David Morrison-Love

University of Glasgow - School of Education

Lecturer in Technology Education

11 Eldon Street

Glasgow, G3 6NH

United Kingdom


University of Glasgow Educational Assessment Network

11 Eldon Street

Glasgow, G3 6NH

International Educational Assessment Network









Scholarly Papers (16)


Learning about Progression: CAMAU Research Report

Hayward, L. et al. (2018) CAMAU Project: Research Report (April 2018). Project Report. University of Glasgow, Glasgow.
Number of pages: 213 Posted: 06 Apr 2021
University of Glasgow, University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), University of Glasgow, University of Glasgow - School of Education, University of Glasgow, University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), Welsh Government, University of Glasgow, University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), University of Glasgow, University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), University of Glasgow, University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), University of Glasgow and University of Glasgow
Downloads 94 (531,496)



Learning Progression, Curriculum, Assessment, Wales


Learning Progression: Implications for Curriculum & Assessment

Deakin, G. et al. (2020) Learning Progression: Implications for Curriculum and Assessment. Documentation. International Educational Assessment Network.
Number of pages: 6 Posted: 18 Mar 2021
David Morrison-Love
University of Glasgow - School of Education
Downloads 71 (626,628)



Learning progression, curriculum, assessment, educational policy, professional learning


Rethinking Learner Progression for the Future

Deakin, G. et al. (2020) Rethinking Learner Progression for the Future. Discussion Paper. International Educational Assessment Network.
Number of pages: 9 Posted: 18 Mar 2021
David Morrison-Love
University of Glasgow - School of Education
Downloads 70 (631,342)



Learning progression, curriculum, assessment, educational policy, professional learning


Humanizing the Design and Technology Curriculum: Why Technology Education Makes Us Human

McLain, M., Irving, D., Wooff, D. and Morrison-Love, D. (2019) Humanising the design and technology curriculum: why technology education makes us human. Design and Technology Education: An International Journal, 24(2), pp. 8-19.
Number of pages: 12 Posted: 06 Apr 2021
Matt McLain, Dawne Irving-Bell, David Wooff and David Morrison-Love
Liverpool John Moores University, Edge Hill University, University of Sunderland and University of Glasgow - School of Education
Downloads 66 (650,987)



culture, design and technology, philosophy of technology, pragmatism, technology and society


Abridged International Perspectives of Technology Education and Its Connection to STEM Education

Wright, G. A., Reeves, E., Williams, J., Morrison-Love, D. , Patrick, F. , Gineste, J., Mammes, I. and Graube, G. (2018) Abridged international perspectives of technology education and its connection to STEM education. International Journal of Education, 10(4), 31 -56. (doi: 10.5296/ije.v10i4.13704)
Number of pages: 26 Posted: 06 Apr 2021
Brigham Young University - College of Engineering, Utah State University, Curtin University, University of Glasgow - School of Education, University of Glasgow, School of Education, Aix Marseille University, University of Duisburg-Essen and University of Duisburg-Essen
Downloads 66 (650,987)



Technology and Engineering Education (TEE); curriculum; policy; technological literacy; employment


Redeveloping Courses for Online Learning: A Short Paper for Sharing Ideas

Number of pages: 11 Posted: 21 Mar 2021
David Morrison-Love and Fiona Patrick
University of Glasgow - School of Education and University of Glasgow, School of Education
Downloads 59 (687,628)



COVID-19, online learning, course redesign, higher education, instructional design, pedagogy, andragogy


Design & Technology and Computer Science in the CAMAU Project: the Genesis of Learning Progression in the New Curriculum for Wales.

Morrison-Love, D. , Donaldson, P. and Barnes, J. (2019) Design & Technology and Computer Science in the CAMAU Project: the Genesis of Learning Progression in the New Curriculum for Wales. In: Pupils Attitudes Towards Technology Conference 2019 (PATT 37), Msida, Malta, 03-06 Jun 2019.
Number of pages: 14 Posted: 07 Apr 2021
David Morrison-Love, Peter Donaldson and Janine Barnes
University of Glasgow - School of Education, University of Glasgow and University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD)
Downloads 36 (839,690)



Learning Progression, Design & Technology, Computing Science, Curriculum for Wales, Research, Policy and Practice, CAMAU Project


So Far So Good: Building the Evidence Base to Promote a Successful Future for the Curriculum for Wales.

