Alex Zarifis

University of Southampton

Southampton Business School


United Kingdom

University of Cambridge - Cambridge Judge Business School

Trumpington St.

Cambridge, CB21AG

United Kingdom









“  Dr Alex Zarifis has taught and carried out research at several universities including the University of Cambridge, the University of Manchester and the University of Mannheim. He also participated in creating and delivering the first university module on blockchain technologies in the world. He has worked on large projects at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Loughborough University. He obtained his PhD from the University of Manchester. His research interests include e-business, Fintech, artificial intelligence, trust, information privacy, blockchain and the sharing economy. Dr Zarifis has published extensively on trust in e-commerce. His research has explored the role of trust in various aspects of e-business including: The level of trust needed for different business models in the sharing economy, the impact of ransomware attacks on trust, how trust develops in online collaboration, online collaborative learning and multi-channel retail.  ”

Scholarly Papers (18)


Exploring Consumers’ Response to Text-Based Chatbots in E-commerce: The Moderating Role of Task Complexity and Chatbot Disclosure

Cheng, X., Bao, Y., Zarifis, A., Gong, W. & Mou, J. (2021) ‘Exploring consumers' response to text-based chatbots in e-commerce: The moderating role of task complexity and chatbot disclosure’, Internet Research. Available from:
Number of pages: 22 Posted: 19 Aug 2021
Renmin University of China, affiliation not provided to SSRN, University of Southampton, affiliation not provided to SSRN and Pusan National University - College of Business
Downloads 280 (211,354)
Citation 4



Text-based chatbot, Trust, Consumers’ response, Task complexity, Identity disclosure


Evaluating the New AI and Data Driven Insurance Business Models for Incumbents and Disruptors: Is there Convergence?

Zarifis A. & Cheng X. (2021) 'Evaluating the New AI and Data Driven Insurance Business Models for Incumbents and Disruptors: Is there Convergence?', 24th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2021), pp.199-208. Available from:
Number of pages: 10 Posted: 08 Jul 2021
Alex Zarifis and Xusen Cheng
University of Southampton and Renmin University of China
Downloads 225 (262,179)



Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Business Model, Insurance


A Model of Trust in Ethereum Token ‘Ether’ Payments, TRUSTEP

Zarifis A. (2023) ‘A Model of Trust in Ethereum Token ‘Ether’ Payments, TRUSTEP’ Businesses, vol.3, no.4, pp.534-547. Available from:
Number of pages: 14 Posted: 06 Nov 2023
Alex Zarifis
University of Southampton
Downloads 139 (399,317)



trust, cryptocurrency, Ethereum, Ether, payment, digital currency, Bitcoin, Fintech, DeFi


A Model of Trust in Fintech and Trust in Insurtech: How Artificial Intelligence and the Context Influence it

Zarifis A. & Cheng X. (2022) ‘A model of trust in Fintech and trust in Insurtech: How Artificial Intelligence and the context influence it’, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, vol. 36, pp.1-20. Available from:
Number of pages: 7 Posted: 19 Oct 2022
Alex Zarifis and Xusen Cheng
University of Southampton and Renmin University of China
Downloads 104 (496,820)



Fintech, Insurtech, Artificial Intelligence, Trust, Finance, Insurance


The five emerging business models of Fintech for AI adoption, growth and building trust

Zarifis A. & Cheng X. (2023) ‘The five emerging business models of Fintech for AI adoption, growth and building trust’. In Zarifis A., Ktoridou D., Efthymiou L. & Cheng X. (ed.) Business digital transformation: Selected cases from industry leaders, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.73-97. https://doi
Number of pages: 25 Posted: 20 Dec 2023
Alex Zarifis and Xusen Cheng
University of Southampton and Renmin University of China
Downloads 80 (586,575)



Fintech, business model, Finance, Artificial Intelligence, AI, trust, digital transformation, information systems


The Six Ways to Build Trust and Reduce Privacy Concern in a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

Zarifis A. & Cheng X. (2023) ‘The six ways to build trust and reduce privacy concern in a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)’. In Zarifis A., Ktoridou D., Efthymiou L. & Cheng X. (ed.) Business digital transformation: Selected cases from industry leaders, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.115-138. h
Number of pages: 24 Posted: 20 Dec 2023
Alex Zarifis and Xusen Cheng
University of Southampton and Renmin University of China
Downloads 51 (734,295)



Trust, Central Bank Digital Currency, CBDC, cryptoasset, cryptocurrency, blockchain, Fintech


Exploring the Language of the Sharing Economy: Building Trust and Reducing Privacy Concern on Airbnb in German and English

Zarifis, A., Ingham, R., & Kroenung, J. (2019). Exploring the Language of the Sharing Economy: Building Trust and Reducing Privacy Concern on Airbnb in German and English. Cogent Business & Management. DOI: 10.1080/23311975.2019.1666641
Number of pages: 15 Posted: 21 Sep 2019
Alex Zarifis, Richard Ingham and Julia Kroenung
University of Southampton, Richard Ingham and University of Mannheim
Downloads 50 (740,546)



Sharing economy, trust, privacy, Airbnb


Understanding Users’ Negative Emotions and Continuous Usage Intention in Short Video Platforms

Cheng X., Su X., Yang B., Zarifis A. & Mou J. (2023) ‘Understanding users’ negative emotions and continuous usage intention in short video platforms’, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, vol.58, 101244, pp.1-15.
Number of pages: 15 Posted: 15 Mar 2023
Xusen Cheng, Xiaowei Su, Bo Yang, Alex Zarifis and Jian Mou
Renmin University of China, Renmin University of China - School of Information, Renmin University of China - School of Information, University of Southampton and Pusan National University - College of Business
Downloads 41 (801,646)



