Nathan M. Jensen

Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science

Associate Professor of Political Science

219 Eliot Hall

St. Louis, MO 63130

United States



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Scholarly Papers (22)


FDI Perspectives: Issues in International Investment

FDI PERSPECTIVES: ISSUES IN INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT, K. Sauvant, L. Sachs, K. Davies, R. Zandvliet, eds., Vale Columbia Center, 2011
Number of pages: 122 Posted: 23 Jan 2012 Last Revised: 20 Sep 2023
Columbia University - Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, Columbia University - Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, Columbia University, Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies, Leiden Law School, Peterson Institute for International Economics, Independent, Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science, Duke University, Political Science, University of Michigan Law School, Autonomous University of Madrid, Independent, WU, Vienna University of Economics and BA, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, East-West Center, Drylands Research, United Nations, Independent, Berlin School of Economics and Law, Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective GoodsUniversity of Hamburg, Law School, University of Melbourne - Law School, Investment Division, OECD, Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) - Investment Division, School of Management, University at Buffalo (SUNY), University of Oklahoma, affiliation not provided to SSRN, affiliation not provided to SSRN, Independent, Heenan Blaikie LLP, McGill University - Faculty of Law, USC Gould School of Law, Boston University, University College London, American University - Washington College of Law, Columbia University - Law School, Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy, Washburn University - School of Law, affiliation not provided to SSRN, York University - Osgoode Hall Law School and Independent
Downloads 2,126 (14,488)



International investment treaties and arbitration, national investment policies, emerging market investors


Democratic Institutions and Expropriation Risk for Multinational Investors

Number of pages: 43 Posted: 14 Dec 2005
Nathan M. Jensen
Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science
Downloads 1,027 (43,173)
Citation 1



political risk, FDI, multinational, expropriation


Fiscal Policy and the Firm: Do Low Corporate Tax Rates Attract Multinational Corporations?

Number of pages: 36 Posted: 10 Jan 2007 Last Revised: 23 Dec 2011
Nathan M. Jensen
Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science
Downloads 749 (66,465)
Citation 1



Foreign Direct Investment, Corporate Taxes, Race to the Bottom, Tax Competition, Multinational Corporation, Globalization


Foreign Direct Investment and Income Inequality in Mexico, 1990-2000

International Organization, Vol. 61, No. 3, 2007
Number of pages: 37 Posted: 10 Jan 2007
Nathan M. Jensen and Guillermo Rosas
Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science and Washington University in St. Louis
Downloads 738 (67,786)
Citation 4



