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Asian Development Bank
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COVID-19, financial markets, capital flows
covered bonds, liquidity, primary market, secondary market
Volatility spillovers, Contagion, Stock markets, Emerging markets
Working Paper
volatility spillovers, contagion, stock markets, emerging markets
overnight interest rate spread, liquidity risk, credit risk, stochastic volatility
Overnight Interest Rate Spread, Liquidity Risk, Credit Risk, Stochastic Volatility
Volatility spillovers, contagion, stock markets, emerging markets
Natural disasters, climate, inflation, monetary policy, European Central Bank
climate risk, cost of sovereign borrowing
Climate risk, Sovereign ratings, Institutional quality, Fiscal space, Bond yields
climate risk, institutional quality, fiscal space, bond yields, sovereign ratings
unconventional monetary policy, central bank balance sheets, volatility spillovers, financial markets
capital flows, capital flow management, international cooperation, IMF
exchange rate pass-through, inflation, central and eastern Europe
human capital, education, transition economies
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Education, human capital, transition economies
macroprudential policies, international capital flows, banking system
Financial integration, financial protectionism, macro-prudential policy, capital controls
Sovereign risk, contagion, sovereign debt crisis, bond spreads, CDS spreads, ratings
bond spreads, CDS spreads, contagion, ratings, sovereign debt crisis, sovereign risk
Asset markets, contagion, Global VAR
Nonstationarity, panel data, PPP, real exchange rate, stationarity
privatization, firm performance, firm ownership, Chinese enterprise reform, corporate governance
private investment, public investment, renewable energy, green investment, feed-in tariff
Inflation, Renewable Energy, Energy Prices, Oil Price, Monetary Policy
capital flow volatility, local currency bond markets
global shocks, monetary policy transmission, emerging market economies
current account imbalances, macroeconomic imbalances, economic growth
Climate change, Disaster risk, Physical risk, Heterogeneous agent, Fiscal policy
financial cycle, business cycle, emerging markets
institutional quality, economic development, international capital flows, Asia
nonbank finance, fintech, monetary policy, Asia
peer-to-peer lending, monetary policy transmission, fintech
public debt, GDP, inflation, emerging market economies
climate change, sovereign risk, climate vulnerability, climate resilience, Southeast Asia