Short video, Flow theory, Illusion of control theory, Mixed research, Negative emotion, Continuous usage intention


Investigating the impact of IT-mediated information interruption on emotional exhaustion in the workplace

Cheng X., Bao Y. & Zarifis A. (2020). Investigating the impact of IT-mediated information interruption on emotional exhaustion in the workplace, Information Processing and Management, vol.57, iss.6, pp.1-16.
Number of pages: 16 Posted: 12 Feb 2021
Alex Zarifis
University of Southampton
Downloads 41 (801,646)



IT-mediated information interruption, interruption overload, processing mechanism, emotional exhaustion


Evaluating If Trust and Personal Information Privacy Concerns Are Barriers to Using Health Insurance That Explicitly Utilizes AI

Zarifis A., Kawalek P. & Azadegan A. (2021). ‘Evaluating if Trust and Personal Information Privacy Concerns are Barriers to Using Health Insurance that Explicitly Utilizes AI’, Journal of Internet Commerce, vol.20, pp.66-83. Available from (open access):
Number of pages: 19 Posted: 12 Feb 2021
Alex Zarifis, Peter Kawalek and Aida Azadegan
University of Southampton, Alliance Manchester Business School and affiliation not provided to SSRN
Downloads 35 (848,032)
Citation 1



Artificial Intelligence, health, information privacy, insurance, trust


Can Global, Extended and Repeated Ransomware Attacks Overcome the User’s Status Quo Bias and Cause a Switch of System?

Zarifis A., Cheng X., Jayawickrama U. & Corsi S. (2021) ‘Can Global, Extended and Repeated Ransomware Attacks Overcome the User’s Status Quo Bias and Cause a Switch of System?’, International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector (IJISSS), vol.14, iss.1, pp.1-16. Available from: https
Number of pages: 16 Posted: 14 Oct 2021
University of Southampton, Renmin University of China, affiliation not provided to SSRN and Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa - Institute of Management
Downloads 32 (873,343)



Cybersecurity, E-Commerce, E-Loyalty, Inertia, Malware, Petya, Ransomware, Sodinokibi, Trust, WannaCry


Collaborative Consumption for Low and High Trust Requiring Business Models: From Fare Sharing to Supporting the Elderly and People with Disability

Zarifis A., Cheng X. & Kroenung J. (2019). Collaborative consumption for low and high trust requiring business models: From fare sharing to supporting the elderly and disabled, International Journal of Electronic Business, vol.15, no.1, pp.1-20. (Open access)
Number of pages: 20 Posted: 01 Apr 2021
Alex Zarifis, Xusen Cheng and Julia Kroenung
University of Southampton, Renmin University of China and University of Mannheim
Downloads 31 (882,038)



collaborative consumption; CC; sharing economy; service sharing; business model; BM; trust; e-government; healthcare; elderly; people with disability


Re-Evaluating Trust and Privacy Concerns When Purchasing a Mobile App: Re-calibrating for the Increasing Role of Artificial Intelligence

Zarifis, A.; Fu, S. Re-Evaluating Trust and Privacy Concerns When Purchasing a Mobile App: Re-calibrating for the Increasing Role of Artificial Intelligence. Digital 2023, 3, 286–299. 10.3390/digital3040018
Number of pages: 14 Posted: 13 Nov 2023
Alex Zarifis and Shixuan Fu
University of Southampton and University of International Business and Economics (UIBE)
Downloads 25 (937,298)



trust, information privacy, artificial intelligence, mobile commerce, mobile apps, big data


Sustainable digital transformation in finance, tourism, transport, entertainment and social innovation

Zarifis A., Efthymiou L. & Cheng X. (2023) ‘Sustainable digital transformation in finance, tourism, transport, entertainment and social innovation’. In Zarifis A., Ktoridou D., Efthymiou L. & Cheng X. (ed.) Business digital transformation: Selected cases from industry leaders, London: Palgrave Macmi
Number of pages: 16 Posted: 20 Dec 2023
Alex Zarifis, Leonidas Efthymiou and Xusen Cheng
University of Southampton, affiliation not provided to SSRN and Renmin University of China
Downloads 17 (1,020,993)



digital transformation, sustainability, business, finance, Fintech, Artificial Intelligence, AI

Downloads 16 (1,031,855)



Fintech, sustainability, trust, personal information privacy concern, privacy, vulnerability, finance, green finance, digital transformation, Insurtech


How to Build Trust in Answers Given by Generative Ai for Specific and Vague Financial Questions

Journal of Electronic Business & Digital Economics, 2024[10.1108/JEBDE-11-2023-0028]
Number of pages: 15 Posted: 25 Sep 2024
Alex Zarifis and Xusen Cheng
University of Southampton and Renmin University of China
Downloads 14 (1,053,963)



Trust, Privacy, Generative AI, AI, Large language models, LLM, Fintech, Finance, WealthTech Paper type Research paper


The Second Extended Model of Consumer Trust in Cryptocurrency Payments, CRYPTOTRUST 2

Number of pages: 11 Posted: 25 Sep 2024
Alex Zarifis and Shixuan Fu
University of Southampton and University of Science and Technology Beijing
Downloads 7 (1,130,899)



trust, cryptocurrency, digital currency, payment, FinTech, institutional trust, ethereum, bitcoin


A Model Reducing Researchers' Challenges in Projects: Build Trust First for Better Mental Health

Number of pages: 14 Posted: 25 Jul 2024
Alex Zarifis and Xusen Cheng
University of Southampton and Renmin University of China
Downloads 4 (1,164,128)



projects, research teams, leadership, trust, mental health