Foreign Direct Investment, Income Inequality, Mexico, MNC


FDI Perspectives: Issues in International Investment, 2nd Edition

K. Sauvant and J. Reimer, eds., New York: Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment, 2012
Number of pages: 282 Posted: 16 Aug 2018 Last Revised: 11 Nov 2018
Karl P. Sauvant, Jennifer Reimer, Todd Allee, Ilan Alon, Alice H. Amsden, Tadahiro Asami, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah, Paul Barbour, Christian Bellak, Axel Berger, Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, Subrata Bhattacharjee, Harry G. Broadman, Elizabeth Broomfield, Gert Bruche, Matthias Busse, John A. Cantwell, Aleh Cherp, Lorenzo Cotula, Nandita Dasgupta, Kenneth Davies, Alexandre de Gramont, Armand Claude de Mestral, Kabir Duggal, Persephone Economou, John Evans, David N. Fagan, Mark Feldman, Hermann Ferré, Daniel M. Firger, Daniel M. Firger, Veljko Fotak, Susan Franck, Kevin P. Gallagher, Nilgun Gokgur, Kathryn Gordon, Jose Guimon, Thilo Hanemann, Torfinn Harding, Jean-François Hennart, Seev Hirsch, Wing (Xiaoying) Huo, Beata Smarzynska Javorcik, Nathan M. Jensen, Lise Johnson, Thomas Jost, George Kahale III, Kalman Kalotay, Laza Kekic, John M. Kline, Charles Kovacs, Jürgen Kurtz, Jo En Low, Miguel Pérez Ludeña, Edmund J. Malesky, Geraldine McAllister, William L. Megginson, Sophie Meunier, Michael Mortimore, Joel Moser, Michael D. Nolan, Peter Nunnenkamp, Terutomo Ozawa, Clint Peinhardt, Nicolás M. Perrone, Luke Eric Peterson, Mark Plotkin, Joachim Pohl, Lauge N. Skovgaard Poulsen, Carlos Razo, Daniel Rosen, Martin Roy, Giorgio Sacerdoti, Premila Nazareth Satyanand, Manfred Schekulin, Stephan W. Schill, Francisco Colman Sercovich, Arjen HL Slangen, Roger Smeets, Hans Smit, M. Sornarajah, Frederic G. Sourgens, Jonathan Strauss, Kenneth P. Thomas, Margo Thomas, Perrine Toledano, Julien Topal, Anne van Aaken, Anne van Aaken, Gus Van Harten, Daniel Villar, Sandy Walker, Mira Wilkins, Jason W. Yackee and Chen Zhao
Columbia University - Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, Independent, Independent, University of Agder - School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Independent, University of Michigan Law School, Independent, WU, Vienna University of Economics and BA, Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) - German Development Institute (DIE), University of Groningen, Heenan Blaikie LLP, World Bank - Europe and Central Asia Region, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, Berlin School of Economics and Law, Ruhr-University Bochum, Rutgers Business School - Newark and New Brunswick, Central European University, Independent, Independent, Columbia University, Independent, McGill University - Faculty of Law, Independent, World Bank Group, Saint Peter's University, Independent, Peking University School of Transnational Law, Independent, New York University School of LawColumbia Center for Climate Change Law, School of Management, University at Buffalo (SUNY), American University - Washington College of Law, Boston University, Independent, Investment Division, OECD, Autonomous University of Madrid, Independent, University of Oxford, Tilburg University - Tilburg University School of Economics and Management, Tel Aviv University - Faculty of Management, Independent, University of Oxford - Department of Economics, Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science, Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, University of Applied Sciences Aschaffenburg, Independent, Institute of World Economics, Independent, Independent, Independent, University of Melbourne - Law School, Independent, Independent, Duke University, Political Science, Columbia University, University of Oklahoma, Princeton University - Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, Independent, Independent, Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy, University of Kiel, East-West Center, University of Texas at Dallas, Escuela de Derecho, Universidad de Valparaíso, Independent, Independent, Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) - Investment Division, University College London, United Nations, Independent, World Trade Organization (WTO) - Trade in Services Division, Bocconi University - Department of Law, Independent, Government of the Republic of Austria - Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour, University of Amsterdam, Independent, University of Amsterdam Business School, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - Management & Global Business, Columbia University - Law School, National University of Singapore - Faculty of Law, Washburn University - School of Law, Independent, University of Missouri at Saint Louis, Independent, Columbia University - Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment, European University Institute - Department of Political and Social Sciences (SPS), Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective GoodsUniversity of Hamburg, Law School, York University - Osgoode Hall Law School, Columbia University - Columbia Business School, Economics, Independent, Florida International University (FIU) - Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin Law School and Independent
Downloads 376 (154,090)
Citation 2




FDI Incentives Pay – Politically

Vale Columbia FDI Perspectives Perspectives, No. 26, June 28, 2010
Number of pages: 4 Posted: 02 Sep 2010
Nathan M. Jensen and Edmund J. Malesky
Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science and Duke University, Political Science
Downloads 315 (186,451)
Citation 1




Monopoly Money: Foreign Investment and Bribery in Vietnam, a Survey Experiment

Number of pages: 59 Posted: 03 Dec 2011 Last Revised: 30 Sep 2013
Duke University, Political Science, Syracuse University - Department of Political Science and Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science
Downloads 248 (238,096)
Citation 3



Corruption, Bribery, Rents, Foreign Direct Investment, Multi-National Corporations, World Trade, Organization, Restrictions, List Question, FDI, MNC, UCT, WTO


Country or Leader? Political Change and UN General Assembly Voting

KOF Working Paper No. 217
Number of pages: 32 Posted: 18 Mar 2009
Axel Dreher and Nathan M. Jensen
Heidelberg University and Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science
Downloads 230 (256,308)
Citation 14



United Nations General Assembly voting, key votes


Leaning Right and Learning from the Left: Diffusion of Corporate Tax Policy in the OECD

Number of pages: 50 Posted: 29 Oct 2008 Last Revised: 27 May 2009
Nathan M. Jensen and René Lindstädt
Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science and University of Birmingham
Downloads 209 (280,352)



Tax Policy, Corporate Taxation, Tax Competition, Social Learning, Diffusion


Political Risk, Reputation, and the Resource Curse

Number of pages: 37 Posted: 29 Aug 2010
Nathan M. Jensen and Noel P. Johnston
Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science and University of Oxford
Downloads 203 (288,001)
Citation 4



Resource Curse, Political Risk, Foreign Direct Investment, Reputation


Pass the Bucks: Investment Incentives as Political Credit-Claiming Devices Evidence from a Survey Experiment

Number of pages: 50 Posted: 02 Sep 2010
Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science, Duke University, Political Science, Washington University in St. Louis and Washington University in St. Louis
Downloads 174 (330,887)
Citation 4



FDI, Tax Incentives, MNC, multi-national corporations, survey experiment, US governors


Field Experiments in Strategy Research

IZA Discussion Paper No. 8705
Number of pages: 65 Posted: 30 Dec 2014
Duke University - Fuqua School of Business, Brigham Young University - Department of Political Science, Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science, Columbia University - Columbia Business School, Management and Brigham Young University
Downloads 173 (332,560)
Citation 11



field experiments, research methods, culture, liability of foreignness, foreign direct investment, strategy research, corporate culture


