtual world, user-generated content, digital culture
Copyright, expressive content, culture, peer production
trademark, virtual world, contributory trademark infringement, trademark fair use
virtual world, virtual property, copyright
copyright law, user-generated content, UGC, video games
trademark, copyright, intellectual property, Dastar
Barbie, trademark, intellectual property, branding
cyberlaw, intellectual property, cyberproperty, cybertrespass, Hamidi, computer, trespass to chattels, trespass
cyberlaw, intellectual property, copyright, moral rights, trademark, attribution
trademark, cyberlaw, cyberspace, meta tags, metatags, Brookfield, intellectual property
cyberlaw, intellectual property, copyright, moral rights, DMCA
paid placement, trademarks, search engines, cyberlaw, intellectual property
trademark, fair use
copyright, platforms, web 2.0, Facebook, Second Life
virtual worlds, law, mmorpg, intellectual property, cyberlaw, e-commerce, copyright, hacking
law, virtual worlds, Everquest, MMORPG, game studies