Hayward, L. et al. (2020) So Far So Good: Building the Evidence Base to Promote a Successful Future for the Curriculum for Wales. Project Report. University of Glasgow & Yr Athrofa.
Number of pages: 139 Posted: 18 Mar 2021
David Morrison-Love
University of Glasgow - School of Education
Downloads 28 (908,800)



Learning progression, curriculum, assessment, educational policy, professional learning


STEM Education in the Twenty-First Century: Learning at Work – An Exploration of Design and Technology Teacher Perceptions and Practices

Bell, D., Morrison-Love, D. , Wooff, D. and McLain, M. (2017) STEM education in the twenty-first century: learning at work - an exploration of design and technology teacher perceptions and practices. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, (doi:10.1007/s10798-017-9414-3)
Number of pages: 16 Posted: 07 Apr 2021
Dawne Bell, David Morrison-Love, David Wooff and Matt McLain
Lancaster University, University of Glasgow - School of Education, Edge Hill University and Liverpool John Moores University
Downloads 27 (918,138)
Citation 1



STEM, Professional learning, Twenty-first century skills, Design and technology


Bloom’s Taxonomy, Contexts and Task Challenge

Morrison-Love, D. (2013) Bloom’s taxonomy, contexts & task challenge. Researching Education Bulletin(4), pp. 15-17.
Number of pages: 4 Posted: 05 Apr 2021
David Morrison-Love
University of Glasgow - School of Education
Downloads 27 (918,138)



Blooms Taxonomy, Learning, Task Design, Contexts


How Technology Makes Us Human: Cultural Historical Roots for Design and Technology Education

McLain, M., Irving-Bell, D., Wooff, D., & Morrison-Love, D. (2019). How technology makes us human: cultural historical roots for design and technology education. The Curriculum Journal, 1-20. doi:10.1080/09585176.2019.1649163
Number of pages: 38 Posted: 07 Apr 2021
M. McLain, D. Irving-Bell, D. Wooff and David Morrison-Love
affiliation not provided to SSRN, affiliation not provided to SSRN, affiliation not provided to SSRN and University of Glasgow - School of Education
Downloads 21 (977,641)



culture; design and technology; philosophy of technology; pragmatism; technology and society


Towards a Transformative Epistemology of Technology Education.

Morrison-Love, D. (2017) Towards a transformative epistemology of technology education. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 51(1), pp. 23-37. (doi:10.1111/1467-9752.12226)
Number of pages: 27 Posted: 06 Apr 2021
David Morrison-Love
University of Glasgow - School of Education
Downloads 18 (1,009,775)



Technology Education, Transformation, Epistemology, Ontology


A Study of the Factors Affecting Perceptions of Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) in Young People

Canavan, Brian, Magill, Jane, and Love, David (2002) A Study of the Factors Affecting Perceptions of Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) in Young People. In: International Conference on Engineering Education, 18-22 Aug 2002, Manchester, UK.
Number of pages: 6 Posted: 05 Apr 2021
Brian Canavan, Jane Magill and David Morrison-Love
University of Glasgow, University of Glasgow and University of Glasgow - School of Education
Downloads 16 (1,031,570)



Education, SET, Outreach, Young People, Gender


Analysing Design and Technology as An Educational Construct: An Investigation into Its Curriculum Position and Pedagogical Identity

Bell, D., Wooff, D., McLain, M., and Morrison-Love, D. (2017) Analysing design and technology as an educational construct: an investigation into its curriculum position and pedagogical identity. Curriculum Journal, (doi:10.1080/09585176.2017.1286995)
Number of pages: 28 Posted: 06 Apr 2021
Dawne Bell, David Wooff, Matt McLain and David Morrison-Love
Edge Hill University, Edge Hill University, Liverpool John Moores University and University of Glasgow - School of Education
Downloads 15 (1,042,518)



STEM; subcultures; subject knowledge; pedagogic identity; curriculum development; curriculum theory; design and technology


Mediated Support for Learning Enhancement (ELLI: Effective Life Long Learning Inventory)

McMahon, Margery, Morrison-Love, David, and Deakin-Crick, Ruth (2006) Mediated Support for Learning Enhancement (ELLI) (Effective Lifelong Learning Inventory). Other. The Higher Education Academy.
Number of pages: 14 Posted: 05 Apr 2021
Ruth Deakin-Crick, Margery McMahon and David Morrison-Love
University of Bristol, University of Glasgow and University of Glasgow - School of Education
Downloads 15 (1,042,518)



student support, learning, mediated learning, learning inventory, study skills, lifelong learning


Promoting Transfer and An Integrated Understanding for Pre-Service Teachers of Technology Education

Morrison-Love, D. (2014) Promoting transfer and an integrated understanding for pre-service teachers of technology education. Global Education Review, 1 (4). pp. 15-36. ISSN 2325-663X
Number of pages: 23 Posted: 06 Apr 2021
David Morrison-Love
University of Glasgow - School of Education
Downloads 11 (1,086,721)



learning transfer, problem solving, teacher education, technology education, pre-service teachers