Rent(s) Asunder: Sectoral Rent Extraction Possibilities and Bribery by Multi-National Corporations

APSA 2011 Annual Meeting Paper
Number of pages: 47 Posted: 01 Aug 2011 Last Revised: 29 Nov 2011
Syracuse University - Department of Political Science, Duke University, Political Science and Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science
Downloads 173 (332,560)



Corruption, Bribery, Rents, Foreign Direct Investment, Multi-National Corporations, World Trade Organization, Restrictions, List Question, FDI, MNC, UCT, WTO


Unbundling the Relationship between Authoritarian Legislatures and Political Risk

Unbundling the Relationship between Authoritarian Legislatures and Political Risk. British Journal of Political Science, available on CJO2013. doi:10.1017/S0007123412000774.
Number of pages: 58 Posted: 30 Sep 2013
Nathan M. Jensen, Edmund J. Malesky and Stephen J. Weymouth
Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science, Duke University, Political Science and Georgetown University - Department of Strategy/Economics/Ethics/Public Policy
Downloads 171 (335,944)
Citation 1



authoritarian institutions, legislatures, investment, property rights, contract risk


The Silence of Corruption: Identifying Underreporting of Business Corruption Through Randomized Response Techniques

World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 5696
Number of pages: 36 Posted: 20 Apr 2016
Nathan M. Jensen and Aminur Rahman
Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science and World Bank
Downloads 168 (341,187)



Public Sector Corruption & Anticorruption Measures, Bankruptcy and Resolution of Financial Distress, Social Accountability, Corruption & Anticorruption Law, Poverty Monitoring & Analysis


Policy Diffusion or Insulation? Global Policy Choices and American Public Opinion

Number of pages: 37 Posted: 07 Feb 2011
Nathan M. Jensen, René Lindstädt and Justin Leinaweaver
Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science, University of Birmingham and Drury University
Downloads 159 (357,448)



Globalization, Diffusion, Learning, Social Learning, Policy Transfer, Room to Maneuver, Party Identification, Tax Policy, Environmental Policy, Trade Policy, Survey, Survey Experiment, Public Opinion, United States, CCES


Heard Melodies are Sweet, but Those Unheard are Sweeter: Understanding Corruption Using Cross-National Firm-Level Surveys

World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 4413
Number of pages: 32 Posted: 20 Apr 2016
Nathan M. Jensen, Quan Li and Aminur Rahman
Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science, Pennsylvania State University and University College London
Downloads 153 (369,046)
Citation 8



Public Sector Corruption & Anticorruption Measures, Microfinance, Access to Finance, Poverty Monitoring & Analysis, Social Accountability


International Institutions and Market Expectations: Stock Price Responses to the WTO Ruling on the 2002 U.S. Steel Tariffs

Number of pages: 40 Posted: 13 Dec 2005
Nathan M. Jensen
Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science
Downloads 149 (377,156)



World Trade Organization, Tariffs, Trade, Steel, Protectionism


Depoliticizing Policy Reform: Non-Partisan Expert Cues and Public Opinion Change on Financial Regulation

Number of pages: 33 Posted: 26 Sep 2011
Nathan M. Jensen and René Lindstädt
Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science and University of Birmingham
Downloads 130 (419,936)



Globalization, Financial Crisis, Banking Crisis, Financial Reform, Banking Reform, Public Opinion, Heuristics, Information Processing, Cues, Experts, Policy Preferences, Preference Change, Mass Behavior, Survey Experiment, Survey, United States, CCES


Evaluating Firm-Specific Location Incentives: An Application to the Kansas PEAK Program

Number of pages: 13 Posted: 02 May 2014
Nathan M. Jensen
Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science
Downloads 76 (602,744)
Citation 1



job creation, kansas, kansas city, policy, incentives, economic development


Chasing the Firm or Rewarding the Partisans? Domestic Responses to International Tax Competition

Number of pages: 28 Posted: 17 Nov 2009
Nathan M. Jensen and René Lindstädt
Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science and University of Birmingham
Downloads 56 (703,392)



Independent Actor or Agent? An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of US Interests on IMF Conditions

Journal of Law & Economics, Vol. 50, No. 1, 2007
Posted: 10 Jan 2006
Axel Dreher and Nathan M. Jensen
Heidelberg University and Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science



IMF, conditionality, elections, UN General Assembly voting compliance

Independent Actor or Agent? An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Us Interests on IMF Conditions

Swiss Institute for Business Cycle Research (KOF) Working Paper No. 118
Posted: 08 Feb 2006
Axel Dreher and Nathan M. Jensen
Heidelberg University and Washington University in St. Louis - Department of Political Science



IMF, conditionality, elections, UN General Assembly voting compliance