P.O. Box 780
Notre Dame, IN 46556-0780
United States
Notre Dame Law School
in Total Papers Downloads
capital punishment, Catholic church, Catholic judges, judicial obligations, capital crimes, professional ethics and responsibility, moral obligations, federal judges, capital sentencing, federal recusal statute, Catholic teaching
originalism, Congress, stare decisis, precedent, oath
Originalism, Rational Basis Review, Our Republican Constitution, Randy Barnett, Judicial Restraint
stare decisis, precedent
stare decisis, precedent, preclusion, due process, estoppel
stare decisis, statutory interpretation, federal courts, legislative supremacy
Statutory interpretation, Canons of construction, Substantive canons, Federal courts, Avoidance, Lenity, Clear statement rules, Indian canon, Charming Betsy, Implementing doctrines, Textualism, Intentionalism, Purposivism, Dynamic interpretation, Faithful agency, Legislative supremacy
constitutional law, originalism, originalist, positivism, sovereignty, statutory interpretation, legislative history
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