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AMP, piperazine, CESAR1, solvent management, solvent degradation, ion exchange, NO2 removal, pilot plant, demonstration
CO2 capture, AVR, Full-scale operation, Solvent analysis, Solvent management strategies
negative emissions, waste to energy, CO2 capture, CCUS
AMP, piperazine, solvent consumption, solvent degradation, emissions, dynamic operation, pilot plant
PCC: Amine pilot plants, post-combustion capture, degradation, amine degradation, long-term testing, dynamic behaviour, aerosol, emissions, GHGT-14
CO2 capture, Ship based carbon capture (SBCC), LNG, DerisCO2, Motion effect on absorption
solvent management, degradation, AMP, piperazine, NO2, active carbon, ion-exchange
CO2 capture, flexible operation, solvent emissions, dynamic testing, CESAR1, AMP PZ, MEA
PCC: Amine process dynamics and controls, GHGT-14
Carbon capture, maritime, ships, CO2 infrastructure, CO2 off-loading
Waste-to-Energy, CDRMax, PCCC, demonstration, solvent degradation
PCC; oxidative degradation; solvent management; membrane; removal of dissolved oxygen
post-combustion carbon capture, demonstration, pilot campaign, refinery, HS-3 solvent
CO2 capture, non-metallic capture rig, oxidative solvent degradation, solvent stability
AMP, PZ, piperazine, CESAR1, emission mitigation, water wash, dry bed, acid wash, aerosol, volatile emissions, capture rate
CO2 capture, Brownian Demister Unit, BDU, emission mitigation, aerosol emissions
post combustion capture, amine solvents, oxidative degradation, O2 removal, membrane contactors